Chereads / Demonic Power: Aftershock / Chapter 8 - Bane's Revival

Chapter 8 - Bane's Revival

*1 year after Bane's been killed*

A black orb with white cracks in it slithers out of a hillside. ".... OW!!!! Wait.... I'm alive? How?". The orb does the equivalent of look at itself. "I.... Don't have a body.... I'd be able to bring myself back if I did. How long have I been dead?". Bane was alive.... Without a body. He sees what looks like a snake and goes over to it. "Hmmm.... Maybe I can substitute with this snake for now.".

He warps into the body of the snake and it turns a pale grey color with completely white eyes. He slithers over to his grave and sees a news paper on it. "So it's been a year after my death? I CAN STILL GET REVENGE!" He says. As if karma heard him, at that moment a hawk grabs his body and flies off with it, leaving him as an orb again.


So now he's taken over the body of a crow.

"I should see how the family is doing. No doubt they must still be mourning over my death!" He says flying to the windowsill. He looks in and sees his room has been decommissioned- Hell, it's not even there! "Wha- what?!" He says. He loops around the house to not even see a trace of him left. He then fly's around, landing on a branch nearby.

".... So this is how they want to play it? YOU THINK YOU GET THE RIGHT TO JUST FORGET ME?!?!?!" He says enraged. "I did what I was told, I respected all the rules, I never asked any questions, I accepted you all! Was that not enough for you?! And what about Zephyrus?! I bet he doesn't even remember me at this point! I didn't do all of this just so that I.... I.... I....".

He hadn't experienced this in a long time. He was hurt, broken, and left as a mere fragment of what he once was. "I deserve this. Can they not see that? I just want my life back....".

*4 years later*

'.... Huh? What is this feeling?'. His power core wanders to a burial sight not far from his own. "Jet.... Even if I have to use your body for my goals, and no matter how much it'll hurt, I shall succeed.".





"*huff* OKAY! Obviously I need to finish up with my body!" Bane said catching his breath. "Of course Jet was stripped of his wings! The damn things won't come out even with a different soul!". Bane wandered the city for the next few hours looking for a specific place. He walks in and then.... The people with mask. "Boss? Back so soon?" One of them said.

Bane slumped down on a chair and said "Yeah.... How's the progress on fixing my body?". A lady in a lab coat walked over and said "It's almost ready! We just need one more thing.... And you're not going to like it.". Bane had a questioning look until she said "We need royal blood. From a living angel AND demon, or one with a similar blood structure to yours.".

Bane facepalmed at that and said "Of course.... Get a squad together. I know where you can get what you need and get the royals to act at the same time. Aaron has a son, Alex. As luck would have it he doesn't know his offspring has left the city! They'll be looking for allies, so check the Wildix infested city.".




"HECKLE! Hey man we can talk about this-" He shuts him up and starts choking him. "Or not! We could always just try to kill each other now!". Red gas went around them and a spark was heard as it ignited. "Nice try Red.... I'm not leaving you alone that easily!". Heckle jumps out at them from the smoke and pins down Alex. "Come on blue boy! Why aren't you fighting back?".

Heckles pupils got a slight pink glow in them and he backed up. ".... You're angel was taken.... Stand down boys.". They all stopped fighting and Heckle said "No offense, but I like a fair fight, especially when it's on MY terms.". Alex sat up and said "Heckle I can not believe I'm saying this, but I need your help! Someone's going around with machines and tech that can stop a royals boost, as if it was a normal angel or demon.".

Heckle stares at them for a moment and then him and his crew starts laughing. "OH THAT WAS A GOOD ONE! If you really think so snot nosed bad guys are gonna just walk directly into my territory, then-". He stops laughing as they all hear an explosion. They all walk out to see a bunch of guys in black outfits walk in. "Tell us where the Azure prince is, and no one gets hurt.".

Heckle immediately jumps down as one of them pulls out a smoke grenade. They set it off and a bright white smoke goes through. Alex coughs and says "This smoke is too thin to be meant to kill.". Heckle coughs and punches one of the guys.... It barely pushes them back. "W- what?!" He says as he gets knocked back. "Sucks for you puppy dog! That smoke is meant to nullify a royals well, ROYAL boost. So now your like every other widlix here, for the time being!".

One of them goes around and targets Alex. They pull out a syringe and stick it in his arm, putting him to sleep. "ALEX!" Ivory says. He hands something to Ruby, and Pyrite, and then throws one down to Heckle. "Put them on!" Pyrite tells them. They were a pair of noise cancelling headphones with a small dragon on them. They put them on and Ivory sucks in a breath.

He then lets out a loud ear piercing scream that shatters all the glass in the area. From outside the people that attacked them were extracting blood into a jar. "Hurry up! They'll be out here in any minute-". The door explodes open and they see them all run out. "We got what we needed! Start the goddamn car!". They toss Alex onto the ground and then drive off.

"Alex!" Ivory says. He starts standing up but they see he looks.... Different. "Ugh.... I feel weird. Does anyone else feel weird?". Alex's hair had turned a pale white color, along with his skin. And his eyes had turned into a dark red color. "You uh.... Look a little pale there buddy...." Heckle told him. He picked up some glass and looked at himself. "HUH?! This hasn't happened before!". "It must be your body's reaction to losing your Angel side.".




In a lab where bane was, a large metal coffin sat waiting. "If you do this, when you die again, you can't be brought back.". ".... I'm ready for that.".


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S GONE?!" Aaron said into the phone. It was Elliot. "Yeah, and so are Pyrite, and Ivory. Another thing, Jet's body was just found with no Bane in sight.". Aaron looked away from his window and said "It's fine, Bane will never come back.". A huge black beacon of energy erupted from one spot. ".... Hey uh, Aaron, I think you spoke too soon.".

Bane was slightly skinnier then Jet. He was 6 feet tall, milky skin, ginger red hair, large orange-red eyes, and two black wings burst out of his back as he flew up. "I MISSED THIS!!!!". He looked forward to see Aaron fly in front of him. "Bane.... So we meet again. Hows it feel to be back in the world of the living, did hell treat you well?" Aaron said sarcastically.

"Actually Aaron, I'm going to put a rain check on our sibling squabble for now. All I want for now is to let the world see the thing you forgot.". He turned around and focused power into a big blast. "BANE NO-". He shot it down and a large black explosion happened in that area, killing many innocents in the process. "You-.... YOU!". Bane flew back and landed on top of their fathers old office building.

He punched the roof of it and the whole thing turned a dark black color with multiple balconies coming out of it. "This is only the beginning brother. I will find all that you love, and then tear it straight down! I will make you feel the pain that I felt when you killed me, speaking of which!". He pulled out a large black sword and pointed it at him. "Do you want this back, or can I keep it?".