Chapter 119 - Mastery

As Draco stood on the tall building's roof, he laughed as he looked at the city of Tripoli below him. 

He had only spent less than a day in his attempts, but he was already successful. 

Harry's voice soon broke him out of his gleeful state, 'My lord, my estimates indicated it would take you at least a year to achieve mastery of the second stage.'

This came as a surprise to Draco, 'So long? Why was it so easy then?' he asked. 

'Typically, most practitioners of the Moon Manipulation technique struggle with getting their inner psyche to leave their bodies without meditation. Everyone's inner psyche is different, but you seem to have a strong affinity with yours.' 

Harry continued, 'I have never heard about anyone trying your method of demanding the inner psyche to come out. Most people spend months trying to resonate with it for it to appear. This requires you to sense your inner psyche without meditation, something that is incredibly difficult to do. However, you skipped this step entirely.' 

Draco chuckled, for he had no idea he had found such a great loophole. 

As he stared over into the city, he could still feel the sun's intense gravity bearing down on his body. Now that he could feel it, it was almost uncomfortable to constantly have this pressure all around him. 

More interestingly, he could also feel the Earth's gravity pulling down on him from below. It seemed like this new understanding of gravitational forces extended to gravity from everywhere.

'So I've already mastered the first and second stages, I'm ready for the third one. What's the next step?' Draco asked.

'The third stage of the Moon Manipulation technique is to channel these gravitational forces into a weapon. To achieve mastery of this stage you must be able to use your inner psyche to wield this gravity. Think about your inner psyche like a conduit of sorts, for only your psyche can control the gravitational pull of celestial bodies.' responded the automaton. 

This made sense to Draco, for it seems like only his inner psyche had the ability to resonate with the gravitational waves he was feeling. 

'Alright, let's get this started.' Draco thought, calling out to his inner psyche once again. 

'Come out mini-me! We have work to do!' Draco yelled internally. 

Draco was like a parent yelling at their child to come out for dinner, but somehow it worked!

His inner psyche floated out from Draco's abdomen and cautiously looked upwards. It was evidently scared of the intense gravitational waves from the sun. 

'Can you grab that gravity up there?' Draco asked, pointing towards the sky.

However, when his inner psyche looked up it quickly shook his head and floated behind Draco as if to hide behind him.  

It likely had some trauma associated with the sun. It couldn't be helped though, for it had previously been singed when Draco went too close to it. 

'Ah, this won't do.' Draco realized, seeing that his inner psyche was scared. 

'What are you so scared of? Don't you know that you came from me?! Us Draco's don't fear anything, let alone a little gravity!' Draco exclaimed. 

Draco's pure confidence seemed to bolster his inner psyche, and it floated up from behind him with a determined look on its face. 

'That's right boy! Now go up there and grab some of that gravity." Draco commanded. 

Draco's inner psyche then sauntered up to the sky. Draco watched it with amusement, for it looked like a cowboy pushing through a saloon's doors. 

His inner psyche then reached out its hands and tried to grab some of the gravitational waves. It grabbed a fistful of the gravity and held it in his hands as it returned back to Draco. 

The inner psyche had a smug smile on its face as it opened its tiny hands, but it was surprised to see that there was nothing in there!

This also surprised Draco, for he had watched with his own eyes as the inner psyche grabbed a fistful of the gravity. 

'Of course it's not so simple.' Draco thought. 

He wanted to try something else, so he gave his inner psyche new instructions. 

'Alright, just try to hold your hand in the waves and see what happens.' said Draco. 

His inner psyche looked skeptical, but it eventually obeyed and flew upwards to try again. 

This time, he held his hand in the gravitational waves for a few seconds. Except, the waves emitted from the sun were scorching hot. 

After only a moment the inner psyche pulled his hands out of the waves and jumped around in the air like it had burned itself. 

'Okay, so that won't work either.' Draco thought, brainstorming new ideas. 

