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Jump 1: Generic My Hero Academia Fanfic


Starting Amount: 1000

[ CP Gained: 1000 ]


[ Total Cp: 1000 ]


Location: I-Island

World Type: Disaster World(+300), Heroes kill villains, vigilantes are more like bounty hunters, Hero schools are basically soldier camps, etc.

Origins: Student

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Species: Human

[ CP Gained: 300 ]


[ Total CP: 1300 ]


Quirk(Free), Quirks are superhuman abilities possessed by approximately 80% of the population. They can either be overwhelming powerful abilities or be incredibly convoluted powers. Some might get the ability to manipulate an element while others will get a spray bottle for a face. Luckily for you, you'll get the option to choose your quirk below. This will grant you access to the Quirk Section.

Comic Book Beauty(-200), For 50cp you are considered to be a 10 out of 10 and near peak beauty for a normal human. This will also remove any natural imperfections or anything that would subtract from your appearance. For 100cp you are worthy of being compared to the likes of top tier beauties of an anime. Anyone of your preferred gender who sees you will be enthralled upon first meeting you. For 200cp you are unmatched in the looks department. Even the most stunning models would admit their inferiority compared to you. Your face alone could swoon the masses and the gods would admire you.

Stop Falling(-100), Well good on you, it appears you actually seem to know what your power does. You are skilled in using your quirk(s) for a variety of purposes ranging from day to day activities all the way to combat techniques. You know the ins and outs of your power and won't make any stupid mistakes with it…hopefully. This is a skill that certainly would suit a budding hero or villain, but also wouldn't be out of place on any other individual considering how often people get attacked.

Multi-Quirk(-200), While most of them are the result of very special circumstances it is possible for someone to have multiple quirks. This perk makes it so that later on as long as you can afford it you'll be allowed to purchase multiple quirks. How they interact will be up to you. Also to clarify this will give you the ability to hold any amount of quirks. You just need to figure out how to acquire them whether you purchase them here or acquire them in jump. This will also work with any other similar abilities post-jump. For example if you went to Jo-Jo you could have multiple stands. Any power that would normally be limited to one no longer has a limit cap.

Plot Armor Incoming(-400), Whoa you really are a lucky bastard. It seems like the world itself is trying to prevent you from dying in a stupid manner. Running through a collapsing building well all the debris misses you if only by a few inches. Walking through a villain base filled with traps, it seems the one landmine you stepped on was a dud. This won't protect you as much in fights where someone is actively trying to kill you, but this will stop the majority of instances where your death would be considered anti-climatic.

Outnumbered, but not Outgunned(-600), The second option is to become a one man army that numbers mean nothing against. As long as you are stronger than any of your foes, numbers will become worthless. No matter how many foes you are fighting against you will not get exhausted and will be able to finish the fight. This doesn't mean that it will be over quickly; you'll still have to kill/defeat everyone, but it will be within your limits. To clarify this means that if you are capable of beating the strongest fighter 1v1 in an enemy's army then you will be capable of beating the entire army. Whether they have a hundred or a million will be irrelevant. You may purchase this perk a second time to receive both effects. The second purchase will be discounted as well.

HPSC Training(-400), While there are many shining examples of heroes the vast majority don't know about the darker side of heroics. You were either recruited by the Hero Public Safety Commission or underwent extreme training similar to their agents. This has resulted in you being trained in lethal techniques, assassination, and a variety of wet work spy tactics. You may not be proud to know how to do this, but when the time comes you'll be capable of doing what's necessary.

Fight Smart Not Hard(-400), The reason people have stood at the top of the food chain is due to our intelligence rather than our raw might. Much like our advancement this is something that was overshadowed by the appearance of quirks. You intend to remind people of this however. You possess the technological know how in order to replicate quirks with technology. The exact method will vary due to the variety of quirks, but given time and a sufficient amount of research nothing will truly be beyond you.

Let's Make A Baby(-400), Much like the eccentric inventor Mei Hatsume you are a fountain of inspiration. By watching others in action you will be filled with ideas for tech that could benefit them. By observing a speed based quirk you could come up with ideas to let them go faster or increase their turning ability. Working with a wider variety of individuals will in turn allow you to come up with more ideas.

Second Chances Don't Come Often(Free), When you are aiming for the top, the unfortunate reality is that for every person that succeeds they'll be stepping over a hundred who failed. You however, seem to get a second chance more than you should. Maybe you just aren't the studious kind, well it turns out there is a second test that relies purely on physical ability. Should you seek it out there will always be an opportunity for you to take as long as you are ready to put in the effort.

