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the ascension of D.A.O

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humans and demons have always been in constant war with each other, with both side suffering severe loses. it was until the recent great war against on of the strongest demon lord, the humans finally won against the demons, but at lost of humanity final hope, "the saints of D.A.O" who managed to seal the demon lord, to a place where the moon does not rise, nor set. the humans finally had peace; with the disappearance of the demons.. or so it seems. present day: "run run! demons, run away!" a man shouted in fright, as the crowd fled away from a disfigured man; who had flames blazing out of his mouth and eyes and with the scent of burnt flesh radiating from him. "h-help m-me p-please!" "get away from m-me... my skin, it burns!" the man; who leading the people away from the demon man.... was now turning into one. "h-hel..ahhHH!" "h-he is turning into a demon... w-what is going on!" the people were all frighten by this, but just before they could run for their lives. the now turned man, had glared at the with flaming horns on his forehead. "uka...gen...naka... aga..ginara..." "your people sealed us away... but now you all shall burn." the demon growl, as it released a large torrent of fire, which had burnt away the whole village...... they are back... to burn away the peace that humanity had restored... the peace that D.A.O had fought for... hell no.

Chapter 1 - CHAPTER 1: nothing last forever…. Even peace.

10 Years Ago....

In a meeting room

"Sir… we got informed that a large number of demons are brutally harming the humans and at this case, it calls for terminal 1 troop" a female voice reported to a man in a black modern mercenary suit, along with some other top officials within a conference room, with a life hologram of the city.

"Send them out immediately, before it gets out of hand… I can't still believe that there is another outbreak of those beast… after 500 years, they dare come back to the face of this earth" a male voice commanded, void of any emotions in his tone and expression, as all the others in the room had agreed on this.

"Though, it seems that there are even more in numbers… I suggest we send out terminal 2, 3 and 8, in order to neutralize them." one of the members suggested, not wanting to take any risk.

"Yes sir" the female voice replied with a bow following fort, but soon running out of the room to execute their orders.


[In the city]

"RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!" a bold, cracking voice of a man; who was running away shouted. But then all of a sudden, his head was chopped up by a large demonic looking creature that possessed large fangs and had a huge physic, compared to the size of a family car. These entities were everywhere attacking people close by this area; some were being swayed away in the air.

"Mum, dad… where are you…?" A little child shouted while crying loudly in solemn, Until the sound of power bikes were heard from afar, by the time the sound got closer, the people's tears faded away and what was written on their faces were smiles from seeing some group of people dressed in black attacking the demonic entities, reducing their numbers; while saving so of the civilians nearby.

"They're here to save us!" A man with tears in eyes started jubilating, being able to escape from a demons attack that was stopped by one of those mysterious people.

"We are saved now" A woman said while holding her crying baby. As the mysterious figures got closer, the some on bike jumped down running leaving his bike running, as it immediately turn into dark smokes and vanishing in an instant.

"You demons sure don't have any manners" the assassin said in a non-chanted attitude, jumping into the air, shooting a demon at once with his two guns with three holes at in each gun making six bullets piercing through different location and the demon fell down.

"Aaaaahhh!!" The demon roared out in rage, as a girl in a tight combat suit and seems to be around the age of a teenager. With a height of 5.5 feet, but seems to be very skilled. Flew through the air; used her sonic scream powers to burst the demon into pieces which landed everywhere and even hit a man's face. She took one of the pieces of flesh from the demon, looking at it with a smirk on her face; putting it in a jar "I think the boss will like my present" She giggled, throwing it into the air, as it disappeared into thin air; while flying off to handle some of the demons still out there.

A guy was running on a pretty high building, heading towards an alley… where he saw a demon taking a girl away, holding her by the legs and seems to be trying to devour her. He jumped high in towards the scene, till he was now close on top the demon; which was unaware of his appearance, using his leg to crush the demon's head into pieces of flesh… and like that, the demon's corpse then turn in dark smoke and had vanished into thin air, making the girl land on the floor safely.

"Thank you" the lady replied, wide a grateful smile on her face. But due to the girl dressing; which she wore a red v-top, that exposed her cleavage to him and it seemed to be tight along her body. As the man's eyes were glued on her breast the whole time and a blush had screened his face; he was lost in his thought, being mesmerized by the woman's 'orbs', making the girl he saved to run away, trying to reach to a safer spot. This jilted the man back to reality.

