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Twin Suns

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Valentine Baran, A young boy from the Northeast Plains enters the Zodiac Academy in hopes to follow in his parents footsteps. He would never guess that his life was about to change so drastically in such a short amount of time, and lead him on a path of vengeance. Follow Val and his friends on their journey together and discover how duality effects all of us, and how the ties of fate are only as strong as we allow them to be.

Chapter 1 - The beginning of the End

The eroded valley was filled with thousands of men. As a light midnight breeze blew through; they stood still. Frozen, unable to move. Was it the power of the man in front of them? Or was it his mere presence alone? Not a word was said from him, but they all knew what he wanted. For there stood a man, donning a black sentinel kilt, with A sword on his right hip. On his back was a Golden staff and a silver and black Axe with a blue Gem in between the double-edged behemoth of a weapon. It looked as if it was meant to protect a God. Or kill one. Yet the most intimidating thing of all was his face. His long brown hair covered most of it. But you could clearly see his half-shattered mask exposing one eye, and a scar just beneath it. It was no doubt the one who "killed" their commander eleven years ago… The one who would with no struggle, swiftly bring an end to the lives of everyone who dared to even attempt at stopping him. he was the cynical embodiment of the duality that is Love and Hate. The Love of one's family fueling the hate for another...

13 Years Prior:

It was a sunny day, a perfect 72 degrees Fahrenheit. The wind was subtle, a gentle breeze. Not a cloud to be seen in the sky. The clock read 8:02. Valentine Baran, 14 years old, 5'8, and 120 lbs. Not the biggest, but quality does not necessarily come in quantity. He walked out of his room, the day felt fresh.

"Morning" said a voice from just down the hall. It was his brother, his twin in fact. Elof, He had an almost identical build, but he possessed a far sharper temper with a more pessimistic view on life. Valentine on the other hand tended to be a more patient, calmer character. Both however were the sons of one Eiten and Shauna Baran. Both of which are well known in their own respects.

"We have about 11 hours of sunlight give or take so I say we take the day by the throat." Valentine insisted.

"Agreed" responded Elof. "If there's any chance of us awakening the Halo before tomorrow we have to try as hard as we can." He continued. They got food, and quickly darted out the door toward the training grounds.

For that entire day, both boys trained the hardest they ever had in their entire life. While they were with no doubt the most skilled and proficient students in the entire eastern plain, one thing seemed to plague them. Their inability to awaken their Halo.

Halo's. The origin of the very nature of every conscious being. The metaphysical abstraction that every aspect of such beings originates from, and the source of their power. While every conscious being has them, few can actually harness its power. The limiter keeps those unworthy of possessing such power from accessing it. The only way to harness the power of a Halo is through a ceaseless effort to become better in every way. The power harnessed from the Halo is known as Chayil. Such power can be used to shatter mountains into splinters The two young boys were born with what is known as a dormant Halo. These Halos possess incredible potential but are the hardest to be considered "worthy" for. Valentine and Elof had been training their entire life to attempt to shatter the limiter in hopes to one day be like their father and mother before them. However, their biggest fear seemed to have come to pass. In such, they were torn at the idea that they may have disappointed their parents. The only two people they truly cared about disappointing.

*Bam! Bam! Bam!* He breathed heavy breaths after chugging down the rest of his water. He punched the concrete wall in frustration.

"What more do I need to fucking do!? I've done everything to a tee and I'M STILL NOT WORTHY?! " Valentine yelled in frustration.

"You'll be just fine, Val. You might not have broken in your Halo yet but you and your brother are still the two most capable kids past the east border" Eiten said.

That night both brothers had trouble sleeping. Being kept up by the fear that they might not be good enough. While they successfully made it into the Zodiac selection, being some of the first to ever do so without an awoken Halo; they still could never compete against someone who could utilize Chayil in a fight. At least that's what they believed.

The next morning at the Zodiac initiation grounds:

"Alright! Alright! Let's get ready for the entry exams! Put on the trackers for the first test!" Yelled the initiator.