Ideal Student(Free), Learning may seem simple, but there are a number of challenges that come with it. Luckily for you this perk is here. This gives you all of the required skills to be a model student. Whether it's time management making sure you can get your work done while still enjoying yourself or the ability to socialize with your classmates. You'll have all of your bases covered with this, at the very least you won't be caught unprepared for any situation.

Put in The Effort(-100, Discount Applied), Despite having all the talent in the world and getting every opportunity possible, all of it means nothing if you don't put in the effort. This gives you the drive to commit to everything you pledged to. This self discipline will guide you and guarantee that no matter the pain, the blood, sweet, and tears it will all be worth it in the end. In addition this will ensure that you always hold yourself to any promises you make.

Keep the Damage to a Minimum (-100, Discount Applied), This perk lets you control the amount of damage caused during fights. After all, if you're throwing out haymakers that can destroy mountains, there shouldn't be more than some minor damage to the surrounding glass. If you want to you can invert the effects as well.

This will cause your blows to deal more damage to the environment then you really should be dishing out.

The Ideal Pupil(-200, Discount Applied), Maybe it's your charming demeanor or perhaps you remind them of their previous protegees. For one reason or another you're an unusually attractive apprentice for the various experts you encounter. They are more willing to take you on as a student even if they had sworn not to teach again. In addition to this aspect when you go out of your way to find a teacher your words seem to resonate with them making them even more willing. Lastly if they're going to go this far then they won't half ass it. Anyone teaching you will give it their all and due to their efforts they'll be rewarded. Both you and your teacher will practically bounce progress off one another. Maybe your teacher was stuck at a bottleneck only to break through due to some of your advice. They in turn will try to give you the same opportunities. You will only be able to increase the speed you improve at with this.

Certified Genius(-200, Discount Applied), Ok there's no denying it, you are a certified genius. Your IQ is off the charts, capable of matching wits with some of the best comic book and anime minds. Your mind is polished and has granted you a superhuman grasp of various subjects. To you no problem is insurmountable only requiring a long amount of time to crack. Overall you just think faster, you have a greater imagination, and can process information faster. With this you simply need to be motivated and you should be able to go far.

Ultimate Comprehension(-300, Discount Applied), The rate at which you learn things is unmatched. I mean that literally you could go through an entire library in a few days. No subject is outside of your realm of comprehension. You might learn some things faster than others, but your overall speed in any subject is incredible. Even the world's smartest individuals will inevitably lose their titles once you actually put some real effort into learning. Just be sure to remember to take some time off as well.

Hero Analysis(-300, Discount Applied), This is actually impressive, you are capable of gaining an incredible depth of understanding by watching others using their powers. Coming up with new uses and even entire training regimes is easily possible after spending enough time observing someone. Show off what you know and you'll end up with entire agencies asking you for advice on how to improve their skills. Even those at the very peak will be interested once they hear about you.

Racial Perks:

Human Will(-100), One of humanity's greatest traits is their indomitable will. This will has allowed people to rise far above what they thought possible. Your will however, is great even among the more strong willed members of humanity. Even after being under mind control for years, you will always possess a single spark of will, capable of returning your mind back to you in full, but it may require some extensive outside help.

Master of Tongues(-200), While the story never really expanded much on it there is so much more to the world that could be explored. This has a rather useful skill for you should you travel more. It enhances your ability to learn and understand various languages. You'll be allowed to choose four languages to immediately master and gain an understanding of. Aside from that you'll quickly be able to pick up new languages. Just by spending a week or two in a country, you'll become as fluent as a native. Post-jump and possibly applicable immediately it will also work for alien languages and written languages as well. It will even apply to scripts such as runes and seals such as fuinjutsu.

[ CP Spent: 4200 ]


[ Total CP: -2,900 ]


My Hero Memorabilia (Free), Since you're going to a fanfic universe why not take the rest of the series with you. This item grants you a copy of all material related to My Hero Academia including the games, books, figures, and fan made content. So while you're charging into battle, listen to some of the series music. As a final benefit regarding the figurines, you will also receive copies based on yourself and your companions. You will gain new ones in each jump based on your allies and notable enemies.

Uniform and Supplies (-100), If you're going to a school then you're going to need the proper clothes and a variety of other materials. This gives you a supply of any outfits that you need for your school (costume does not include gadgets or gears). In addition you'll receive a supply of any other materials needed for school. A backpack, notes, and anything else. Going on a camping trip well check this before you go and it will have everything you could ask for within reason, so no portable houses or anything extremely expensive.

