Chereads / THE PRIDE OF VIRGINITY / Chapter 2 - Chapter two

Chapter 2 - Chapter two

Zara. Shukra Mallam .

Mallam. Alhamdulillah. Your mission for you being here is for me to ask you some few questions and I will to you to be just at me.

Because your Father told me you are getting married and it is almost due now.

But what am I to ask you, I know you are my students and I trust you in my heart and before I could trust you totally I have to ask you about it.

The question is Do you know a man as you are now Marrying? "she panicked as she hear the question from her Mallam and she can't tell any lies to him, and she started shivering and tears too started coming out of her eyes"

Zara. Mallam..... "while crying seriously".

Mallam. You tell me and don't cry about what is wrong or what I said. Does it hurt you?

Zara pov. Mallam please forgive me "while crying" ... I'm .....I'm sorry... by mistakenly I ever. "Mallam was shocked for that and very surprised too"

Mallam. Ooh Zaratu why have you done that and look at all the advice I have been advising you people for a long time and its consequences,you didn't listen to me you turn everything into vain? Tell me who is that boy and how come you allow such a stupid thing to happened?.

Zara. I was having a relationship with this boy and..."she was talking while crying.....

She narrated the issue to his Mallam of what happened"

Mallam. Why didn't you tell me earlier even if you can't tell your parents but At least am your Mallam consult it to me now that is too late what can we do?

But is the boy still there in this town ?

Zara. I don't think so because since that day I promised not to see him nor answer his call.

But as far as I know their house, maybe he will be around.

Mallam. Now that you don't want your parents to know I want us to get up secretly and you will show me their house I will go and look for him.

Zara. Ok Mallam. " Zara directed him to the house but she stayed behind and he went inside the house".

"He did Taslim and they responded and he entered the house. They gave him a seat and greeted each other.

They ask of the boy whom he was looking for but they said they never heard of that name before.

They call out to their son to ask him for that boy's name, the son said the guy was his friend and the guy is now in jail for three years now. Mallam got shocked and he excused them and went out to call Zara, as Zara was entering the son recognized her and he regretted telling Mallam that he is a friend of that boy."

Mallam. Did you know this boy Zara?

Zara. Yes, that's his best friend. "Mallam narrates the issue to the mother and the mother grows annoyed with him, Saying so you have been bringing that boy here for this Satanic action?"

Mallam. Please exercise patients please all this is into our lives to teach us a lesson but let him explain what was their intention. "The boy told them that, his friend one-day told him that he can't be in a relationship with this girl and the girl too she loves him and he too he will not let the girl go free. So when he says that I said then he should marry her so that they can enjoy their relationship. But he said he doesn't have money to marry her but I should help him for one thing. That he will bring the girl here and have love with her and if Allah permits the girl will be pregnant and if she is pregnant, the parents will look for him and give the girl to him so that he will not expense too much on her. I refused but he told me to check his condition and let him do that.

So I agreed with him and that day my mom and dad went to the funeral and nobody was there so he brought the girl here and did that to her. But Mallam, I am sorry for all this. The girl Started crying again.

His mother grew annoyed again and again and because of Mallam she pretended to be patient."

Mallam. You see what you have now caused, now the girl is getting married and I am not going to be happy for that and my students never did that to me but you these Satanic boys swear everything on this girl to ruin her life. And now the boy cannot be nowhere to be found rather in prison.

Ok Mam take care of this your child and for now remember how you people will do in order for the girl to forgive them because you see her crying..

"Mallam did Taslim and went out with the girl. The mother stood up and caught his son and started... guess what happened".

Mallam and Zara went back to the house. Zara was seriously crying. Mallam spoke to her to stop crying.

Mallam. Zara gives glad tidings to Allah and prays to Allah to forgive you for that because He is Gafuroon Raheem. For now you can go home because tomorrow is the wedding day. But if you reach home, call your fiance for me.

Zara. Ok I will. Mallam, thank you very much jazakallahu khaira. Salamu Alaikum.

Mallam. Walaikum salam.

"Zara went out. When she got to the house she called Yahya saying her Mallam is after him. Zara's father is busy preparing for his daughter's wedding. The family start coming to the house.

Zara's mother told her not to go anywhere again.

Yahya went for Mallam's call.

He did Taslim and he responded."

Mallam. Welcome my son for replying to my call.

Yahya. Thank you May Allah guide us.

Mallam. It's been an important issue that I call you here because I heard you are the one going to marry my daughter. I mean my student.

And I am very grateful for that.

But now I want to test you with some Quran and Hadith questions and if you can answer them then you are really prepared for your Marriage.

