Chereads / When I wasn’t looking / Chapter 58 - Damien (Suzy Q)

Chapter 58 - Damien (Suzy Q)

As we were getting ready to head out the door I remembered that I had planned for Addie to denounce her pack surrounded by her family and friends just for emotional support.

This might sound silly but some young ladies have a hard time coping with separating from their pack. My little sister Harley just happened to be one of those young ladies. I well remember the morning she called me frantically apologizing for Denouncing me as her Alpha. Harley had met her mate in Lake Tahoe on a ski trip. So that's where she was the night she denounced me as her Alpha.But the next morning instead of being happy to tell us about her mate she was a total wreck. She kept balling and squalling, and apologizing to me profusely.

Even though Kaden her mate had explained the process before hand. And even after I reassured her several times that she didn't hurt me. It still took Kaden and myself at least thirty minutes to calm her down.

Well I guess I'm a little to late for her family to be here. Since Skyler and Chloe has already left and the older members have retired for the night. But just maybe, if she sees that Zack's okay and supports her decision. It will be enough of a reassurance to keep her from going crazy in the morning .

So I grabbed her shoulders and spun her around to face her Alpha, "Zack" I called to grab his attention even though he and Andie were only a few steps behind us.They had already turned and was heading back into the bedroom where Xavier was sleeping.

He looked over his shoulder in our direction and raised a brow" Yeah "

If you don't mind I'd like Addie to denounce you and her pack in your presence. Just to reassure her that you're okay and support her decision." I explained as I caressed Addie's shoulders to keep her from tensing up.

Zack smirked and turned around crossing the distance between us. He stood right in front of Addie and rolled his shoulders." Okay Addie, let's do this." He said with a grin "If you're sure that you want to go with this old man and be his Luna let me hear it." Zack murmured, folding his arms across his chest taking on a defensive stance.

Mimicking his stance my girl rolled her shoulders and cracked her neck. It was a comical sight. They both looked like two old west gunslingers getting ready to have a showdown.

I tried not to laugh and kept massaging her shoulders as she recited the traditional little speech. " I Addison Johnson, declare Zachary Randolph, no longer my Alpha, and the Starlight Pack no longer my home."

Zack's crazy ass grabbed his chest dramatically staggered back and groaned."You're killing me Addie."

" Sissy " My little kitten hissed. Then she crossed the little space between them and wrapped one of her arms around his neck extending her other hand out for Andie to take.

She then kissed Zack's cheek " I'll miss your crazy ass." She grinned and turned towards Andie giving her hand a squeeze. " Take care of him baby girl, but don't let him give you any shit." Both girls laughed at that.

Zack chuckled and pushed her towards me.

"Good luck with this one." He grumbled ,then extended his hand towards me giving mine a firm shake ." See y'all in the morning."

" See y'all in the morning. I returned,the sentiment,then glancing over at Andie. "Andie, if Xavier gives you any problem call me,okay?"

Andie rolled her eyes. " Go Damien, enjoy your time with Addie." She chided, pushing us out the door and closing it behind us.

"She's a little pistol" Addie chuckled, grabbing my hand and zapping my ass with those little sparks as we headed down stairs to the second floor.

"Yeah she is," I agreed "she's a little scrap of nothing, but she's tough and strong. I've actually seen her put Peyton, her older brother on his back." I smiled at the memory of Peyton a six foot tall Alpha male getting knocked out cold. By a badass spinning roundhouse kick delivery by his little 90 pound sister. She jumped and twisted in the air so fast that he didn't even see it coming.

" Oh wow!" Addie exclamed,her eyes going wide "I met Peyton at the bonfire we had after Zack's Alpha ceremony. He's a big guy." Addie murmured, making me curious and I hate to say it,just a touch jealous.

I know it sounds silly for me to be jealous of a sixteen year old boy. But just like Zack, Peyton's pure Alpha bloodline is giving him that more mature look and large defined musicals. Pure Alpha power also drips from the boys pores making teenage girls go ape shit over his young handsome ass. So yes, I'm just a little bit jealous and curious to know what all happened at this bonfire.

"Bonfire?"I query, giving my girl a side glance hoping she will elaborate on a little bit on what took place with out me asking .

My girl glanced back up at me and grinned mischievously" Yeah, After all the older people went back inside a bunch of us teenagers from the party changed our clothes and headed down to the bonfire at the cleaning behind the gymnasium. That's where all the younger people from pack were hanging out. We had some beer, and made a bucket of love,and danced to the music from someone's car stereo sound system.You know just hanging out." My girl babbled cheerfully ,but all I heard was 'made a bucket of love.' Just what the fuck is that? Did they have a wild teenage orgy or something? I wondered.

Well ,I may regret it but I had to ask. " A bucket of love? What is that?"

My girl giggled, " It's a drink we mix up in a bucket for anyone who wants a little more kick

than just beer and cheap wine. It's made with a bottle of vodka, a bottle of gin, powder sugar, and a bottle of Mountain Dew. With a bunch of fresh cut up fruit floating on top." My girl explained what sounded like the recipe for a hangover to me.

"Hum, so everyone got pretty hammered." I guessed , pushing the door open to the guest room I'm staying in for the night and pushing the jealous feelings I was having away.