Scholarship (-200), You get your foot in the door for further education, this will only pay for your enrollment and guarantee you a spot but you still must meet the requirements to enroll and take any entrance exams. Post-jump this can be used at any institution once to cover any and all costs associated with the school.

[ CP Spent: 300 ]


[ Total CP: -3,200 ]


All For One(-400QP), The ability to take the powers of others. Whether they would be joined together in you or passed along to a worthy user would be up to you. All For One allows the user to steal the Quirks of other people and wield those stolen powers as their own. It also allows the user to redistribute stolen Quirks to someone else. The process of giving and taking away Quirks is done through touch, through a hole in the palm of the user's hand, once it receives contact. A victim whose Quirk has been stolen becomes Quirkless, and loses any abnormal features if the powers happen to be Mutant-types. Interestingly, even if the user holds Mutant-type Quirks, the subsequent features do not permanently manifest on the user's body, and they can instead summon the mutant features at will. For 400QP you will receive the quirk itself. It will not currently have any other powers, so you will have to go out and claim some.

Chimera(-400QP), This quirk grants the user the characteristics of various animals. These traits can be amplified to a monstrous degree. Particularly this can give you a tremendous boost in strength and agility. Interestingly enough even mythical and extinct creatures can be used with this quirk. The previous user has displayed traits related to a werewolf, a dragon, and a wide variety of other animals.

Hydra(-200QP), Hydra allows the user to summon gigantic sea snake-like creatures from their back that they can control at will. The creatures are large enough to crush a person in their jaws. The amount of heads summoned will depend on the user's capabilities. A weaker individual may only be able to summon a single head, but a more powerful individual could summon a dozen at once.

Gamer(-400CP→800QP), This is the infamous Gamer system. I'm sure by now you're all familiar with it. The limitless ability to grow, the body of a video game character, assigning stats, generating a dungeon, and everything else that comes with it. This power will function at its full capacity. So unless you choose to weaken it, there will be no missing abilities, and you won't be limited by the world itself. This particular system will resemble the one used by Dark Wolf Shiro and Mirlnir. It will have the standard leveling system, a set of stats that will possibly vary (you choose them if you want), a dungeon creation / ID creation, classes which can evolve, and a wide array of other abilities. Given the sheer versatility you may freely alter your system though you are not allowed to enable "Easy Mode" or a similar game breaking feature. All of the other features are free for you to decide if you don't like this version, however.

[ CP/QP Spent: 1000QP/400CP ]


[ Total CP: -3,600 ]


Wrath of the Mighty(+1000), Somehow you have made a mortal enemy. They will stop at nothing in order to kill you or to harm you in any way possible. The level this enemy takes will depend on what tier you choose. You may choose the tier multiple times and choose different levels. Keep in mind though if these people learn about each other it's very likely their hatred of you will cause them to team up. This will quickly make them exponentially more dangerous. etc...) For 1000 you have made an enemy of a Big Bad / Symbol of Peace (All For One / All Might Full Power) or a new enemy has appeared on this level for the sole purpose of killing you. To ensure you have a chance you will have at least five years before any of them come after you. This is assuming you are only here for 10 years.

Wrath of a King(+600), All For One is considered by many to be the most dangerous being on the planet and you now have to deal with him. Maybe you ruined his newest plan or simply have been deemed too big a threat to be allowed to live. Regardless one way or another the King of Evil is coming for you. He will have his full power equal to his peak before he and All Might crippled each other. This means he also has the full power of every quirk that he harvested for over a hundred years. There are likely a number of abilities that he never showed off before so you best use extreme caution.

League of Villains(+800),You've managed to anger an entire faction. This could be one the various organizations or sub groups of other factions. Regardless they will attempt to hunt you down and eliminate you. It will start off with small teams and an occasional real expert, but as time goes on they will devote more and more resources to hunting you. In the last year of your stay they will devote all of their resources towards killing you. The 600cp level will be sub factions or smaller groups such as UA Highschool, The Yakuza, The Meta Liberation Army, or a similar Organization. For an additional 200cp you choose a complete faction such as the Hero Organization or the League of Villains after it grew larger. This can be taken multiple times for multiple factions.

No Cheating (+600), Oh you thought that you could just use your fancy powers and not worry about anything during your time here. Well if you take this that's not an option anymore you lose access to all of your out of jump abilities and powers.

Copyright Infringement Alert (+400), It seems you've been caught using toys that don't belong here. As a result you have been banned from accessing your warehouse while you are here. You get to keep access to your powers, but any items that don't belong to this universe are forbidden.