Test 1: 100 Kilometer obstacle run; Halo allowed

Test 2: Strength test; Halo allowed

Test 3: 2 Kilometer obstacle run; No Halo

Test 4: Strength test; No Halo

Test 5: Sparring test; No Halo

Final Test: sparring test; Halo allowed

"When the light turns green, you go!"





*FWOBOOM* They were off, faster than sound, blowing through the field at speeds barely visible to the human eye… then there were the twins.

"What's wrong with them?" murmured the shaded man.

"They don't seem to have awakened their respective Halos yet Headmaster." responded the observer. There was silence while the headmaster watched, intrigued…

"While they may not have Halos yet, I can't say I'm worried. If you'd notice, while they are well behind; they seem to be the only ones using skill to actually navigate this course. While they will likely get record low times for the first test, they are moving inhumanly fast and using pure technique to its fullest." Grinned the Headmaster.

"I- I suppose you're right. I'm looking forward to what they'll accomplish in the last three tes- Whoa wait two of the contestants just ran back? It looks like they're going for the twins! " Valentine leaped over the tattered 30-foot wall, his brother in stride. They flowed without any impurities in their movements, virtually mirroring each other in every action. They had grown in this aspect together for their entire lives… but there were two others of their past who were by their side as well. Almost as if they were brothers too.


*Fwoosh!* They were swept off their feet and got chucked forward as two kids picked them up and started moving toward the Finish line with them.

"Issan! Wade! You sons of bitches are you even sure this is allowed?" Valentine yelled.

"Eh, they never said we couldn't help each other, hell there weren't really any rules." Issan said.



"damn, we might not have had the best times but that was a lot faster than I thought it was gonna be.

Times for first trial: Group C

#1: Tyson Kurosaki, 9.73 seconds

#2: Issan Sato, 10.81 seconds

#3: Ubel Maddox, 10.66 seconds

#4: Wade Alleva, 11.28 seconds

#5: 'Ailani Kāne, 11.93 seconds

#6: Calden Abbott, 12.11 seconds

#7: Caira Hall, 12.18 seconds

#8: Thema Osei, 12.85 seconds

#9T: Valentine Baran, 13.22 seconds

#9T: Elof Baran, 13.22 seconds

The group moved on to the second test being the strength test. The results were similar but there was one surprise that went highly unexpected. While the Baran twins fell to last place, the weight they lifted was monumental.

Valentine Baran: 2.1 Metric Ton Deadlift, 2.0 Metric Ton Squat, 1.3 Metric Ton Bench Press, 1.6 Metric Ton Lat Pulldown. 1.8 Metric Ton Viking Press.

Elof Baran: 2.12 Metric Ton Deadlift, 1.98 Metric Ton Squat, 1.4 Metric Ton Bench Press, 1.7 Metric Ton Lat Pulldown, 1.9 Metric Ton Viking Press.

"These numbers… they're- They're phenomenal! I've never seen anything like this from a human before! I never even thought this was possible!" The observer exclaimed in disbelief.

"I told you, I'm not particularly worried about those two. When they inevitably break the seal on their Halo they will be assets. In fact, I'd be concerned if they ever went rogue. I'd be in my right to suspect that as soon as they are able to use their Halo; they'll be on par with at least a lower rank teacher." Said the Headmaster. The rest of the exams were completed, The brothers got their numbers from the previous tests put for their Haloless test numbers due to their exemplary statistics. Both the brothers shattered the previous records at the school, putting up numbers that were hitherto undreamt of. "OK EVERYONE, IT'S TIME FOR THE SPARRING MATCHES. GET WITH YOUR ASSIGNED SPARRING OPPONENT A.S.A.P!" Roared the initiator.

"You guys ready?" Said Valentine.

"Well the first fights are Haloless so i'm not too worried" responded Elof.

"I'm not worried either, I might not be as capable as you guys but I'd like to think I'm still pretty skilled." replied Issan.

"I'm in the same boat" Wade concurred.


