Yang started to say his goodbye but Ayrie still want to keep him saying;
*Why do you need to leave if you're just going to read? I'm already done in my preparations to be free on these two days so I can help you to learn faster.
This saint's action is so obvious but Yang ignored it and said;
*Your beauty will only distract me and can't focus at all so it's better to read alone. Don't worry, it's just two days and we'll see each other again. And at that time, I will tell you everything you want to know.
Now that the man said it, she was reluctant to agree.
After telling them the meeting place, left with her four beautiful guards directly because she received a message spell telling her to return home quickly.
Of course as a son of a Sci-Tech mother, Yang let this saint keep a beacon in order for him to be able to locate her.
Also said goodbye to his new wife and want her to clean the mess they caused alone; but become clingly and want to go with him.
In the end, this elder got the responsibility to clean everything,,, regretting that she didn't step in just now and be able to reach the state of nirvana like the others.
Outside the guild...
*Alright, now that you chose to accompany me, lead the way to the place where I can gain information. I'm sure you have that here.
Wasn't easy to agree and still want to;
*Why,,, how come you look too ignorant and want to read that much? Don't tell me you're been in isolation for a long time and just came out lately?
To put the matter simplier, Yang went to;
*Well, we can put it that way. Just think that I missed many years of progress and need to cope up with it by reading the records of events that had already happened.
Finally was convinced for this new wife to lead the way.
Like in Hollow Universe, there's a place similar to a library on Earth but you need to pay a prize, depends on the information you want to know.
Because the man just asked for those general knowledge and not that kind of top secret information, didn't spent much or should I say didn't spend any sheet because his new wife named Deya paid everything.
Yang didn't expect that with just a few spells, acquired the knowledge that he seek in an instant.
Seeing that it's very easy to learn, went to choose several cheap records and let Deya pay everything once again.
Noticing that this husband was not after for those events from the past years instead, it's all about the universe they live in which he should already know, she can't help to think of a possibility: that he's from another Universe.
This wife become more suspicious when she realized that his drifter mark is on his face, similar to their patron gods and goddesses.
It took a few minutes for Yang to completely process everything and noticed the way Deya look at him.
*What's wrong with that face again?
It good she was asked for her to;
*Don't think I'm dumb not to see that you're not from here at all that's why you seek knowledge about this place. I don't care who you are🎶, where you from, what you do, you just need to be honest with me.
Now that this wife guessed right, there's no need to be low-key anymore and said;
*It's true that I'm not from this place and found a portal to come here,,, looking my way back home. I just came from another universe and here I am to another unfamiliar one, hoping to finally find a way to return in my birth place.
Deya heard this and wasn't surprise at all,,, obviously a common thing in their place.
Want to know more about the male being she accepted as her husband for her to;
*Then tell me more about yourself. Although I have this character, I still put importance of this matter.
Same with the man, went hold her hand saying;
*Let's talk on the way heading to the South. I just learned that they are good in Technology and let them fix something for me before the raid.
Having nothing to do to the coming days, Deya went to agree.
They just took a few steps when suddenly;
*Mother,,, who is he?
Like mother like daughter, the tone is strong and domineering; but has a a beautiful face in contrast to the character.
Seen by her daughter hand in hand with a male being, there's no reason to explain and directly;
*I chose him to be my husband.
Upon hearing the words, this daughter can't help to;
*Husband, how about my father?
And was just directly;
*What about your father? How old are you not to understand our situation. It's just an agreement for you to be born in this world. Alright, stop acting like a child and come with us to the South. Do you always nag me to go there? Now it's your chance so don't talk anymore and follow us.
Said the words and really went to pull Yang to leave.
This daughter didn't make trouble anymore and went to follow,,, happy to finally visit the place that drifters are not welcome.
It's good there's a daughter for her to drive the vehicle as Deya and Yang talk on the way.
The man didn't tell the specific place he came from but openly told this new wife the estimated number of the female being that he falk in order to reach his current strength; and also the number of her felllow wife out there.
The numbers shocked her and she need to process for a few moments before;
*I never expect for such a being like you to exist. Of course there are those who are also different but to mate continuously for several years, I never heard another being to do it; only just a few days.
As usual, the man give credits to her mother and want to say it when...