"I….was…. about … to …. Ask… for" he stammered, when he was suddenly hit by a demon, making him to land on the floor abruptly. An assassin used his sword; which had the descriptions of a Japanese old katana, as he swung it in a slashing motion, to cut the demon into half; he kicked the demon pieces away from his friend while helping him to get up… as the demon's body instantly turned to dust and was blown away by the wind.

"Hmp can't even stay focused for a bit, without getting distracted by women, huh arin. Hahahaha" the second assassin laughed, mocking arin; while placing his sword back into his hoist.

"So what" the first assassin said angrily, making his way towards the street "Sheesh just because we're assassins, doesn't mean our eyes are always in the shadows, that my friend was light… besides don't you have a job to do."

"Okay chill" The second assassin laughed, jumping on top of a nearby building edge. "Though I can say the same thing for you too arin."

The mercenaries managed to subdue the demon out, and we're able to restore order back to the city. It didn't take time till all the demons were all eradicated and just as they came; the mercenaries had vanished into thin air… avoiding any question from the press and the public.


{Max p.o.v}

We were all gathered in a conference that had round table just placed at the center of the room, that accommodate about 7 individual, and those 7 individual are as well-known as 'the seven king's men.' To put it in short… these are the specially selected few of elites, which were chosen to govern the whole operations of the one pillar that ensures the safety of humanity… from demons. Beings of terror and horror, no one knows where they come from… but all we know was that they were pest, that have terrorized humanity right from the mid-ages… and it seems… that they have returned, and have decide to plague the earth with their sudden presence.

'after 500 years… after the great crusade… after the large amount of lives that were lost to put an end to their tyranny, they have decide to claw back from the dark pits of hell to the face of the earth… not on our watch.' I tightened my fist tight, as everyone around me was feeling just how unease I was.

"I can't believe there are back from hell… there's no doubt that the city will feel their wrath." One of the seven king's men mentioned; who was currently staring at the city hologram, and had a stoic look on his face. "The city won't last; at this point… basically the demon really came out by an unexpected time."

"Demons are attacking the city!" a fierce female voice was heard, as she was shocked to hear about this news. "But they haven't been a demon attack in years… so technically the organization doesn't have enough recruits due to this… and we only have retired officers on hold."

"What do you think we should do then…" another female voice was heard. A loud voice overshadowed the other voices making everywhere silent.

"QUITE" a strict voice could be heard from a man sitting at the very center of the table; who had a gray-silver hair and a platinum eye colored iris. His very aura was enough to put everyone on edge… but what you expect… he is the head of the whole organization, though he doesn't make that make appearance in most of our meeting.

"I have deployed more men to be on the lookout for anything suspicious" he talked with a serious tone, answering every question they had. Not wanting to extend the time of the meeting, he made his way towards the door, being accompanied by his elites. But just before he made his way out of the room, he turns his head towards us, but was mostly glaring at me. "Its call for that we bring back the academy and restore the organization back to its formal glory… a new war has started… a new crusade."

And with that said, he left the room, heading back to his own sector… located who knows where.

"…. Hmmmm so it starts… after 5 generations of peace, hahaha the academy is back huh…. Well I gotta head back to my sector, who knows when those demons will strike." A red haired man, with strange black iris and the rest red, replied in haste, vanishing into thin air; leaving the meeting room.

A man with burnt orange hair with green eyes with a well-built body emerged from the darkness. "That being said, we all need to watch our various sectors. Who knows when those beasts could strike… we will end this meeting here".

As everyone was leaving the room, the man with the burnt orange hair tapped me on the shoulder, drawing my attention towards him. "Take it easy max… and nice one neutralizing the demon threat… though I suggest that you too should head back to your sector." and the man left the room. Leaving only me as I was thinking my wife appeared in my thoughts which made me call her.

" just when I was about to retire this shit."


In a house, with old Japanese house structure situated in the woods, but not that away from the city.

"Beep, beep, beep-beep, and clank" my phone could be heard from the kitchen, as I made my way there; picking up my phone to see who was calling me… and was I happy to see the person.