Crazy Fans(+400), On the other side of the spectrum maybe you can't get away from them. You might end up attaining the affections of a powerful pro hero, a villain, a crazed yandere, and even some obsessed fan all at once. The problem is that they all want you to be themselves. For 200cp this will restrict them to the level of normal people. At the worst you'll encounter someone on the level of a second or third year hero student. For 300 cp you'll gain the admiration of some relatively powerful individuals. These people will be closer to what you see from the Yakuza and the League of Villains. For 400cp you are going all in. This level will cause the eye of the world's titans to turn their attention to gaining yours. Reclusive beings as strong as the real upper tier of this world will start showing up. This even includes some hidden figures that could be as powerful as All Might and All For One at their best. You won't be able to hide no matter how far or where you run. Even if you decide to become a hermit in the middle of nowhere they would still either track you down or happen to stumble across you. The only mercy is that your perks will still be able to affect them albeit likely on a lesser scale maybe 50% (of course this doesn't mean anything if you don't have any). Maybe you're a figure of legend and actually capable of turning this to your advantage. After all it's not impossible, just difficult to make them agree to share. For your efforts anyone that agrees to this arrangement will be made into a companion and share a

single slot at the end of the jump.

Another Mary Sue(+200), This could be interesting, it appears you're not the only outsider that's been inserted into this world. Only this other individual isn't good at hiding it. They're blatantly running around shouting about things they shouldn't know and stirring things up. In addition if they find out you aren't from around here either then they'll probably throw a fit thinking you're trying to steal their self declared role as the protagonist. You might be able to make them into a normal person eventually, but it would be a long and arduous road. If you actually accomplish this you can take them as a companion for all the effort you put into making them a better person.

[ CP Gained: 4,000 ]


[ Total CP: 400 ]


Fixer Arc, (+500), For this scenario you will be placed in a Disaster World. Your goal will be to fix this world. You will not be allowed to leave this world until it has been genuinely improved and can be considered a nice place. The specific requirements will depend on the world you arrive in. If the Heroes are corrupt and most villains are simply labeled for speaking out then you will have to fix the system. The only rule is that you can't just hit the reset button and start over. Meaning you can't nuke the world and build it back up. You need to try to prevent the collapse of society, not cause it. If you give up you will be allowed to leave. The only consequence is that you will lose the CP and reward given by the scenario.

Supporting The Hero In The Making, (+300), You are the brother of Izuku Midoriya and your job is to support him as he becomes the number 1 hero. You start at the same age as him just after he received the news of his lack of quirk and will stay in his jump for 15 years. If Deku keeps this dream and becomes a hero of some renown, you will succeed in this scenario.

To The Stars, (+300), For one reason or another, quirks seem to have made people abandon their passion for exploring the rest of the universe. Your job is to fix that, you must reignite the passion of the world by restarting the space programs and going as far to develop a colony on another world.

Valedictorian, (+300), The goal of this scenario is simple. You must successfully become the valedictorian of the academia you attend. However since you'll probably be in a hero school this will be a bit more difficult than it would be at a normal school. You'll have to prove yourself the top dog in both academics and whatever your school is famous for. Using U.A. as an example you would need to be the top Hero student.

[ CP Gained: 1,400 ]


[ Total CP: 1,800 ]

[ CP→QP(1:2): 3,600QP ]


Power BoostX3(-600) This toggle allows you to boost the power of your quirk. Maybe you originally possessed a weak telekinesis quirk, but wanted to boost it so that it was as strong as All For One. You can pay additional QP based on the level of power you want to boost it to. Optionally you could use this to weaken a power if you wanted to as well. (Hydra) As many heads as I wish and I can impart abilities into those heads so they can use that quirk eg giving it half-cold/half-hot would allow it to spew ice/flames, (Chimera) As many creatures/mythological or otherwise/ as I wish, (Erasure) AOE affect,

Weakness RemovalX2(-400), A decent amount of quirks cause the user to suffer from some sort of weakness. In some cases it is some sort of psychological effect such as Toga's obsession with blood. In other cases the quirk is literally too powerful for the user. An example of this would be Nine. His original ability was Weather Manipulation, however the quirk was so powerful that it actively damaged his body whenever he used it. This option allows you to remove the negative effects from any quirks you have bought. (Super Regeneration), Stops the three downsides of the Ability. (Homing) chooses target and where I hit, will always hit where I chose it to do so with its range also extending to anything I can see.