"Mallam asked him the questions but luckily he answered all. There Mallam concludes that he doesn't know a woman at all."

Mallam. I know time is not on our side. You are busy preparing for your Marriage ceremony tomorrow, so you can go now because it is almost time for Zuhr prayers.

Yahya. Thank you Mallam for your efforts on me. May Allah bless you more.


Mallam. Walaikum salam my son. Wish you a safe home.

"Yahya left the house to go home, he went and met his friend Abdul Rauf decorating his room for him."

Yahya. Wow you are really an archtechnic boy, I really appreciate that.

Abdul Rauf. Thank you. Your uncle just arrived a few minutes later. He is in the guest room so go and greet him.

Yahya. Ooh that's great news to hear. "He hesitantly went inside the room and saw his uncle doing Nawafil, he waited for him till he was finished."

Yahya. Salamu Alaikum Uncle .

Uncle. Walaikum salam my nephew how are you and how is your preparation towards the wedding?

Yahya. Oh Alhandulillah uncle by the grace of Allah.

Uncle. Then we thank Allah. There is no time so you go and continue your work.

But anyway, I bought you these things. "Yahya stared at it and it was adorable".

The family started coming to the house, every corner of the house was full of people.

Yahya's mother was happy for her son getting married.

All the family was busy in their preparation towards the marriage.

Friends and neighbors too present themselves to the marriage ceremony.

Yahya didn't sleep for almost half of the night till the next morning he was late for fajr prayers.

After the prayers he still continued his process.

They brought canopies and fenced outside the house.

Zara's family too was busy, everybody including the poor and the rich were present.

Around 10:00am the people and the Mallams also came and had their seats.

The couples also presented themselves.

They all went to the mosque. All their parents happily agreed to be united with the couples.

Zara's Mallam asked them some questions and gave them advice about marriage which are as follows....

(This chapter will help us to reunite our marriage.)

The witnesses of the two families were present.

They all did Solatul-Annabi and prayed for them.

Mallam. My people, I'm very glad to witness your Marriage.

And I thank Allah for being alive again.

"He started speaking with a frightening dialects to them"

Now bear Consequences that are too irritating to you now.

Marriage is a place of war where couples fight everyday and sometimes kill each other. Will you marry each other to bear this war?

Both . Yes inshallah we will.

It's a place where no outside relationship is prohibited. Can you bear it?

Both. Yes.

It's a place where self reliance no longer exists? Can you bear it?

Both. Yes by Allah's will.

It's a home where there is partial peace except you agree to make it peace. Can you do that?

Both. Yes by Allah's will.

It's a place where there is no privacy when doing something without the other's notice. Can you do that?

Both. Yes if Allah wills.

"Now referring to the man..."

Can you take care of her?

He replied. Yes inshallah.

Will you deny her, her will?

He replied. Never.

She is now like a child to you. Whenever she is sick you have to send her to hospital. Can you bear all these consequences?

He replied. Yes

When you are alone you make decisions without anybody's consultation. Now that you are two you have to add up her mind. Can you do that?

He replied. Yes.

Her parents are now your parents and you have to also love them as you love your parents. Can you do that?

He replied. Yes I will.

When you are older you will be getting strangers in the house and you must admit them and also you will cater for them till they return back where they were from. Can you take care of these strangers?

He replied. Yes.

There will be a day she will slap you or will hurt you. Will you retaliate back?

He replied. N...No "he laughed"

Allah has given a woman the best skin, the best hair and the best body shape but she is still looking for an artificial one in other to decorate herself. Can you bear all these things she needs?

He replied. I don't think "while laughing everyone in the crowd started laughing..."

You need to take care of her clothes, feed her, carry her to the room like a child and all the siblings who are yet to come also must need this care. Can you bear all these consequences?

He replied. Yes I will inshallah.

"Mallam then turned to the woman..."

Mallam. My daughter, I am happy for you getting married but there are some battle's, wars and problems in marriage but I am afraid the battle may defeat you back home. Isn't it?

She replied. No Mallam.

Mallam. Now as you are going there you are going to become a slave to them will you accept to become a slave to them ?

She replied. Yes I accept it.

You are going to meet new families. How can you associate with them where you have never been with them?

She replied. I can be with them.

You are now in the family as a caretaker and the family will be looking into you to always cook for them all. Can you cook and feed them all?

She replied. Yes, I will do that.

Your Zawj's parents are now your parents and you have to take care of them all and respect them. Can you do that?

She replied. Yes.

A day that you didn't cook and your husband came and found out that you didn't cook, intentionally he slapped you for not cooking for the family. Will you also slap him back?

