Chereads / Gay Teenage Zombie / Chapter 3 - The Scent

Chapter 3 - The Scent

The 4 teens had no reaction to him leaving they just continued eating like nothing happened.

"Hello" Melane began to say "are you going to do anything he just ran off?!"

"I don't really care tbh" Perkus said

"And he'll come back he can't handle our world" Theen added

"All of you need to find him"

Melane's voice was firm while saying that but nobody listened or cared.

Melane grew tired of nobody ever listening to her,

So she simply snapped her fingers and the 4 teens teleported to the front porch.

"What the hell she doing, why can't she just go find him herself." Perkus said while trying to open the door

"It's locked" he said

"And I can't teleport back in she probably enchanted the house or something" Acacia added

"Well let's get this over with" she continued to say "Theen wolf mode now"

And with that Theen turned into wolf(And somehow in his wolf form the clothes he was wearing in his human form disappeared). In his wolf form he had long brown hair and his wolf eyes were blood red he looked like a killer even as a wolf, his body was large for a wolf you could fit 2 average sized people in his back. Acacia sat on his Back

But Paylah and Perkus didn't

"Find his sent dog boy" Acacia said

"That's what I'm doing" said Theen

(wow he can still talk as a wolf)

Theen smelled his sent it was still fresh in the air, as soon as he caught the smell he bolted in the direction it sent came from. Theen was running faster than any normal wolf he was moving faster than a horse too. Perkus followed on foot being a vampire he had amazing speed and stamina, Theen can't run as fast has he does in his wolf form but he can still run fast and has amazing stamina and both boys have super strength as a werewolf and vampire. Paylah followed in the air she was able to fly being a ghost and all, she could also turn invisible, became intangible (allows things to pass through) and apparently conjure spirits.

Acacia just sat on Theens back as he ran, if she enchanted her legs she'd be able to run as fast as him but she didn't. Being a witch Acacia was able to use the limitless powers of magic

but, don't let her fool you she's a powerful witch an all there's lots more that she still has to learn (Magic isn't easy to learn).

Perkus had just taken in how far Josh got in just 5 minutes Perkus also realized that Josh doesn't know that as a zombie he doesn't get tired, he could run for all of eternity without getting tired or sweating but he still runs at normal humans speed and he has augmented strength. Perkus knew that it would take Josh awhile to learn how to use his new powers and was considering helping him just a little bit.

The 4 teens followed the scent too an ally way

"The sent stops here" Theen said

"He was kidnapped" Perkus began to say while pointing to the tracks "I'm pretty sure he's too innocent to steal a car and he doesn't know anybody here To get a car from"

They Followed the tracks to the back of a house, the house looked run down and abandoned it was weird because all the other houses on the street were normal it was like that one wasn't built properly on purpose.

"I wonder if they're torturing him in there?" Paylah asked in her emotionless voice.

"I'm not going in there I'll just wait here" Acacia was very nervous when seeing the house.

"What's wrong does it bring back any memories?" even though Paylah said that emotionlessly she was still trying to be Shady and bring up something that Acacia didn't want to remember.

Acacia slapped Paylah across the face the fact that Paylah mentioned that made Acacia tear up.

Before the situation the escalated Perkus interrupted by saying,

"Acacia you need to come, we don't know what's in that house and we might need your strength"

"Ok, I'll go" She said in a shaky voice(Theen is in his human form now)

"So how are we getting in" Theen asked

"I have an idea" Paylah said

Paylah shapeshifted (her clothes changed too) into a hooker and the other were shocked they didn't know she could shapeshift.

"Now," the 3 teens were shocked to hear Paylah talking in her morph because she also altered her voice to sound sexy and seductive it was the first time they've ever heard her speak with some sort of emotion.

"Acacia use your power to shrink everyone and jump into my pocket"