"Stay way from her!" Yelled Lucas, gaining the Lord's attention.
The smile that usually marred Lucas' face was nowhere to be seen.
The lord raised a brow when he saw how Dylan held his little sister protectively in his arms.
"Dylan, send her to her room. I leave her in your care." The lord said shocking Lucas to his very core.
"No!" Lucas said adamantly.
Lucas stood up with his hand that was still in healing process.
"Don't!" Warned Dylan when he saw Lucas coming towards him.
Lucas scoffed before throw a punch at Dylan who dodged it.
"Enough Lucas!" Said the lord staring at his brother and the boy he had brought home a few years ago.
Lucas ignored his brother continuing to attack Dylan who moved swiftly across the room still holding Gina in his arms.
The Lords eye met Dylan's within the shortest moment and that small nod was enough for Dylan to fight back.
The shadow that was beneath Dylan began to grow bigger, swallowing everything in its part, making Lucas jump back with gritted teeth.
The damn boy! Cursed Lucas staring at the smoke that had circled Dylan protectively.
The Lord's brows furrowed when he noticed the lack of a shadow beneath his brother.
He stared at the dark creature that stood behind Dylan ready to dip it's smoky hand into Dylan's back on his master's command.
Lucas stared at the ghoul that was behind Dylan ready to pull out his heart if he wanted.
The ghoul was a part of him. A creature of the dark that had attempted to steal his soul. A parasite of the soul that he used to his advantage.
The smoky hand of the blood red creature dipped into Dylan's back where his heart was positioned.
Lucas saw how his little sister snuggled closer to Dylan and with one look at the ghoul, it retracted its hand making Dylan cough out blood.
Luna stared at the seen in silence. Everything happened so fast and she was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that the supposed ordinary coachman was not so ordinary.
And with the way he held Gina it was obvious he had romantic feelings toward Gina.
And what was that smoky thing behind Dylan? questioned Luna.
Things were taking a wild turn and she had to make sure she held on tight or only God knows where she will end up at.
The ghoul moved to Lucas, its body floating without its leg touching the ground.
But then, Luna wondered if it even had legs.
Disappearing near Lucas, Luna came to see his shadow reappearing.
Dylan gave a nod at the lord who returned it before he turned to leave with Gina who was still unconscious.
Luna noticed the wound that had been formed by that thing was already healed.
"We have to get your wounds covered." Abigail said, coming to crouch beside Lucas.
For the first time she saw he had no smile on his face or mischief in his eyes.
"We will be going." Said Lucas before he followed Abi out of the study leaving Luna and the lord behind.
The room was silent with only the sound of the drops of blood fromghe Lord's arm hitting the cold floor.
"Do you have a first aid box in hear?" She asked, finally breaking the silence.
"Its over there." He pointed to one of the drawers,"let me go get it." He said
"Don't" Said Luna," You've already stained the floor with your blood. Let be get it."
Luna checked the drawer the Lord had pointed to. Pulling out a bright red box she walked to where the lord stood watching her keenly.
"Sit." Her soft voice reached his ear and he did as she said.
Taking a seat next to the lord she gently dabbed the wound with a dry cotton that filled itself with the red blood.
Dipping a piece of the cotton in the bottle that had contained a clear liquid, she pressed it against his wound expecting him to flinch but he didn't.
He sat still like a statue with only his eyes following her movements.
"What do we do about the bullet?" Luna asked starring at the bullet that still sizzled in the Lord's arm.
"You can use this." He used his good hand to point at a tool that could be used to remove the remains of the bullet.
She took the thing that looked like a scissors, already having an idea of what to has it for she dipped it into the wound.
Taking hold of the bullet she gently pulled it out for more blood to sip out of the wound.
She repeated the process of cleaning the wound before she wrapped it with a bandage.
"Thank you." Nicholas said after Luna stood up to leave.
"Don't you have any questions. I mean what happened a few minutes ago"
Luna paused her footsteps. Now that he mentioned it, she did have a lot of questions.
"Why did you and Lucas shoot yourselves?"
"We wanted to check how good they were. It was a gift from my cousin." Nicholas explained taking a look at the large box that were filled with weapons.
He had to admit his cousin's wife had dome an excellent job in creating the formula for the bullets.
"What was that thing behind the coachman?"
"Dylan?" The lord asked to receive a nod from Luna.
"It is a ghoul. A creature of the dead. One that is interested in harvesting souls it finds precious. It tried to take I and Lucas' soul but it couldn't. Now we control them."
Wait, them? There's more of it? questioned Luna to herself. Did that mean the lord also has one.
"Can I see it? The ghoul." She asked.
"Curious thing aren't you? Always wanting to see everything." He said with a serene expression on his face.
His sharp ears had heard the conversion she had with Gina about her fangs. No that he was eavesdropping on their conversation, his ears were just too sensitive, not that he minded either.
"You called for me?" Luna felt her heart jump when she head the whispered voice someone or something behind her.
She turned to see a smoky creature behind her. A smoky red light making up its eyes. The creature towered over her as it was much taller than she was.
The creatures head turn to her which made her heart thud against her chest.
It took a step toward her and she took two back.
"You're scaring her Cross." The lord spoke gaining the creatures attention.
"You care for her." Came the creatures voice that filled the room with its whispers.
By the way it voice was rushed it seemed like it wasn't pleased with the Lord's affection toward Luna.
Luna stared at the creature the lord had called Cross, wondering what it meant and why it appeared to be angry.
Nicholas' eyes narrowed at the creature before him when it pointed it finger at Luna.
"Stay away from him!" Warned the creature, its voice still a whisper.
"Cross!" Scolded the lord. He could hear the Luna's heart beat which was faster than usual.
Luna took a step away from the creepy thing that didn't seem to like her very much.
It happened so fast that the next thing she knew was that the creature had wrapped its hand around her neck and had lifted her high enough for one to question if she was that light or if the creature was just too strong.
The creature turned to the lord, its red eyes zeroing at the bandage that was wrapped around its master's arm.
Luna gasped for air when the creature let go of her neck. Rubbing her hand on her neck that had become red.
"Are you alright?" The lord asked coming to standing behind her. She nodded her head, taking his help to stand up.
Luna looked up to see the thing that had tried to kill her had disappeared leaving behind a light hue.
"Thank you." She said taking the glass of water the lord had passed to her.
"He doesn't seem to like you." The lord staring at the place the creature stood before it disappeared.
"That I can tell." Luna said with a sigh.
"Is Lucas' ghoul also that ..." Luna trailed, looking for the right word to explain the Lord's ghoul.
"Hostile?" Luna nodded.
"No he isn't. Unlike Cross, Blaze is much meeker. Obeying every word Lucas told. Don't worry, he will warm up to you." The Lord said trying to ease her errant nerves.
"Want about Dylan?" Luna went on to asked more questions.
"Dylan is a special case. He is something that doesn't happen too often. He is a gifted human being. He has the ability to create a void that consumes every thing he wants it to. He is still learning to control it which is why I was a bit surprised when he maneuvered it so well when fighting with Lucas."
Luna nodded her head, the information she had acquired slowly sinking into her mind.