Issan Sato V.S Tyson Kurosaki

Caira Hall V.S Calden Abbot

Valentine Baran V.S Ubel Maddox

Wade Alleva V.S 'Ailani Kāne

Thema Osei V.S Elof Baran

The first fight began, Issan against the most physically powerful incoming student in the country. They leaped from their starting position, Issan came out with a downward tornado kick. Tyson blocked the hit, although it wasn't without cost. Issan was not the most skilled fighter but he was one of the best strategists and was far from weak. He knew the opening hit would be blocked, so he threw as much power into the hit as he could. The kick fractured Tyson's arm, however, it didn't seem to phase him.

"I gotta hand it to ya, I didn't expect that." Tyson grinned. With one brief word they went right back to trading blows. At first, it seemed as though they were perfectly matched, but then the truth began to show its head. While Issan could match Tyson at his peak, there was one flaw with Issan. His stamina was lacking in comparison to Tyson. As the fight dragged on Issan began to try to play more passive. A right hook from Tyson landed just under Issan's ribs. Issan gasped for air.

"Shit, if this keeps at the pace it does I'm done for." Issan thought to himself. He then remembered a technique Valentine had shown him a few days prior to help him if his stamina ever became an issue. He dropped his knees and relaxed his shoulders. *Fwip* Issan dropped onto his wrists, spun around, and…

*BAM!* He landed a spinning back hook kick right to the jaw of Tyson. The Knee Release. Valentine said he had seen the technique in a book he was reading and wanted to see if it actually worked. He discovered that the technique helped one conserve energy, while simultaneously allowing you to catch the opponent off guard and deliver critical blows when need be. It removed the need for a starting move by allowing you to immediately have momentum toward your kick. Tyson was stunned, his head shaking from the blow. It was a miracle he wasn't out cold. Issan got up, his stamina was almost at its limit, he was going to end the fight then and there. He jumped up, spun to face Tyson, and came down with a haymaker, like a Hammer of God. Then, almost in an instant, the chessboard was flipped. Tyson dodged the blow. He grabbed Issan by the face, his massive palm swallowing his head. He slammed Issan to the ground, shattering the floor. The fight, in just as quick succession as it began, ended with one foul blow.

Winner: Tyson Kurosaki

Next fight: Caira Hall V.S Calden Abbot

Caira Hall, a young woman from the northern archipelago. She was born into a prominent family. One of status and wealth, although she chose to distance herself from them because of their questionable ethics. She gained some notoriety in the north district for her incredible swordsmanship and skill with handheld weaponry as a whole. However, she was also a well-balanced hand-to-hand fighter. Calden was well known for having heavy doubts about his ability, and then shooting to the top of the charts right before the Zodiac selection.

The fight began, Caira took a defensive stance, while Calden went right in swinging with a right straight. Caira blocked it, grabbing his arm and thrusting her knee into his solar plexus. Calden was distraught. He couldn't get another breath, his legs and arms went limp. Caira shoved him away and spun around with what seemed to be the match ending blow. A spinning back kick right to the face, but just before impact Calden was able to gasp for the air he needed and threw himself back.

"Holy fuck. Get yourself together Calden, this isn't the selection anymore." He told himself. They went at it again, Caira continuing to take a defensive position. That's when it hit Calden.

"She's doing this on purpose! She's trying to tire me out so she can win a stamina battle. well, two can play that game!" Or so Calden thought. Just as he was getting ready to attempt to flip the tables, Caira leaped over to him. But rather than swinging, she went in for a takedown. Calden countered with an elbow down at her back. It landed without issue and Caira slammed to the ground. Calden wasted no time going for the finisher. He leaped around and used the most potent hold he could think of. A Rear Choke. One of the most basic submissions, yet one of the most difficult to escape from. He had her, there was virtually no chance she could escape.

*click*. He heard an odd noise come from below. He looked down and as he did he saw Cairas legs launch up and around his head.

*FWOOBAM!* His head hit the ground and just like that, he was out cold.

Winner: Caira Hall

Next fight: Valentine Baran V.S Ubel Maddox

Valentine walked out into the stadium.

