I was adding the last spice to my dish when the manager called my name,ahh someone can't do his job in peace now...
"Hey Danny boy" Mr Joe called entering the kitchen.
"Mr Joe" I didn't pay him any attention sef,I don't know what his problem is now,just disturbing my life.
"Ahh how are you D,I can see you are at this your special number twenty five dish again" he said getting closer to me.
"I thought that was what I was employed for,abhi if I don't cook what else should I come and do in this hotel nah." I told him jokingly.
He laughed "ahh yeah,I just came to tell you that you should hurry up with this you know this particular dish is always on high demand" yes said seriously.
"Yeah am almost done Mr Joe" I told him covering up the food to steam.
" Ok then good luck" with that he left.
Once the food was done I packaged it and send it out.
Ohh gosh am tired.i removed my apron and sat down intending to rest a little.
Ring ring...
My phone rings,I groaned who's this again.
Ohh it's precious.
"Hello baby" she said
"Hey doll what up" I asked her.
"Ahh nothing much just missed you and wanted to hear your voice again,and besides I know you missed me too right" she said
"Yeah I do miss you babe and I wish you were here" I said to her
"Ohh danny I will drop by at your place tonight what you think"she said