King Cloud
The door to my Palace office burst open with a startling jostle. I let out a hiss in irritation and could not help but think if it was Adonis no one would even dare to come in without a knock, but no, everyone walked all over the 'new' King because I was tiny and could barely kill you with my bare hands.
Before I could yell, there entered the King himself looking half frazzled and completely lost. "Have you seen Ezekiel?"
I blinked at him in surprise before the cogs of my brain started turning. For the first time I had held a big lie against Adonis, but was I not a hopeful romantic who was secretly rooting for Ezra and Ezekiel. When he came in yesterday afternoon for secret date ideas I practically floated and gave him a full bulletin list with all my ideas.
If Ezekiel was not around it meant he was still on his date and Ezra was always walking Palace grounds that it was not a big shock to find him half missing.