"So do you have a mistress?" I looked at Adonis with raised eyebrows as I breastfed Rain.
He looked at me with pursed lips and a raised left eyebrow, "Cloud, do I look like someone who has a mistress?"
"I don't know, I didn't know there was a look for someone who had mistresses," just as I was about to continue with my sentence Rain bit my nipple between his gummy little jaws which made me hiss. He let out a shriek in laughter and I looked at him with a very unpleased facial expression. "Regarde ce que ton fils me fait." (French: Look what your son is doing to me.)
That seemed to humor Adonis greatly as he laughed. He stood in the closet and changed out of his suit for the day into grey sweatpants and a black hoodie. Blue was busy rolling around on the bed and would occasionally scare himself with a fart then start giggling.