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The Palace of Begginings

chs / week
"haaah~ reality sucks" he complained in just under a week, he had been rejected to 17 jobs he tried to get. So with no more money, nowhere to go nor anybody to soccur, he decided to move into his grandpa's old shack to stave off sleeping in the streets No internet, TV nor people around and induce someone to some insane levels of boredom, enough to spend your days walking around in the woods in the middle of the night. Then "BOOM"! A "lucky Star" fell into his head ===================== Screw being a jobless loser! I am gonna be the god of creation!!!!!

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1 - The Lucky Star

Taking a stroll at night was a nice experience, the cool air, the silent enviroment, the ocasional dry leaves that broke down under his feet, só satisfying

Although everything was pitch black, a flash light solved the problem.

And Olroy loved it

It had been quite some time since he had some free enjoyable time like this. Maybe when he was 17 years old he did, but after 4 years, clearly he would forget how it felt.

After he graduated things happened so fast.

With nobody but his mother, he had to hurriedly find a job to help with the house's expenses and the woman's crumbling restaurant.

He didn't even get the opportunity to filter the most affordable jobs from the shitty ones. His working career was decided in a coin flip.

He hoped to get head and got tails. Many, many times over

And all of a sudden, no more defined sleeping schedule, and with sleep went his appetite, and the appetite, in the long run, costed his heatlh

Wake up when we tell you to! Go sleep when we tell you so! Breaks? Ha, good joke! You should have tried your luck in the entertainment industry.

In big intensity, his body eventually broke and so did his mother's restaurant without his help.

that place what the woman's whole life, there she grew up, met her husband, raised her child, and see it just end like that, she got sick.

Mother and son hospitalized and without any kind of income? They couldn't keep up like this, quikly, and with the age of the mother being many times more her son's, she didn't last long in bed.

Olroy recovered not much later, but things went from bad to worse from there. With no body to help him and with a dirty curriculum thanks to his assh-hole company, hell had just began.

First week outside the hospital granted him 4 refused refused resumes.

Second week was even more incredible, he had been refused 6 times

Third week 5, fourth 8, fifth 6 again, and it continued on and on, ammounting to 5 months with an avarage of 10 refusals por week.

But last month was really incredible, he had broken his record being refused the amazing amout of 17 times in just 1 week, although 5 of them weren't from that week and just had their deliver delayed by some days, they still were 17, 17!!

But finally, 5 months later, his ecconomies had come to an end, and his bank account reached 0

Olroy finally, after 5 months of strugle, went officially Bankrupt.

For a moment he despaired, crying sillently on his room, thinking he would become homeless.

Luckly, after talking to a public lawyer, he found out that if he selt his and his mother's house and her restaurant, he would be aple to get a hand in some few hundred thousands so he could at least move into his grandpa's old shack that was far from the city in the top of a mountain for a while, since houses in that area were quite expensive, and if he spent his money to move to a place with cheaper housed he would find himself in the same situation as before, but this time, there wasn't any house nor restaurant to sell to matin hilmself.

The moving was very fast, since Olroy didn't had many things, and owned nothing of value.

And since the money he got from the restaurant and the house was pretty good, he decided to lay low for a while and enjoy himself a bit

But since there was no television on the old shack, and he was too anxious to spent his money to buy one, and there was no way any provider would try to connect internet to such a desolate place, the "enjoying himself" part resumed to roaming the forests around the area eating fruits he found on the way and sleeping when he felt like it.

On that afternoon after eating fruits for lunch he got so tired he accidentally fell asleep, just waking up at 7 later, but when he realised that, it still was too late, since it was already evening, and he wouldn't be able to go to sleep again.

Without anythung else to do then, he grabed a flashlight and wondered around the forest, hoping to kill enough time for dawn so he could eat breakfast(that was just even more fruits but with honey).

Olroy sighed as he recalled his situation.

"Oh heavens, why should i suffer like this, Have i been forsaken?" he complained looking at the skies in desperation.

He shook hi head and continued to walk.

A few meters forward, he met with a bush teeming wih delicious red beries.