Super Regeneration (-400), Super Regeneration grants the user the ability to regenerate any sort of injuries on their body, such as missing limbs, at incredible speeds. It is considered an incredibly rare and dangerous Quirk, thanks to its capabilities of making any of its users near invincible, able to recover from nearly any attack. There are some weaknesses however, the Quirk can not heal injuries that have already been cauterized by the time the Quirk is received or activated. In addition the regeneration can also become null if the user is beaten by their opponent faster than they can regenerate, whether that's through punches, fire, or disintegration. Lastly, if the user's body is not properly prepared, the regeneration process can also become a lot slower as a result.

Warp Gate(-400QP), This quirk allows you to generate warp portals allowing you to teleport to various locations. The amount and size of the portals will depend on your skill and endurance. Optionally you may transform your body into a misty form similar to Kurogiri. Otherwise by default you will simply gain the ability to create portals.

Shield (-300QP), This ability allows the user to generate stone-like hexagonal shields from any area on the user's body. These can be used for both offensive and defensive purposes. The shields are extremely tough and able to withstand a wide array of powerful offensive quirks. Even Tomura's decay can be held off at least temporarily with this ability. The shields can be layered multiple times and will remain intact after leaving the users control allowing for ranged attacks as well.

Slice (-300QP), Slice allows the user to move, harden, and sharpen their own hair. They are able to use their hair as blades, as well as fire off individual strands of it like needles. You can also use your hair for defensive purposes by using it as a shield or for parrying attacks, as well as for mobility by using large locks of it as stilts. Considering the dependency on the user's hair you also gain the ability to rapidly grow and lengthen your hair.

Overlock(-200QP), Overclock allows the user to accelerate to extreme speeds, to the point that to the user, it looks like nothing is moving. According to Iwao, its true ability consists of stimulating the brain, speeding up the user's perception and thoughts relative to everything else, allowing them to move at a much faster speed than others. In normal situations, the user can move at speeds approximately three to ten times faster than normal. In emergency situations, when the user's fight or flight response is active, the user can move at speeds a few dozen times faster than normal. The user can move fast enough to outpace bullets. The user can move fast enough to the point that the world seems completely frozen (moving faster than time requires you to move at the speed of light or faster: about 186,000 miles per second). Overclock also grants the user heightened senses, allowing them to see, hear, and think at hyper speed. They're able to clearly hear words that have been sped up to three-hundred times the normal speed when the Quirk isactive.

Search(-100QP), Actually this ability might not do much, but its actually very useful. Search allows the user to monitor and observe up to a hundred people at a time. This includes knowing their locations and weak points. Search also permanently stores the information gained after its usage.

Zoom(-100QP), This Quirk grants the user eyesight that can zoom far away, allowing them to clearly see distant people and objects. By focusing their eyes into a particular spot, the user is capable of seeing up to 5 kilometers. Their eyes will also feature unique crosshair-shaped irises, which might be a physical feature of the Quirk. This would be a very useful quirk to pair with Rifle.

Homing(-100QP), Homing allows the user to lock on to any target that they can see within six hundred meters of themselves and make any projectile they release chase after said target. This quirk works best with firearms, but any projectile can be used. Unfortunately the user cannot choose what part of the target's body the projectile hits, and the attacks do not carry much strength.

Scanning(-100QP), Scanning allows the user to search for and identify people's Quirks to some extent, as well to measure their level of power using a heat signature-like vision. This can identify any changes in an opponent's power as well. Particularly if the change is large such as when Deku activates One For All.

Erasure(-300), Erasure allows the user to cancel out the Quirk of anyone they look at. When Erasure is activated, the user is able to disable a person's Quirk Factor until they close their eyes. Shota only needs one part of the target's body to be within his sights for Erasure to take effect. Since most people in the world rely on Quirks for combat purposes, this makes you an extremely bothersome opponent for anyone to deal with. In addition, as shown at the start of Tamaki Amajiki's fight with Toya Setsuno, Soramitsu Tabe and Yu Hojo, Erasure can be activated on multiple targets at once, and stays in effect even if the user looks elsewhere, as long as their eyes stay open. Due to your nature as a jumper you can extend this ability to any type of biological enhancement such as an X-gene.

Rifle (-300QP), This quirk allows the user to extend a rifle from their elbows. They can extend tendrils from the rifle that can curl up to form a scope or other attachments. They can also create various types of bullets, such as hollow-point bullets and curving bullets, from their hair by twisting and molding their hair like Epoxy putty and hardening it to be as strong as any ammo. The range of the rifle will be approximately three kilometers though with training this may be improved.

[ QP Spent: 3,600 ]


[ Total CP: 000 ]


Hope I did my math right :/