Chereads / When I wasn’t looking / Chapter 51 - Zack (visiting our other guest)

Chapter 51 - Zack (visiting our other guest)

" Look, we have something we need to do. Go on inside and visit with mom and dad."Skyler grumbled, jotting his chin back towards the double doors we had just came from.

" I barely got to talk with Chloe." Addie huffed, stubbornly placing both of her hands on her hips.

She then tilted her head a bit sideways to glare at Skyler. And without warning she began to bombard him with questions one after the other . "Are you coming back? Are you going out to celebrate? Can I come with you ?" Addie rattled on.

I just laughed and took a step back, it's not like I haven't seen her like this before. Actually it happens a lot when she thinks Skyler is trying to hide something from her. I believe she does this in an attempt to trip him up. Which never works.

" Yes, No, No." Skyler rattled off not missing a beat. Grabbed Addie's shoulder spinning her around towards the set of double doors we had came from . "Now go" He ordered, giving her a little push in that direction. He then immediately started walking on down the hallway. Only to pause his steps a moment later to yell from over his shoulder.

"Hey Addie"

She turned and smiled looking hopeful. "Yeah"

"Happy Birthday."

" Thanks, love you." She grinned, and blew him a smacking kiss off her palm like she did when we were four years old.

"Loved you longer" He shouted back the phrase Mrs. Blair always tells both of them, from over his shoulder while never breaking stride. We then strolled on down the hallway towards the front door of the Pack house.

My jeep was in the big garage and I didn't see any need to have it pulled in front of the pack house. The big garage is only a short distance from the main entrance so it only took us about five minutes to get there.

After reaching the garage I pulled up the door and we all loaded up in my jeep.

I headed straight through the woods on the four wheeler trail. Cutting off the main trail and headed up the mountain to a secluded area where the dungeon is hidden. Stopping my jeep out side the razor wire compound to mine link the guard to let us pass.

After passing the gate we parked in front of the front of the old dungeon that hasn't been used for a long time.

As we came closer to the entrance I greeted the two guards on duty with a nod. " Cooper, Trevor"

" Alpha " they greeted in unison.Cooper then unlocked the heavy steel door and pulled it open for us to enter.

We stepped into what would be considered a break room for the guards on duty. It's just a small area with a couple of tables, a small row of lockers, refrigerator ,and microwave.

Nothing fancy, but it served the purpose it was intended to. On the far end of the room was a small desk and a steal door.

The door being the only original feature in the room. Locked by a heavy steel bar crossing over the front with an ancient padlock holding it in place.

However the most unique feature of this door is the thick overlay of pure silver on the opposite side. Designed to hold dangerous rough werewolves. I took the key from a small glass bowl on the desk and lifted the heavy bar from the front of the door glanced over at Skyler inquisitively.

"This way." Skyler murmured, leading us towards the older part of the dungeon.

Obviously there was no windows back this way since the dungeon was made inside a cave.

The electric lights that had replaced the original torches on the walls were dim. Hanging low from the ceiling and casting ominous shadows on the walls and the air grew heavier with the iron tang of rust and blood.

When we past numerous cells that still held the remains of skeletons from past tenants. Andie squeezed my hand tighter and placed her other hand around my forearm scooting in closer to me.

My girl was seeking my protection. And I damn sure wasn't going to let her wait for the comforter she seeked.

" You're safe sweetheart, I won't let anyone near you." I vowed, with a quick kiss to her temple that made her glance up.

I grinned back at my girl covering her hand that was clinging to my forearm with mine.

" Trust me?"

" I do." She whispered shyly making my heart sing for a moment.

That's until Skyler came to a halt in front of a cell interrupting my moment with my girl. Immediately followed by the disgruntled voice of our new guest. Who was up on his feet and stalking towards the cell door the moment he spotted us.

" Is this some kind of joke, let me the fuck out of here you rich little pricks." Stan ranted angrily as he shook the door on the cell.

I pushed Andie behind me and closers to Chloe as I took a step forward so that I was standing directly in front of Stan."Well now," I drawled out lazily making sure he knew I wasn't in any hurry to release him. "I guess sense you already know who I am there's no need for me to introduce myself."

" You bet, I know who you are. You little punk, and when my lawyer gets done with you I'll own your fucking company."Stan spouted out his useless threats not realizing the gravity of his situation.

"Hum, I don't believe that's going to happen because You see, Mr. Foster. It has come to my attention that you were involved in the kidnapping of a little boy from my home last week."

" I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."Stan spate out,tightening his grip on the bars of his cell door as he glared angrily at both me and Skyler.

I widen my stance and folded my arms across my chest keeping my Alpha face intact . I locked my eyes on Stan letting him know he could deny his involvement all he wanted but he had been caught red handed . " Oh, I think you do Mr. Foster. I also have evidence that points to you in the attempted kidnapping of another child from my home just one day after the little boy was kidnapped."

" Evidence ! What fucking evidence, are you working with the cops now rich boy? Are you recording this shit? If that's your fucking game? I need to call my lawyer." Stan roared, his eyes searching the area in an attempt to find a hidden camera. I guess.

