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Mysteries of The Raven

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In Veilroy werewolves and magic exist alongside humans. It has been a peaceful time until Vampires descended upon their land. The vampires had only one thing in mind and it was to enslave the others for their own personal gain. War quickly broke out when negotiations were dismissed almost immediately. The general for Veilroy's army, a fifth generation werewolf who's family has served the King's family for centuries is called upon. He led battle after battle and won. It seemed as if they would win the war until a massive snowstorm blew through the battlefield. Forced to retreat the general and his army were lost to a sea of snow. They would have remained lost forever if it wasn't for a small raven. The black bird was like a beacon guiding them home and helping them survive. If only they knew there was more to the simple bird that met the eye. This is the story of how a simple Raven won the greatest war in history and made peace between the most brutal foes.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

"This is our home and we will fight until every last blood sucker is gone!" A deep timber voice rang out followed by cheers. "No fanged fairy is going to take it from us!"

The soldiers roared as they prepared for the next battle. The general's golden eyes scanned their faces memorizing each and every one. "And what do we do to leeches who try and kill our people and take our freedom?!" He growled and the entire massive army answered.

"Show no mercy!"

He then shifted as the other wolves followed and the mages and humans charged into battle. The vampires on the other side hissed and charged as well. Soon enough it was a clash of side with fangs, claws, fire and swords. The General was brutal in his attack yet was as graceful as a dancer. His sleek black wolf easy to identify especially with his ruthlessness against the enemy.

As the battle raged so did an encroaching storm. Neither side was prepared as the daylight quickly faded and strong winds with heavy snow clouded them. It was so bad no one could see more than a foot in front of them.

Retreats sounded on both sides as everyone hurried to find shelter from the deadly storm. Unfortunately many got separated or lost their way. Some were even buried beneath feet of snow when they stumbled and fell. Most managed to make if back to the camp but a large group including the General disappeared from the battlefield.

The storm raged for two days and when the snow and wind finally stopped the group of 50 had dwindled down to 37 with at least 10 injured. With no way to trace their steps or navigate using the stars they were utterly lost. Supplies began to dwindle and they were nearly out of hope when the General caught a sweet sound.


His head instantly snapped toward the sound and everyone seemed to follow suit. There sitting on a branch nearby was a small black Raven. The General smiled as he tilted his head and held out his arm.

The Raven watched and observed them for a few moments before flying down and landing on his arm. "Hello, do you think you can help us?" He asked the bird.

Many looked at him like he was insane, a few eyed the bird hungrily, while the rest waited and hoped. The bird stretched it's wings and made another kraa. It flew away from them and disappeared in the sea of white. Everyone deflated except the General who watched and waited.

Soon enough the Raven returned shocking everyone. It once again landed on his arm but held out a tuft of fur from its beak. He smelled the fur and smiled gently stroking the bird. "I will follow you." He spoke as the bird began to fly again but slower.

He turned to the soldiers holding the fur. "Who is hungry for some moose?!" He asked and they all cheered.

He shifted as they all followed the Raven. Soon enough the bird landed and cocked its head making a different call. The General and a few other wolves who were excellent hunters crouched down and spread out.

Soon enough a howl sounded followed by the gruffing of a moose. It didn't last long and before they knew it they were roasting and smoking the moose over several different fires. Morale had gone through the roof as they filled their bellies and the Raven watched on nearby. The General had already given the bird plenty to eat as it perched on a branch and drifted off to sleep.

The following morning they once again were lead by the Raven but this time back home. It took them nearly a week but the Raven had quickly became a part of their unit. It had warned them of enemies and predators, helped them find food, water and shelter when a small storm rolled through. But most of all it led them back safely.

The entirety of Veilroy was stunned and ecstatic to see the return of the General and several of their soldiers. He walked into their camp like nothing they had seen. His beard had grown longer in the nearly three weeks they had been missing. He was rugged from the journey but what shocked everyone the most was the pitch black bird sitting upon his shoulder watching and observing everyone. Its eyes were a rare grey color that seemed to look into anyone's soul that made eye contact.

