Chereads / When I wasn’t looking / Chapter 40 - Zack ( dinner)

Chapter 40 - Zack ( dinner)

After leaving my office I walked Andie to her room and pushed the door open. Then spun

around to pull her into my arms for a brief hug. "Go on inside and pack your bag sweetheart. I'll be back in a flash."

After Andie closed her door, I sprinted down the hallway to my room tapping at John's mind on the way.

'Alpha Zack!' He replied, sounding startled.

' Sorry if I startled you John. But I need you to bring one of the Escalades around to the front door. And will you please put one of those containers of twenty inch heavy duty zip ties in the glove box.'

' Of course Alpha, Will you need me to drive you somewhere or will you be driving yourself?' John ask politely.

' Thank you for the offer John, but I will be driving myself this time.' I sent back,pushed open my bedroom door and pulled my suitcase out of the closet.

Not wasting a second I began to toss my clothes in a bit half hazardously. But I don't care, it's not like I need to save space inside my suitcase. We're only staying over night and all I need is one change of clothes.

So without caring how much space my clothes took up inside my suitcase. I threw in my black compression suit and my tac boots for tonight, just in case I need to fight. A couple pair of socks and underwear. A light weight pair of sweatpants to sleep in and a pair of black jeans and a gray pole shirt for tomorrow. I grabbed the little brown leather bag my mom got me last year for Christmas from underneath my bathroom sink. I think she called it a toiletry bag. Anyway, it's just a small bag to put my body wash and crap in. Then I scooped up my shampoo and all the stuff I use in the mornings to get ready. I threw them into the little brown bag and tossed it into my suitcase. Grabbed my rain jacket from the closet and was out the door in less than fifteen minutes.

Now with my suitcase in hand I dashed on down to Andie's room. Tapped once on the door before pushing it open. Andie spun her head around clearly surprised to see me back so quickly.

" Need some help sweetheart?" I ask, sauntering on over to the bed and peering into the small suitcase she was packing.Noticing it looked a lot neater then mine.She even had her tiny little white panties folded.

" Nope, done." She chirped , closing the suitcase and secured it with the zipper.

I grabbed her suitcase with my free hand and jotted my chin towards her closet . " Grab a rain jacket sweetheart it's really coming down out there."

"Oh okay " she murmured,scurrying on inside her closet and emerging a few minutes later. Wearing the cutest little light blue Canada Goose rain jacket with the matching light blue rain boots.

" Nice boots and jacket sweetheart." I complimented the twelve hundred dollar rain ensemble.Wondering if it was another gift from my sister.

" Thank you "Andie smiled shyly "Julie gave them to me this morning when she brought the blue cardigan and the blue chucks. See everything matches." She informed me opening the front of her rain jacket to reveal the blue cardigan. The same little sweater she has been wearing all day. "She said I would need them if we stayed out past noon today." And there's my answer, just as I thought another gift from my sister .

" She was right sweetheart, it's pouring outside but that's not going to stop us from enjoying our dinner tonight. Come on,I made a reservation for us at the Hanger for six thirty ."I said ,nodding towards the door for Andie to open it since both of my hands were full at the moment.

We headed out of the bedroom meeting my dad in the hallway. He eyed the two suitcases in my hand suspiciously and didn't hesitate to ask about them.

" Going somewhere?"

"Eloping." I joked, but I really wished I wasn't. I couldn't think of anything that would make me happier than to run off and marry Andie.

My dad chuckled " Really?"

I grinned with a little chuckle myself "Naw, Just staying in Juneau tonight with Skyler and Andie's cousin Chloe.We have a lead on the kidnapping case but we will be back tomorrow."

" Andie's cousin, I didn't know we had guests. Do I need to inform your mother to get the guest room ready?"My dad ask, clearly taken aback that we had a guest in the pack house with out him knowing about it.

" No need, her accommodations are already taken care of. We'll be back tomorrow for lunch so that everyone can meet her. Tell mom to have the kitchen staff plan something kinda special.Invite Skyler's mom and dad and our grandparents. We want to make sure Chloe feels welcome ,she will be Andie's chaperone." I briefly explained to my dad as I tried not to give away Skyler and Chloe's big surprise.

"Hum Chloe" My dad murmured thoughtfully , dragging his gaze over towards Andie. " She's Clayton's daughter, right?"

Andie nodde a beautiful smile blooming on her face "Yes she is ,do you know her?" She ask curiously.