She replied. No .

And Allah says you women must not deny the man his right and a day you are not in your mood and he may be in his mood. Will you deny him his right?

She replied. I will not deny him.

There will be a day Which both of you may find that you are expiring and he may decide to bring your counterpart inside and you must share your decisions with him. Will you allow that?

She replied. If Allah wills.

" Now referring to both of them....."

Mallam. Now there are three things left I want to give to you and these three things, if you hold in tight on it your marriage will never be ruined forever until death desperate you.

1. Understanding if there is an issue in your home and always fighting or quarreling you have to check each other's likes and dislikes. Because whenever your partner says I don't like this thing you have to understand whether he/she likes it or not and if the person doesn't like it never make a mistake to do it again.

2. Trust. There is no love when couples will not trust each other. Whenever there is an issue, maybe someone tells you that I am seeing so and so here with this person and if you believe or trust your partner you will never believe outsiders for such words.

3. Patience. The best thing in our lives is to be patient with one another. In life if there is no patience no one can stay with the other. If your partner does something to you, you have to be patient and your marriage can be a peaceful marriage.

Our noble prophet Muhammad (SWS) is ever patient man on the surface of the earth. Even one of His wife's name Sauda never made him to be at peace in his house and even because of that he isolated himself to be sleeping in his mosque just because of his wife and because of his patients. Which man can do this?.

Your own house will become hell for you just because of a wife.

And you don't have to be too knowledgeable about each other if one is knowledgeable one must be a student. Because two wise men cannot be with each other, and if one is wise one must be a fool.

This is what I have for you.

Wake up your partner for prayers and pray for him or her and make everything easy for each other. And may Allah bless this marriage.

"The crowd was quite listening to the sermon of the Mallam."

After Mallam did his advice he let the couple sit in public. Zara's face was covered with Niqab and she was dressed Islamically.

Mallam spoke to the crowd by addresses the audience saying he want to let the couples recite Al-Qur'an in other to test their knowledge in Deen-ul Islam.

They gave the mic to the man first. Mallam opened Suratul Nur for him, he recited it. Mallam then said he should recite Suratul Taubah.

He recites it with a sweet voice.

The crowd were shouting Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar they came out cherishing him with money. His mother was happy seeing her son reciting the Quran like that, because she never hears the voice of the son in such a way.

After that, Mallam then addresses the woman who she is and her parents. He then ordered her to recite Suratul Kahf. When she started reciting the whole crowd was quiet, everyone was not talking.

Mallam then said she should recite Suratul Taubah.

When she recited till she reached the verse where Allah made mention of how He destroyed the generation before us, there she was crying she couldn't go further again, tears started flowing from some of the peoples eyes .

Abdul Rauf came there and cherished her with money.

Many people came to her and they were praising her. Some came there and were giving her money, jewelry boxes and gifts.

She stared at her mom and she saw tears of joy on her mom's face.

Her Mallam came and presented her two Niqabs and Quran.

The crowd were shouting Takbir Takbir Takbir Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar.

It was time for Zuhr prayers, they all went and prayed and came back. Mallam gave the people over there a sermon about marriage.

Mallam. A blessed family is a family which Allah blesses with Fear of Him when fearing Allah in doing things....

A horn sound of a car "piiiiiii piiiiiii..... "Jamilu opened the gate and the car entered.

They went and parked the car and removed all the things and started putting it in the room.

The house was nice and we'll decorated.

Some few minutes later another car followed and parked people started coming out from the car. They brought the Woman and sent her to the room of her husband.

People started visiting the house till it was almost time for Ishai prayers and they all went for prayers.

Few hours later, Yahya came inside and met his wife still praying he then went inside and brought drinks and kept it on their dining table.

After she finished praying.He went closer to her.

Yahya. Salamu Alaikum Sweetheart how are you and what about the tiredness?

Zara. Walaikum salam. Oh very tired, and even I am just feeling sleepy.

Yahya. Oh then let's have some food before you sleep.

Zara. Ok sweetheart.

"They all went and sat on the chair and started eating with Bismillah."

Zara. Oh baby, I am satisfied.

Yahya. Just this small eating you said you are satisfied, eat for your satisfaction because this is now your house and don't be shy about doing things ok.

Zara. Oh truly am satisfied "staring at her husband face shyly"

Yahya . Ok well then you can undress yourself and have a shower. After that I will also have mine. "She entered the room and undressed herself and came out. Yahya was staring at her".

Then why not undress yourself here rather than even entering inside the room to undress yourself? " laughing at her."