"Raiden!" A male shouted shoving through the crowd.

He breathed a sigh of relief when his eyes landed on his son. Donnell had been terrified for his son and instantly pulled him into him. He was mindful of the bird that squawked at them. When they pulled back he looked up at the bird. "I must thank you again for saving not only my son but these soldiers and possibly our country. I don't know how you always find him when trouble is near."

The bird tilted its head and kraa-ed causing the men to chuckle. "Let us go and debrief the King," Raiden said and his father nodded.

"Yes, he will be overjoyed for your return." His father told him as they walked towards the King's tent.

Once inside Raiden began telling the King of what occured. He had veered off path trying to redirect some soldiers he knew were heading the wrong way. Some followed him before he caught up to the lead soldier. Before he knew it they were all lost with no way back until Raven showed up. The King was rather intrigued by the bird and its bond to Raiden.

"It seems like you and this bird have history?" He asked never having seen a bird so calm around so many people.

Raiden chuckled and shook his head. "Raven has saved my life more times than I care to admit. She seems to always know when I am in trouble and has been around since I was a pup. She comes and goes as she pleases but is always there when I need her most."

The King hmphed at that and watched the bird as she watched him. "Is it possible the bird is simply a mage in disguise?" He asked and Raiden shrugged.

He continued petting the bird who now sat upon his arm. "Perhaps, but I am still grateful for her help. Besides have you ever heard of a mage being able to transform into a bird?"

The King shook his head. "No I have not. Bears, wolves, lions, and those strange deer but never any kind of bird. Most shaper mages are rare to begin with so I could not imagine one being a bird. You are quite a pretty bird however."

He reached to touch her only to receive a peck and a squawk. The men chuckled as her raised an eyebrow at her. "And feisty it seems. You are welcome here whenever and we wouldn't mind you pecking out some vampire eyeballs should the feeling ever arise."

At this Raven cocked her head and they began discussing plans for the next battle and how many had been injured. Once they had finished and Raiden had gone back to his tent Raven flew off his shoulder and landed on his desk.

She pecked a few spots on his map and he chuckled before marking them. "You are too good to me Raven. You are more than welcome to stay with me and join me on the battle field." He suggested but as if she understood him she shook her head and kraa-ed.

He sighed rubbing his face. "I do not know how or why you came into my life that day fifteen years ago but I will forever be thankful for you. If there is ever anything I can do to return all the favors I owe let me know."

Raven bowed her head and flew out his tent and into the night. Raiden couldn't help but feel as if a piece of him left with the bird. He sighed as he laid down on his bed. "Life would be much simpler if you were a mage in disguise Raven." He whispered and could've sworn he heard her answer him before drifting off to sleep.

Raven however was not a mage in disguise but something much more different that no one could have foreseen. She flew for a while until she reached the hole on the side of the mountain and slipped inside. Once inside she returned to her home before changing back gracefully into her true form.

"Raven!" Her mother scolded and she sighed. "Where have you been for the past week?" She asked as her grey eyes met identical ones.

"You know where I have been mother. I sensed their distress and went to my calling. It is my duty as a Arsha to help those who need it." She replied simply and her mother sighed.

She cupped her daughter's cheek and brushed some of her white hair out of her face. "Sometimes I wish this burden wasn't yours to carry. Perhaps one day you will have the freedom you deserve."

Raven sighed knowing her chance at freedom would soon slip away. She had a calling and a gift that her people deemed to rare and special to give up. Thus she would be stuck inside this mountain hidden away except for when someone called for her. She still had no idea how that werewolf managed to call for her when she was just a child. But ever since that day she could always tell when he was in need of help and no matter what her future held she would always help him. He had became her first true friend and if it wasn't for the punishment she suffered after not wanting to return the first time she met him she would stay longer when ever he called.

But she was an Arsha, a completely pure soul with the inability to lie, deceive, or harm. She was the only one who could transform into a bird and be called to help anyone anywhere. This mountain however would always remain her cage and she always longed to see the world.