Chereads / Black cloves / Chapter 4 - My Message.

Chapter 4 - My Message.

Hello everyone my question is how long have the demons of this country will keep on holding you hostage? They use and abuse you because your a common person, well let me tell you people of this country there is no such word as common, thay said thay don't treat us differently but then why is there such word as common referring to us why? I only have tree questions you like how the demons are treating you?

2. Don't you wona live a normal life?

3. how was my speach?

If you object eny of the above please join me we will make it better together.

T... T.. That was brilliant Dema sir:menda

I.. It was goood : Sara

Mmmm: Alliya

Yess now its time to move out.


Today the views join me tonight there was a black out and what seems to be a terrorist sending his message there is a war happening around us its out of the government control : News reporter.

So tell me who do you choose this new opperasion or the government? : news reporter.

People Comment.

I hat the government there new name is the demons!

The answer is clear.




... ...


Over 44 million comments.

My server is at 200 million users already in over a week.

President announcement : please do not study this crazy message its just bunch of nonsense clearly someone is trying to ruin me and the government please settle down.

Sir I think the president is trying to dam you: Manda

Clearly! : Alliya

C... C... Come guyes do you realy think Dema will be defeated so easy : Sara

Well I have nothing to say am living the life rich with Mr. Dema: Menca.

Shut it you slut!! : Alliya.

But what did I say wrong? Dema said we can injoy: Menca.

Look even so Mr. Dema did not bring us here to play we have a job even if he did not call you your here in his.... You know what just work: Manda.

Find but I will do my best so Mr. Dema will choose me over you all : Menca.

Good look with that because I think Mr. Dema likes snipers : Alliya.

No he likes assault clearly: Manda.

A.. A.. Am I think he likes nerds and cumputers and stuff: Sara.


Hello again everyone as you can see the president is trying to lie again in his speech he speaks of himself and the government nothing off you he says am trying to dam him and the government, that is true because he cares nothing off you so I have heard all of your answers already thank you.


Why are you girls arguing? : Dema

Nothing sir : Alliya

Are we just..... :manda.

Shut it! : Menca

S. S. S. Sir am how was your speech? : Sara

Waw Sara you always serprise attack me, it was great : Dema

Tryin to get a head start on us Sara : Alliya, manca, Manda.

Huh? : Dema.

Well I will leave you ladies here in safe hands : Dema.

Serprise Attack next chapter.