" No I don't, but I'm really looking forward to meeting her."My dad responded not hiding the curiosity in his voice at all. I'm sure it's because he, like all the other Alpha's has heard all the rumors about Clayton Hunt's wife and daughter.

Two Brazilian beauties with sun -bleached hair,legs for days,and flawless skin. However the rumors about their beauty pales in comparison to the rumors about how the beautiful woman Clayton Hunt is married to is a witch. A witch with magical powers and how his beautiful daughter has also inherited those powers.

I smiled meeting my dad's curious gaze " Just tell mom to have everyone here to meet her at lunch tomorrow. She's a nice girl, I'm sure everyone will love her."

" I will be sure to relay the message, and I guess we'll see you tomorrow. Y'all be careful on the road tonight. And Zack," he paused shifting his eyes towards Andie again ." Just remember Andie's not old enough to drink at the bars in Juneau."

" I know, we're just going to the Hanger for dinner.Then straight to the hotel." I reassured him.

" Okay, just reminding you, that's all."

" I know," I murmured,nudging Andie's shoulder "Come on sweetheart we better get going before we're late."

" Be careful " my dad shouted as we walked on down the hallway.

" We will" I shouted back.descending the stairs towards the front door while I mind linked Skyler to see if he was ready to leave.

' You ready'

'Already in the Escalade'

' Glad to see you can restraint yourself for a few hours, I thought I would need to drag your ass off the top of your mate before we could leave.'

' Ha,ha, funny asshole, just remember to keep your ass in your own room when we get this shit done.'

' What do you mean, my own room? I'm sharing a room with you. You don't expect me to share a room with my underage mate, do you?" I sent back just to fuck with his head.

' I don't give a fuck if you sleep in the car but you're not sleeping in my room' He growled into the link.

' Now that's not the way you're supposed to treat your Alpha.' I snickered, as I threw our bags into the back of the Escalade .

' No but that's how I treat your smart ass.'He cackled like a fucking witch. It made me wonder if Chloe laughs like that too. Oh lord and their kids. What if they all cackle like that.

I shook my head to get the thought of a pack house full of tiny little witch running around cackling all day out of my mind. Jumped into the SUV and headed out of the driveway.

At least the drive into Juneau was peaceful the rain continued to pour down and the road was a bit slippery. But on the positive side we didn't encounter any rock slides or fallen trees across the road. That's always a possibility when it comes to traveling in heavy rain on the back roads in Alaska. However with the heavy rain and road conditions it took us a bit longer to get into town then normal. So we didn't have time to drop our luggage off at the hotel before dinner.

I just headed right on downtown to the wharf and found a good parking spot close to the building. After turning the engine off I spun my head around to speak to everyone inside the SUV. " I don't see a break in the rain anytime soon.We'll just have to make a run for the door to keep from getting soaked."

Then I grabbed the door handle glancing back at everyone one more time." Okay let's go on three." I informed them and started counting

" one.. two.. three go!" I shouted, jumping from the SUV like it was on fire as did everyone else in the group.

We dashed towards the door careful only to use human speed.Well three of us did,Chloe pulled a long tan trench coat and Burberry tan and black plaid umbrella out of her little black purse the size of a woman's wallet. Then casually strolled towards us as we waited underneath the overhang at the entrance.

" Show off" my girl shouted teasingly.

" I'm wearing heels." Chloe retorted, pointing down at the black high heeled boots she had on.

Skyler grinned like a fool, bewitched by his little witch mate and waited patiently until she came closer.

Then he tugged her into his arms and kissed her senseless.Right in front of the restaurant entrance. I covered Andie's innocent eyes and sauntered on inside the restaurant to check in with the hostess.

While the hostess checked for my reservation Skyler and Chloe finally appeared beside us. Both of their mouths covered in lipstick with goofy grins on their face.

Thankfully I was able to keep a straight face, however Andie wasn't she giggled pointing out the obvious " Chloe you need to get smudge proof lipstick."

"Oh my goddess" Chloe squealed,vigorously rubbing lipstick off Skyler's mouth in the middle of a crowded restaurant attracting the attention of everyone nearby.

And let me tell you, that's a lot of people.The Hanger is a cool place to eat offering a variety of different flavors with a laid back atmosphere. Making it one of the favorite places in Juneau to eat.

It's location inside an old aircraft hanger on the historic Merchants Wharf is definitely a tourist attraction.People love to set beside the window and watch the seaplanes land while soaking up Alaska's history. Which I doubt is going to be happening this evening not in this pouring rain.