NARRATOR:As Kawasaki's mother told him to leave Kawasaki was scared he didn't know what to do and he carried on crying and hugged his mother told her good bye Kawasaki ran and ran as far as he could and then....
Kawasaki:damm it I'm so stupidd why did I leave why did I leave?dam I wont make it out of here its to large and here is nothing her dam
Nether lord:....
Kawasaki:where do I go.Whattt how did u get hear eerrer am I going to die is this the end for me
Nether lord clone:Stupid boy you think you can escape this land hahahahaha dont try there is a bunch of monsters there so you cant escape after all you are weak and I dont realy care about weak children like you as you can see your other siblings is already out and about and strong mana.after all Im only using a clone of mine
Kawasaki:what do i do dam I cant move one bit is it his mana.
Kawasaki:plsssss Im begging you let meee out of this horrible place plsss and let me take my mother with mee
Nether lord Clone:hahahaha foolish child let me tell you this now when you out of this place you gone forever your mother was also a weak person after all so i can understand she will die eventually hahahahahah!stupid kid
Nether lord:so I see you cant move or speak just by a clone thats how weak you are boy
NARRATOR:The chat between Kawasaki and The Nether lord has ended and Kawasaki could do anything but then the Nether lords clone touched Kawasaki's head and he fell down instantly and the Nether lord said this
Nether Lord Clone:From today you no more my son you will get hunted down and killed by your other siblings so if they kill you outside the Nether I will give them power hahahaha
Nether lord clone:This will be fun wont it๐
To be continued