He bent down and got a handfull to eat while sitting at a tree, and so he did.

On the place he was there wasn't that many trees, so the moon was shining brightly above his head, so he turned off his flashlight to save a bit of battery, and continued to eat.

The berries were very sour, but with a hint of sweetness in them, what made they taste very unique, and really, really good.

While Olroy enjoyed his natural snack he had found, his ears caugth a strange sound.

*FFFFFFF* the sound went

Olroy looked around, trying to discover the origin of this sound.

To his right there was the bush with berries, 3 funny trees and after them just darkness.

On the left there was a rock, his flashlight and the dark of the florest.

Behind, the tree he was sitting

Down.... ground, clearly.

So it left Up still unchecked.

His head slowly moved up.

There was a pitch black void, poluted with many stars, the moon that was completely full, and a bright red orb of flames descending on him

Olroy stoped for a moment to process the situation. To help his brain work, he calmly placed another berry in his mouth, and thoroughly savoured it bofore spiting it's seeds out, then his eyes immediatelly went as wide as plates and he started swinging his arms around as the adrenaline rush finally punshed in, and as the orb got closer he tried to run away from it's range, slipping his feets on the grass many times before finally standing up and sprinting as far away as he could from the range of the orb's colision, being stoped just by a tree that he ran face flat into.

Olroy fell into his butt just in the moment the orb collided with the tree he was sitting on, and exploding with a mighty *BOOOOM*!!!

Olroy slowly turned back to the explosion spot and swallowed.

he slowly stood up and cautiously walked black to the place.

At landing the orb created a crater at least 2 metters wide and 30 centimeters deep that was releasing a thick cloud of smoke.

Olroy put his hand in front of his mouth and hesitantly stepped inside the crater with half open eyes trying to see what was in the middle of all that smoke.

"Ehe-Ehem! Whew~ that was quite the travel wasn't it?" A high pitched voice, sounding like an old man came from the hole.

As the smoke started to dissipate Olroy took his hand from his mouth and watched the scene that unfolded below him

"Come, come guys! We must find the Element #556 to increase our numbers!" In the bottom of the crater, a little creature about 2 centimeters tall

had made it's way out of the sohere and was talking back to it like it was alive and it slowlt dematerialized into a cloud of black smoke.

The creature was humanoid, and had a giant head the alone composed 1/3 of his body's size. It had a giang white mustach, and wore a black tuxedo

'What the hell is this?' Olroy gave another step into the crater, unintentionally making the ground shake with it.

"Huh? What could it be?" the little figure in the hole looked back.

"Gah?! How could it be!! This planet's inhabitants have already found us?!" the figure screamed looking at the giant figure of Olroy. "Attaaack!! all forces attack!!" It screamed as it sprinted away.

At the little figure order's, the black cloud created by the sphere started to move and immediatelly dashed at Olroy, aiming at his face. The cloud started to get together as it got closer to his face, but before it could reach him Olroy waved the cloud away making it dissipate mid way to him

"Eh, eh, eh, eh!!" the little figure gasped for air while running with all it's strengths away from Olroy, just to be caugth with a stretch of Olroy's arm.

"?! How can this be possible! Oh no, ours forces have been too weakened! they're so few it didn't have enough time to condensate!!" I spoke after looking at the smoke that was scathered all around the area.

The little thing was so scared it started to cry, and at the apex of despair, the thing started to scream like a baby.

"AAAHHH!! I am sorry great mother(not like the mother of your mother, he's calling some "mother" grand) I wasn't able to save the sector 56. We're all gonna diiiiie!!! BUAAAAAAA!!!!"

The little person's cry was só loud that Olroy's ears hurt, and he quikly tried to cover both of them.

"HEEEY!! Could you please stop?! I am NOT gonna kill you!!" Olroy announced in despair, he didn't had any intention to kill this... whatever this was, but if it continued being so annoying and screaming so loud, well, no one would miss it's disappearance anyway.

"hu-huh?" The little figure suddenly stoped crying and looked at Olroy with doggy eyes. "Yo-You *sniff* won't kill *sniff* u-us?" It asked while still trembling.