"Well let's see what we can do about that Stan." I said mockingly, pulling my cell phone from my pocket to glance at the screen. "Humm, Sorry about that but it seems like my phone doesn't have a signal. How about yours Skyler?" I ask ,spinning my head around to glance his way.?

Skyler also pulled his phone out giving it a quick glance " Nope, not even one bar. Looks like you're shit out of luck Stan."

"I don't know what your game is here. But the only one I can see that's been Kidnapped is me."Stan yelled, rattling the cell door to prove his point.

" Now, now, Stan that's not true. We didn't kidnap you. I believe the correct terminology for the state that you have found yourself in is imprisoned."Skyler pointed out casually gesturing towards the cell Stan was held captive in.

Which only angered Stan more." You motherfucker, I'll kill you." Stan shouted,his face turned red and ugly blue veins popped out on his forehead .

"Stan you need to calm down before you have a heart attack. I just need to ask you a few questions before I decide how long you'll be our guest here." I said in a calming manner. Not giving Stan any indication what was truly behind the words that I said. I wondered if he actually knew his only two options are to live the rest of his life as a prisoner or to be killed by a werewolf.

"Fuck You" Stan shouted,actually spitting at me through the heavy metal bars. Only missing my chest because I took a step back.

However I didn't let his vile antics ruffle my fur. I just gave him a polite smile and continued to play with his head. " Stan, I can see that your not in the mood to talk yet. So I guess I'll leave you alone to reflect on your feelings. Perhaps you'll feel like sharing in the morning."I replied, turned on my heels and walked away with my girl tucked underneath my arm.

Leaving Stan shouting out profanities behind us. "Get back here you bastard"

" Let me out of here you fucking freak."

"I'm going to kill you, you motherfucker" Stan's shouts continued to echoed through the dungeon as we made our way to the heavy metal door of the entrance. Where I gave Trevor and Cooper a nodd of acknowledgment.

" Alpha" they both responded.

After getting back inside the jeep Skyler smirked evilly. His sadistic side coming to the surface. " I think we should stop playing around and just get down to business with this jerk. I'd be more than willing to help him remember why they kidnapped Chase."

The feral evil glint in his eyes reminded me that I need to watch his twisted ass. Even though it seems odd to me that someone who grew up in a loving family. With supportive parents could actually be so sadistic.

Skyler enjoys handing out pain like it's candy on Halloween night. Hell if I don't keep an eye on his sadistic ass he'll have that asshole beat to death. With his body stretched out in the froest for the bears to feast on. That's if Skyler don't shift and eat the asshole himself before we can get the information we need.

" We'll leave the girls at home and take a firmer approach in the morning. But I want you to leave that to me for now." I subtly ordered, then reminded Skyler of our objective. "We need to find out where they got those scent blocking clothes. We also need to find out if Chase's kidnapping was planned by them. Or if they were hired by someone else and what they had planned to do with him."

" We'll do it your way, but the offer still stands" Skyler said,with that fake ass charming smile he uses for the public.

Just who the fuck does he think he's fooling. I'm certain that he's biting at the bit to pull that assholes fingernails off one at a time.Or perhaps nail his ass to a chair and chop his dick off.

' If the bastard don't give us some answers in the morning I'll let you have your fun' I sent through the mind link.

' Deal' He sent back with a little more glee in his voice then necessary causing me to shutter .

We pulled back in front of the pack house just a little after five. Andie and I headed upstairs to take a quick shower. And I'm absolutely positive Chloe and Skyler headed straight to his bedroom to do the same.

The stench of the dungeon is something that you never get used to,especially if you're a werewolf. The foul order of rotted flesh and blood mixed with sweat and body waste is just too overpowering for our heightened scene of smell.

Making it nearly impossible for us to feel comfortable until we take a good hot shower and warsh all that stink down the drain .

I'm just glad that Skyle didn't send me mental images of the things he has planned for our guest in the dungeon. I'm not really sure if I could take it mixed with the stench of the dungeon this close to dinner time.

After a good hot shower I threw on a pair of medium wash jeans with a navy and green plaid Oxford button up. I Rolled the sleeves up a turn and slipped on a pair of dark brown dock shoes.

The clothes I selected is from my casual work wear side of the closet.Mrs.Donna the lady who does our laundry presses and starches my work clothes until they can stand up on their own.

So I figured they should be good enough considering this dinner is for Chloe and Skyler. With just our family members and only one guest.

With plenty of time to spare I made my way down the hallway to my girls bedroom. I tapped once on the door before making my way on inside.

Just as a fresh faced Andie emerged from the bathroom with her long dark hair pulled up in a high ponytail.

She was wearing a crisp white button up shirt ,a pair navy blue straight leg ankle pants,with a pair of simple navy blue loafers.

My girl looked beautiful, no makeup, no fancy clothes, no high heel shoes, and no fancy hairdo. Just Andie, my mate, my Luna, the girl of my dreams .

" You look lovely, are you ready?" I uttered holding my hand out for her to take.