After walking for around 2 hours Elise finally saw some mountains in the distance. He started going towards those in hope of finding a river to drink some water. He was having this indescribable feeling of thrist from the time he woke up.
Through the way he tested his body and with the tests, he found out there's definitely a lot going on with his body, it's like he has become superhuman because he can make 3-5m long jumps easily without even trying much. He can also break huge rocks with ease and his speed is 100 times faster than he had ever seen and human or even animals run.
Although he was unable to run properly because he was not used to this type of strength and speed...he slowly got used to it. And with all these physical activities for the past few hours, he doesn't even feel that tired.
While Elise was closing on with the mountains. Somewhere inside a huge cave near one of the mountain, a creature suddenly opened it's eyes from his long lasted slumber.
'hmmm? who might this be to cross my territory and this feeling...not many people in this world process such aura, Well things might just get interesting for me.' A creature thought to itself while moving towards the target.
This was one of the few divine beasts in this world, who possesses astronomical amount of power that no one wants to face with.
'I am getting this wierd feeling, It's been a few hours now. Although I was in the desert until now but as I got upto the mountains, I can see some greenery and even some trees are getting into my view now but I still haven't encountered any living beings nearby' Elise thought to himself while walking.
'Is this place this lifeless or is it something else?'
But Elise didn't have to wait much longer for the answer as he got the feeling of something huge approaching where he was. As with it came a sense of danger, although it was very light.
And then he saw a snake like creature heading towards him inbetween mountains. Elise was grasping for air just by looking at the size of the creature. It just took it like half a minture to get in front of Elise.
It was a huge around 30m long anaconda like snake with pure white scales and some contrast of purple shade on the edges of each scale. It had a purple gem in shape of a hexagon on its head. Eyes had a pinkish glow to it which showed some excitement hidden inside. The tail of the snake had some type of golden armor more like a rattlesnake.
Although it was huge and frightening looking, Elise wasn't exactly afraid of it because in some weird way he was feeling some familiarity towards the creature in front of him.
"Who are you and why did you get in my territory" The creature said while playing with its tails in air and looking at Elise like its looking at something interesting.
"Huh, you can speak human language?" Elise was surprised when he heard a sweet but authoritive sound.
"First of all its not a language...I am just sending my thoughts direct to your mind using telepathy and you are definitely not a human~" The creature replied after silently staring at Elise for a few seconds.
'oh give me a break, I walked hours just to get out of the desert and when I finally saw something moving...this is the thing I get?! Although I don't feel strange at all more like I already saw this creature...maybe in my dreams?' Elise thought while pondering what to answer.
"Well my name is Elise and I mean, I used to be a human but if I'm not then idk what I'm now and for your territory, I am not familiar with this place so if you don't mind I can get out of here into some other direction." He replied. Although he didn't sense much of a danger from this huge 30m long creature in front of him, for some reason. He still wanted to settle things out in peaceful way if possible.
"Elise huh, I haven't heard of that name before and from what I get from your shouldn't be someone unknown, If you tell me the truth 'human', I'll let you go without any problem. oh you may already know but I'm called Queen Medusa by the people of this world and the mountain range to the whole forest is my territory. And as a divine beast, I promise, no harm will come to you if you'll corporate." Medusa didn't believed him at all and specially emphasised on the word 'human' because according to her, fragile creatures like humans...can't give this strong vibe she was getting from elise. Although there were some but she could count them on the fingers of her hands, they were that less (yea she had hands, in her human form of course, cough) and the aura Elise was producing, It was even comparable to herself.
she was a proud creature, although she wanted to test this so called human's strength in front of him because she liked to fight strong creatures in order to entertain herself. It was more important to know about the identity of the person in front of him before that.
And because of her this type of mentality, many other powerful creatures feared her or didn't wanted to face her because she tend to fight any strong creatures that gets her attention, just to entertain herself and in order to do that, she most of the times beat them to the point of death.
Although most of the higher hierarchy creatures had regen abilities but they still got to face the pain and humiliation. Medusa was a battle maniac and because of this she also had a lot of experience in fighting and facing life-death situations too. But it's not like she was all into battles...if she finds someone with potential and had talent to growth, she would take a role of teacher sometimes, just to face better opponent next time. Nvm, I'll take that back...she was all into battles and did whatever she liked.
She didn't know that yet but Elise was very similar to her in this prospect, It's just that he was lazy most of the times...
'huh aura? and from how she's behaving so I that strong?' Elise thought when he heard what the creature said.
"Well Miss Medusa, I mean no harm and I am telling you the truth...I don't know how I can prove that to you."
'What's up with that 'Miss' and from the vibe I get, I don't think he's lying' Medusa pondered for a min while still staring into Elise's eyes.
"Oh well, you seem pretty strong about we have a battle, you can go if you satisfy me with your abilities and don't worry, I'll do my best not to kill you." She said after she didn't came to any conclusion.
'huh fight?? me and this creature?! what the hell...but I feel pretty confident for some reason and I need to test my limit anyways. I didn't know, I was a masochist too...well its nothing new hah'
Strangely enough, Elise agreed and they both looked excited to test one another.