Some time before,her master and her best friend"Jun Zhen Zhen" come to save her,then the fire started.because she was beaten by the stick on her wedding day,she can't stand and they can't leave the jail open.So,Jun Zhen Zhen bow to her father and wear jiu ling clothes and died there. Next day, When she wakes up,she founded herself in a small cave,then soon after her master arrived and explain everything to her from the start. Also, He changed jiu ling face to jun zhen zhen face. She heavily cried after she knew that her best friend died saving her.After, some time her died on the same day. He fell off the cliff and after filling his master grave. Now,she had no one left to take care.then she go again in the cave, she found a diary and letter that her master left. In the diary, the evidence of the cause of her father death and the letter said"Sorry, jiuling if something happens to me so, I can not take care of you from now have to take care of yourself and Live well. Go to my hometown first and pick zhen zhen servant named ",lu li ying"and go to the fang family in "zezhou"country.and Li ying will take care of you from now on".
After some time to explore her past memories,she stand up and bow to those who sacrifice there lives for saving her,and left to her master hometown.