Zara. Oh nothing, I just want to undress myself inside.

Yahya. Hmmm... you are very funny. Well..... if you say so. "She went inside the bathroom while Yahya packed the dishes and went inside to wash, then Jamilu came inside."

Jamilu. Salamu Alaikum ah why didn't you let me have it.

Look at the way you're tired and still want to add up.

Yahya. Walaikum salam my dear. You don't worry, let me wash it because now I'm married and I have to act like a husband, not a prince.

Jamilu. Ok well that's a good idea, but you let me do it today. "Yahya gave it to him and went inside his room and met Zara undressed, when she saw him, she quickly took her towel and went at the back of the curtain and covered herself quickly."

Yahya. Oh am sorry for coming inside without your notice, I thought you are still in the bathroom. Ok then let me excuse you a little. " He went inside the living room and sat down for a while" she then came to him and alerted him that she was done. Yahya saw how she was dressing as if she was going foro prayers".

Yahya. Wouldn't you hurt yourself with all this clothes on your body? Just take off these clothes because there are many nightgowns in the wardrobe.

Zara. Oh that's good but I just like wearing these clothes.

Yahya. Now you are a married woman you are now for me not outsiders. So feel free to wear anything of your choice which is made halal in your husband's house.

Zara. Ok but you have your shower and come.

"Yahya went and took his bath and came back and found her sleeping on the sitting chair.

He went and greeted her mom in her room and came back, still she is still sleeping.

He woke her up with a kiss.

Yahya. Babe get up and have ablution so that we can pray Nawafil. "she realized the kiss on her forehead and a quick shiver ran down her spine".

Zara. Oh, am I sleeping? Ok let me go have mine.

"They had their ablution and came back".

Yahya. Oh babe, I know you are feeling sleepy. Let's have a Nawafil so that you can rest your body and have a sleep.

Zara. Oh that's good then let's do it.

"Yahya stood up and they prayed two Rakats of Nafl and they made Dua to Almighty Allah to bless their marriage and make them among the righteous couples this Duniya and the Hereafter. They were all done Yahya turned back to his wife and kissed her forehead".

Yahya. I thank Allah for this gift He has provided me. I will always be there for you and may you be a wife of prosperity and may He bless our offsprings.

Zara. Ameen summa Ameen and I also thank Allah for you and may He let you be a real husband for here and the here after.

Yahya. Ameen. Now let's go and sleep.

"Both of them went and lay down. Zara was not wearing a nightgown. She laid her head on Yahya's chest. Some few minutes later Yahya found her sleeping."

Yahya imaging in his mind... " hmmm she is sleeping... oh they way I wish I could make love with you this night, but all you are now sleeping hmmm ok no problem is not your fault. I know you are really tired, and as far as today is not the last day I hope Allah to make it best for us the next time"

"Yahya was staring at her face, she was so beautiful he could imagine. He then kissed her forehead and he made his sleeping prayers and slept."

It was 3:30am Yahya woke up and saw her still sleeping. He kissed her forehead and got up and took an ablution can and performed ablution.

He did four Rakats of Nafl and started reciting the Quran until they called for the first dawn fajr prayers. He recited it until the second Athan was made he then prayed one Rakat of Nawafil and made his Dua and went back and saw her still sleeping. He kissed her forehead and this time she realized something on her forehead and she opened her eyes and saw her husband standing next to her."

Yahya. Oh babe, you are awake?

Zara. Oh yeah Salam alaikum and how was your night?

Yahya. Walaikum salam. Oh Alhamdulillah. And what about you too?

Zara. Oh fine.

Yahya. Okay. They call for Athan so you go and perform ablution and I'm going to the mosque but you can pray in the praying room with my mom and Jamilu.

Zara. Ok baby. "She hugged him and kiss his hand and he left the room"

After some few hours later Yahya came back and met her wife and Jamilu cooking food.

Yahya. Wow what a chef.

Zara. Oh what do you mean? "while smiling". I told Jamilu to stop so that I will cook for myself but he refused. He said that's how he used to cook.

Jamilu. I told her to go and sit down so she shouldn't worry about me but she refused.

Yahya. Oh Jamilu you let her help you so that if she is addicted to cooking, she will know how we cook our food here.

Jamilu. Okay well but don't let her suffer please ooo?

Yahya. Oh ok that's all right I hear Mr chef. "they all laughed".

Few minutes later, the food was ready. Zara brought the food inside the room and her husband was watching news on Islam channel. He quickly stopped and caressed her."

Yahya. Wow! babe you are done?