"N-No, i wouldn't get anything from killing you anyway" He explained while stopped trying to cover his ears.

"ye-Yes! You're right! Ha ha!" The little guy smiled hapily. "Co-Could you please let me go so we can introduce ourselves?"

"sure" Olroy answered and oppened his palm, letting the little guy stand in it

"Ehem! Nice to meet you! erm. Monkey? I am Yagash-nar-gilcuowabe, but you can call me Yaga or Gilbe!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Gilbe, My name is Olroy. And i am a Human, not monkey."

"OOooh! Human! Never heard that word before... The pleasure is mine Olroy" is that Anborn'ish?

Olroy lifted his other hand and shook hands with Gilbe using his pincky finger, that was two times biger than Gilbe's palm, he wasn't even able to grasp the whole tip of the finger.

"uh, no, it's english" Olroy answered, a bit hesitant about Gilbe's question "So, Gilbe, could you tell me, what are you? and what's... that" Olroy ponted at the black smoke that he hadwaved off later that had rematerialized and was floating behind Gilbe.

Gilbe seemed a bit confused about what Olroy was talking about with the "that" but after seeing the black smoke it understood, almost like it just noticed it was there.

"Oh, yeah, you mean this? oh, this is nothing much, this is a ABC, and i an Blani. We're both Hyasols!" he explained with a happy face and a smile goin from side to side of his face

"...Could you please develop more?" Olroy had a inexplicable face of confusion.

"Oh, you didn't understand that? Strange, but okay then. This behind me is an ABC; Advanced Building Cell. The newest and most advanced building organism our Grand Mother has created yet! They have numerous utilities. Including changing from flesh to metal, absorbing and disspipating heat, and being able to simutale many other mineral's capacities, golds eltricy transmission, platinium's resistance, coppers anti adhesion, etc. And they have the capacity to turn on and off like a lamo, see?" Gilpe said pointing at a couple of ABCs that had floated to his palm as they turned on and off like a lamp.

Gilbe then put a hand at his chest and with closed eyes started to speak "I am a Blani, also known as Cadre 11's Captain!" Gilbe announced

Hearing his words, Olroy had many questions he wanted to ask, but, he decided to ask that later, since there was 1 more thing Gilbe haven't answered; What was a Hyasol

Olroy had never head that name before in his life, be it books of science, biology, chimestry or even fantasy books of adventure, fantasy or sci-fi. What was a Hyasol? He was about to discover.

Gilbe opened his eyes and placed his hands on his back with a serious tone, no more of that high pitched annoying voice, now he sounded like a dangerous serious old man.

"And we're Hyasols, to be more specific, we're the 234.540.709th generation of the experimental sector B. We're the 2th successfull generation" he said slowly.

Olroy was taken aback, wich generation? What experimental who? Second generation? what about the first one?

"234.540.709th generation? Gilbe, could you explain that?" Olroy asked theserious Gilbe, but at the same moment, a reaction came form the ABCs.

Their body shook, and the cloud of black changed colors many times before around 1/4 of the cloud stoped moving and fell to the ground. Gilbe looked saddened.

"?! What? What happened?" Olroy quikly asked crouching down and picking the ABCs that had fallen.

"They're dying" Gilbe had a dark expression.


"Yeah, they spent their last forces trying to get me into the atmosphere of this planet, so i intended to find it Element #556 to eat, but it seems it didn't last enough."

"Element #556? What is that?" Olroy asked hurriedly "C'mon old man, speak!" Olroy urged as Gilbe took a bit to speak.

"Uh? Ah! Element #556 is the food ABCs need to sustain themselves, in my sector they're called like that, but i don't know how to call it here... Bu-But it's a white metal that has a very strong light!"

"is it solid?" Gilbe nodded. "then i have an idea."

Olroy got up from the ground and started to run in his house's direction. "What your friend there need is Silved! Follow me! i have a throphy made of silver i got on my second years!"

Gilbe saw olroy disappear in the distance and panicked a but, but after another loud call from him, gilbe snapped back to reality and ran after him.

"Wai-Wait for me!!"