"…max… is that you?" A woman with brown hair and a pink iris, which also appears to be 5.2ft tall and has a slender body with an amazing figure and seems to be in her 30s, said with a spike of hope in her voice, raising the phone to her head.

"no it's dark Vader, of course it's me" I said with a sarcastic tone at first, but then with my normal tone. "Your husband… in case you forgot."

"honey… you really don't miss a chance to goof around huh… god help me" I face palmed at this, until I could hear a little boy at the age of 8; with brown hair like mine but has neon green colored tips, and iris running towards my direction. Wearing a goofy smile, that always reminds me of his father.

"Mum is that dad!" the boy exclaimed with an excited tone; clashing on me, but then hugging in return, as he stared at me with his neon blue eyes that always lighten up my mood.

"OH! Is that NATO on the phone" max asked me… loudly and would not stop shouting. "Put him on" he requested, with a pleading tone, that I couldn't resist ' sometimes I just don't know if he is a kid… but he is still my love after all, and nothing can change that.' I thought with a smile on my face, as I handed the phone to Nato.

Max p.o.v

"Hey dad! Are you coming back?" Nato exclaimed, waiting for an answer in anticipation…. Whoa he really misses me.

"I will son… I will soon okay, sooo how is my little man of the house huh "I replied, trying to cheer him up.

"oh the usual… hanging out with kura and shin… b-but I'm sad." He started with an excited tone at first… but then went to a saddened tone.

"Why" I asked worried… but I already knew what it was.

"Because you are not always around" he answers in solemn, which ached y heart to hear… what have I done… nato.

Everywhere was silent and the air was really choking for me, until I decided to talked, trying to ease the whole situation.

"You know what? I don't care what they say, I will see my son. I'm coming tomorrow; so tell your mom to whip me up some of my favorite food because I am eating the whole house" I exclaim, cheering up my son's mood in the process.

"Yessss! Thanks dad!" he said smiling, as there was no words that cold express just how happy he was…. His father was coming back home.

"Now hand the phone to your mom, would ya" I mentioned to him and he agrees, removing it from his ear.

"Mom here, dad told me to give you." I could hear him over the phone, as he handed the phone to his mom… good boy.

"How is everything over there" she asked me, as I could hear the anxiety in her voice… though I can't tell her about the current situation right now, it would just make her more worried, even if she already knows so much about it.

"Bad" I said lowering my head… after 500 hundred years of peace, those scum just had to come back and ruin it… but how.

"i-I saw the news… so it seems that those things numbers have increased…. I have never seen that much of them." she said sadly, still hanging on to the phone. "Though I understand that the organization takes care of those things, even most of the people don't even know that you guys are risking your lives out there… but this is just too much."

"Don't worry honey I am looking into it" I said trying to reassure my wife. "besides the organization has finally decided to take in new recruit again… after so many years, thinking that we won't need that much of us around… but it seems that this just proves us wrong."

" Just be careful okay" she demanded with a commanding tone. "Please…"

"Aye ma" I joked, making her laugh… I can never get tired of that sound.

"I love you" she mentioned in a loving tone.

"Well… I love you more" I replied, cutting the call and heading back to work.

"It is time to do this… for my family" I said walking out while adjusting my sleeves.


Nato p.o.v

Mom was in the kitchen cooking while singing as usual, which gave me the opportunity to sneak out of the house to meet shin and Kura outside.

"So we are sneaking out from our houses again… awesome" shin said smirking. "I feel like a ninja."

"First off… Yes we are, and already did" I said raising my eyebrow. "Second off… no you're not."

"Now we are going to be in so much trouble after this" Kura panicked, shaking her head from left to right, but me and shin just shrugged.

"You guys are babies" I said while running off to the nearby stream, close to the forest

"Yeah, says the one who still gets fed by his mom." shin mentioned with a teasing smirk on his face.

"low blow… low blow…well I don't care right now… last one to the river is going to buy us snacks" I shouted running faster, so that they won't catch up.

"Ohhh! You are on" shin and Kura both chorused, as they both chased after nato. As all of them smiled and headed towards the stream and enjoyed themselves... but will that smile last forever.