Zara. Let me fetch water and come back sweetheart. "As she was going Yahya stared at her gorgeously. She came back with the water and They started eating with Bismillah."

Yahya. Let me feed you.

Zara. No you let me feed you . "Yahya took the food towards her mouth and then used the spoon and hit her nose".

Zara. You see you can't feed me you let me feed you. But before I feed you come and sit on my lap.

Yahya. Am I a child?

Zara. You are my baby so come and sit. "Zara pulled him and he was close to her." Now you just sit, you will not hurt me.

Yahya. I may hurt you ooooo .

Zara. Hurt who? Look at your body and I and you, who is fat? If I want I can swallow you and am not even satisfied.

Yahya. Yooo ""ɛmfa mi hwuu"" . Ok I will sit and you feed me my mother. "Yahya sat on her lap, Zara gave him one spoon of the rice and the second one Yahya refused to take it."

Zara. Oh why my son you eat for me. Or do you want me to breastfeed you now? "Zara laughed at him. Yahya smiled back."

Yahya. Oh yeah I want to breastfeed now. "while laughing".

Zara. Oh no breast milk now my son, "putting her pointed finger on her breast" like I will have fed you. But you don't worry I will buy you the ideal Milk You hear?

Yahya. Okay mom I hear you.

Zara. Ah! Babe is starving. Now you feed me. "Yahya got up from her lap"

Yahya. Ok come and sit. "Zara sat on his lap and Yahya fed her two spoons of rice".

Zara. Am ok now my father "while laughing".

Yahya. Are you okay now? Ok well.

"Yahya started playing with her and tickling her. They started tickling each other and lying on each other. Yahya moved closer to her and started kissing her a deep kiss. She felt the kiss. Yahya started touching her breast. She realized what was about to happen so she pushed him away and got up saying...".

Zara. Let me pack the bowls and wash them. "Yahya felt something he never felt before, his body was shivering as if he had done something wrong with her".

Yahya. O.....ok....okay... no worry "while stammering on his talking". "She packed the bowls and went inside the kitchen"

Yahya speaking in his mind... "ah what is wrong with me? So I wanted to make love with her. She didn't even allow me ooooo ah. Now what am I going to do? She didn't even allow me to make love with her and it seems I am forcing her. Look at the way she even pushed me. It seems she is not comfortable with it. Oh Allah, if I am really forcing her then forgive me."

Zara took the bowls and went inside the kitchen in other to wash them. She was thinking and she was worried about how harm she may cause him.

She finished washing the bowls on her way to the room when she heard her phone ringing.

Yahya. Babe you got a call!

Zara. I'm just entering. "She collected the phone and it was her mom".

Zara. Salamu Alaikum mom.

Mom replied. Walaikum salam my dear how are you?

Zara. Oh Alhamdulillah. I miss you mom and dad.

Mom replied. We also miss you and how is your Zawj (husband) ?

Zara. Oh he is fine. He was the one who even took the phone for me. Mom, how is my sister's?

Mom replied. Oh Alhamdulillah, they're all doing well. Asia said she has missed you .

Zara. Oh where is my little picky ?

Mom replied. She is eating food. "Mom gave the phone to Asia to talk to but Asia was still a child of two years and she can't speak well".

Zara. Mom, greet Dad . I really miss everyone there.

Mom replied. He is not there. He has gone to work and if he's back I will extend your greetings to him. But how was your night?

"Zara was quiet for a while". Why are you quitting?

Zara. Not yet mom.

Mom replied. Hmm, then your husband is a patient man. What about the journey?

Zara. Oh mom I was very tired that day but Alhamdulillah for now is ok. Yahya loves me too much and he doesn't want me to even work.

Mom replied. Hey! don't use that opportunity not to work. You are there for his family and him also so whatever you will do and make them happy, you have to do it. You hear?

Zara. Oh I hear mom. Thank you very much.

Mom replied. Ok, hear from you next time.

Tell my in-laws that I am greeting them all. Salamu Alaikum my dear. I love you.

Zara. Oh I will tell them. Walaikum salam mom I love you too. "they all hung up the call Zara went to her husband and leaned on him saying..."

Baby mom says I should greet you and she ought to hear from you.

Yahya. Oh how is she? And how are they all doing?

Zara. Oh Alhamdulillah they are doing great by the grace of Almighty Allah.

Yahya. Baby I want to go and inspect my things because one week now I haven't go there and it's only Jamilu over there so I want to go and check how he's making the sales. But hope you will bear with my absence and right?

Zara. Oh ok you can go now. "Zara hugged him so tight that she didn't want to release him. Zara didn't want to let him off her hands.