"Is this the place where the tournaments are held?" He asked the initiator.

"Yep, over the next few years, you'll be here a lot more than you think. Tournaments, Presentations, Training, you name it. It's all held here. By the way, I don't think I properly introduced myself yet. I'm Elhanan Sheppard. You can just call me Mr. Sheppard or just Sheppard. I'll be your class instructor for your entire time here." Responded Sheppard. There was silence as Valentine entered the arena. Out stepped Ubel. He was known for a time as being the top of the incoming class. His older brother attended and was renowned for his ability. However at the end of the selection Tyson ended up taking the number one spot from him. The fight started and immediately Ubel launched at Val. He dropped to avoid the attack, and swung up with an upkick, striking Ubel in the chin. He flew upward, his chin was thoroughly fractured.

"What the hell was that?! I couldn't even see him move, I swear I was right there!" Ubel stammered.

"It's called a Knee release. It allows me to basically hit you without making a move. I saw it in a book I read and it turns out it's actually super effective." Grinned Val. Ubel gritted his teeth and flew at Valentine. Almost as if he knew what he was gonna do, Val immediately countered with a butterfly kick. The first kick landed on his chest, stopping him in his tracks. The second landed right on his face. He flew to the other side of the arena.

*BAM!* Ubel hit the wall, fragmenting the tile. He got up, seething at the fact he was yet to land a successful hit. He changed his stance: now to Muay Thai. As he jumped toward Val he did the unthinkable, changing his stance mid-air: Taekwondo. The kick landed, but it was blocked.

*CRACK* Valentine's right arm broke. But he didn't seem to be phased. Ubel threw a flurry of combos, changing stances mid attack so as to confuse Val. But there was something odd. Amidst the flurry of punches, kicks and other strikes, Valentine kept direct eye contact with Ubel. He assumed it was just for intimidation so he decided to continue on with his unrelenting attack. The two where caught in a seemingly endless cycle of kick, dodge, punch, block, reverse, repeat. But then, in an instant, Val appeared to vanish. Ubel felt the whisper of death in his ear. He hadn't disappeared, he had simply moved so fast that he wasn't able to see him fly around into position for the kill.

*BANG!* Ubel was struck in the side of the head with what felt like the force of a freight train. It was a 720 Degree Spinning Back Kick. Arguably one of the strongest kicks in all of martial arts. Very few can pull it off. Even less can pull it off in a fight even once, and of those few, a fraction can do so consistently. The fight had ended with a true display of power and skill.

Winner: Valentine Baran

"That's… That's impossible. He was being barraged with attacks from a varying array of martial arts, and even so he still got through the attacks and hit him!" Said the observer in awe.

"It's not impossible, just improbable. If you noticed, he never took his eyes off of Ubel. I don't think he was trying to intimidate him, I think it was him looking for an opening… or possibly creating one." The Headmaster speculated.

"Even if that's true, how did he achieve it? Asked the Observer. "No martial art can defend against every single one, the only way one could is if it… wait. You don't think he-"

"I think that's exactly what's going on." Stated the Headmaster. "Valentine! I'd like to ask you a few questions about your fight just now!" Yelled the Headmaster from the observatory. Val walked out of the arena, bruised and injured, but unvexed.

"I have my speculation as to how you just won, now tell me if I'm in the ballpark. You created your own martial art to somehow combat against those who are able to change their style mid fight. Am I correct?" Inquired the Headmaster.

"You're about on the nose. Me and my brother have been training since a very young age, to the point where we have developed a martial art that incorporates the best aspects of each art while discarding the flaws." Val Answered.

"I assumed as such. Well, I'm looking forward to what else you'll be able to achieve in the future Mr. Valentine." The Headmaster said. " I have no doubt being a master of all martial arts is but a fraction of what you and your brother can achieve. I truly do believe you two are destined for greatness." Val stood there, as the Headmaster continued down the corridor. He had never heard such words from anyone but his parents. He now knew without a shadow of a doubt, he and Elof would unlock their Halos. It was just a matter of time.