" Not everyone. Ahi..Damien ."my girl squealed when I Literally swept her off her feet and kicked the door closed behind us.

Addie giggled and tightened her hold around my neck resting her head on my shoulder until I set her back on her feet beside the bed.

Where I pulled her into my arms capturing her soft lips in a passionate kiss while letting my hands roam over her sexy voluptuous curves.

Those tiny spark of our bond cracked and tingled uncontrollably underneath my palm even through her soft silk blouse. And my Alpha wolf woke from his slumber growling in my head to take her to claim my mate.To possess and mark what belongs to me.

I tried to push him back but my hands seemed to moved on their own up to the buttons of her blouse. Then I had to break the kiss to take a deep breath just to calm my wolf before I just ripped her clothes off and pushed her down on the bed like a wild animal.

My girls not tall but of average height for a shewolf about five foot eight. But with the four inch heels she had on she was almost as tall as me.

So I leaned my head against her forehead taking in as much oxygen as I could. " Take this off kitten " I panted through ragged breaths running my fingertips down the buttons of her experience silk shirt.

I was impatient and aroused beyond believe but I didn't want to just riip the damn thing off like a barbaric caveman. I thanked the Moon Goddess when my girl eagerly complied to my wishes.

Her nimble fingers easily maneuvering those fucking tiny buttons with finesse as I peeled off my own shirt and kicked off my shoe.

I was already working on taking my pants off

by the time she dropped the blouse on the floor revealing her big soft breast partly covered by her sexy white lace bra.I licked my dry lips in anticipation of sucking on those luscious soft mounds . But the damn bra looked fragile too and I knew those tiny hooks in the back were complicated.

So I moved her long curly hair off her shoulder and smiled down at my girl."Bra too kitten." I whispered , running my fingertips along those flimsy little straps.

And again my girl didn't complain about me not taking part in the art of seduction. She just smiled and reached behind her back stripping off the little stretchy piece of fabric letting her exquisite breast free.

I fucking growled and pulled Addie closer slamming my lips back down on her's. I cupped one of those luscious perky mounds in my hand letting it spill over my palm just enjoying how soft it felt.

With that soft mound in one hand I let my free hand roam her hourglass figure just admiring her sexy curves for a few minutes.My girl is fucking perfect,with curves in all the right places.Big breast, tiny waist, curvy hips, and just tall enough to have long sexy legs without being taller than me. Even in those come fuck me heels girls like to wear now days she's still a good three inches shorter than me.

Absolutely Fucking perfect.

Definitely a stark contrast to those six foot tall, flat chested,boney ass, runway models that my older sister tries to hook me up with.

Lost in the kiss,touching and the little sparks of our bond that danced all around us.I didn't hear the approaching foot steps in the hallway.

And spun around half shifting pulling Addie behind me when the door of the room opened and slammed against the wall behind it with a bang. Instinctively my eyes flashed locking on to the intruder and my fangs elongated ready to rip out the person's throat as a loud viscous growl rumbled from my chest echoing through the pack house.

" Ahi...Ahhh" Addie screamed and I pinned the bitch from earlier that had tried to caused trouble down on her knees.She screamed in pain from my aura baring down on her but I didn't release her or ease up on the pressure.

Until I heard two different voices call out

" Damien " trying to get my attention.

Keeping the bitch locked down with my aura I swept my gaze up to the two figures standing in the hallway. Both Zack and Alpha Lucius were standing there in sleep wear with a concerned and confused look on their face.

" What happened here?" Alpha Lucius ask, as his gaze swept over our half naked form,back to the bitch on the floor still pinned down by my aura.

" Brandy's gone crazy" Addie shouted from behind me. " She just burst into our room with out even knocking."

" Damien, Addie, I'm sorry your time together has been interrupted."Zack said apologetically stepping closer to the bitch on the floor but still far enough back to not be affected by my aura.

He then called my name " Damien, if you will please ease up on your aura and let me take her to the dungeon for the night. You can tell me what you wish to do with her in the morning for now just try to relax and enjoy your time with Addie ". Zack said diplomatically, stepping on into the space where my aura was radiating around the bitch on the floor. By the way, just as I had expected it had little to no affect on him.

But still It's an ulmate sign of good faith and trust that not many Alpha's would share with another. No Alpha wants to show you exactly how much your aura affects him. Immediately recognizing what Zack was doing I pulled my aura back.

And Zack snatch the bitch up by the arm and turn to take her away calling out at us from over his shoulder. " We'll see y'all in the morning."

Alpha Lucius leaned in and grabbed the door handle and smiled " Good night, Luna Suzy Q." He said with a wink and closed the door with a soft click.

My girl giggled and I had to ask " Suzy Q?"

My girl shook her head and being to explain the nickname. " My middle name, my dad and Alpha Lucius used to call me Suzy Q. When I was little instead of Addie like everyone else."

A low rumbling chuckle left my lips as an image flashed in my head of a tiny little curly headed girl running about my pack house. I would probably call her my little Suzy Q too. Then I realized that's exactly what I wanted. "That's what we're going to name our daughter." I blurted out and sealed any protest from my mate with a kiss.