He had to be careful, for he didn't know what would happen if his inner psyche somehow got injured during their tests. 

Over the course of a few hours, Draco and his inner psyche tried everything he could think of. 

He tried to have his inner psyche make a cup with his hands and quickly grab the gravity from the waves before he was burnt, but this was unsuccessful as well. 

His next idea was for his inner psyche to try and take a sip from the gravitational waves. Since the waves reminded him of a sea, he wondered if they functioned like a liquid.

However, his psyche was entirely unwilling to try such a stupid idea. It made motions towards the waves and then back at Draco, as if telling him 'You go try it!'

Draco even had an idea of having his inner psyche yell at the gravity. He figured that since it worked for him, maybe it would work for the mini Draco. 

Draco's inner psyche floated up to the gravitational waves and started soundlessly yelling at them. It was to no avail though, and the waves continued their motions as if the inner psyche wasn't even there. 

Sighing to himself, Draco decided to take a break. 

He was growing frustrated after his fruitless attempts. His inner psyche mirrored his own emotions, so it was also aggravated. 

The miniature Draco floated back into the main body's abdomen and disappeared. From the way it vanished it reminded Draco of a child slamming their door. 

Draco decided to take his mind off of things for the moment, and he figured that a break would be beneficial to him right now. 

He activated his boots and floated upwards from the roof, promptly taking off to the skies. 

As Draco gained elevation he could feel the strong winds buffeting his robes, but there was also something else that drew his attention. 

Interestingly, as Draco went higher towards the sky, he could feel the Earth's gravity get weaker and the sun's gravity get stronger.

This gave Draco an idea, and he kicked his boots into overdrive as he soared as high as possible. 

Draco quickly passed through the clouds, and soon he was going higher than he had ever gone before. 

Seeing that the atmosphere was thinning, Draco took one last deep breath as he flew directly upwards. 

Holding his breath, Draco could soon feel an intensive cold start to penetrate his robes. 

Draco had gone so high up that frost was accumulating over him, and he could even feel his eyebrows begin to freeze over. 

He had long passed the Earth's stratosphere and was now within the mesosphere!

This meant that Draco was now over 150,000 feet in the air, which was equivalent to nearly thirty miles (50 km). 

He was still another 30 miles away from space, but he could already feel the Earth's gravity lessening as he went up. 

There was essentially no oxygen this high up into the sky, and Draco was only able to survive thanks to his enhanced lungs and physiology. 

At this height, Draco was able to sense the sun's gravitational waves with a clarity he had never before experienced. 

Draco then told his inner psyche to come out, 'Hey mini-me! Come here and check this out.' 

Draco's inner psyche promptly floated out of his body with curiosity present on its features. 

As it looked around it was surprised to see that it was now high above the Earth, and that the ground was not even visible from where they were. 

'Alright mini-me, does anything about these waves feel different?' Draco asked. 

Draco's inner psyche just shrugged, but he still reached for the gravitational waves that were surrounding it. 

At this height, the Earth's gravity had less of a presence here. The sun's gravity was ten times as powerful now, and the heat it emitted was evidently unbearable to Draco's inner psyche. 

However, these intense gravity waves began to subside, and Draco looked over the horizon to see that the moon was now rising. 

Due to Draco's current height, he was able to sense both the moon and the sun's gravity at the same time. 

As the sun began to retreat across the horizon, the moon's gravitational pull began to take over. This gave Draco an idea, and he told his inner psyche to approach the moon's gravitational waves. 

The inner psyche floated up to these waves and cautiously reached out to them. When it saw that they were not burning it, the psyche became excited and quickly dove into them. 

Draco's inner psyche swam through the waves as if it was in a water park, and it splashed around like a happy child. 

'Hey come back here, this isn't a time to be playing around.' Draco said, reprimanding his inner psyche. 

His inner psyche had a saddened look on its face as it floated out of the waves, but Draco's eyes widened when he saw what was happening. 

This was because the moon's gravity was somehow following his inner psyche's form!