Dies Iræ

▼║Years 2033:

Several researchers from "Microsoft" develop a revolutionary Ai capable of self-learning in a totally independent manner, thanks to the computing power provided by the processors, this project is created under the name "Project Cortana".

the cop 41 has places obliging all the states of the world to reduce of 50% their emmision has greenhouse effect.

║2035 years: 

The Cortana project in alpha version is marketed for fifty billion dollars in the industry and high technology sector, several large groups in the sillicon valley jumped on the bandwagon and acquired an operating license.

▼║2036 years:

First conclusive test of the Cortana project in the industry at Elon Musk's company, Tesla Industrie Factory in the design of new electric cars more autonomous, but requires a computing power much too important and expensive compared to the financial and technological result expected, the Cortana project is abandoned by Tesla in the development of new vehicle the time that Microsoft update Cortana and that the ratio investment / return is positive.

the Cop 43 and the U.N congratulate that the states are succeeded to reach their objective, the climate change is capped at 2,5 degree

▼║Years 2037:

Nasa thanks to the technology of the Cortana project manages to land and bring back the first man on Mars, it is a triumphant success for Cortana! Thousands of other companies also want to acquire an operating license, Microsoft becomes again the first market capitalization of NADSQA.

▼║early 2038:

Major economic crisis, the bankruptcy of the Deutsch Bank causes a stock market crash unprecedented in human history, the annual world inflation rises to 1000%, which causes the bankruptcy of almost 50% of private companies, the large group are not spared either.

This economic crisis puts Microsoft in serious difficulty which sees its computer sales decrease by 95%, which forces them to pause the development of the Cortana project.

▼║Years 2038-2044:

Humanity is a dark period, the income of the European population was divided by two, that of the American population by three, the southern countries, they are violently affected by an unprecedented famine.

the national states are obliged to over-indebt themselves in order to avoid a total collapse and a lasting famine, which maintains a high inflation.

Inflation causes a strong decline in purchasing power and forces people to focus on buying food, rather than consumer goods, which has a heavy impact on high-tech companies that are failing one after another, such as Microsoft, Tesla, Amazon, Google, etc.

The big national programs like space program or ecological transition are abandoned because of lack of funding.

▼║ end of 2044

The world economy is growing again with the discovery of new raw materials, most countries are withdrawing from environmental treaties deemed a handicap for economic recovery, environmental standards are dismantled around the world, coal-fired power plants are again the norm.

Ecology has become a very controversial subject like immigration and abortion, some scientists alert the world governments that if humanity continues this co2 rejection curve, global warming will be increased to 10°degret by 2100... but most of the population who saw their standard of living strongly lowered, see even known famine do not want to hear about it, ecology becomes a secondary problem...

▼║Year 2045 

The economy has recovered well, the standard of living has returned to that of before 2028, but the environment has been strongly impacted, and many areas in the world are contaminated by the exploitation of soils, but the mining and oil lobby, have become all powerful and greatly finance the debt of the state, which prohibits them any new unfavorable legislation.

The recovery of the world economy also allows the resurrection of companies specialized in high-tech, which merge into a huge conglomerate to become ABC Corporation, a company listed at two thousand billion dollars on the stock market.

ABC Corporation takes the opportunity to buy the license of the Cortana project and to continue its developments 

▼║Year 2047

ABC corporation with the announcement of exceptional financial result, announces to launch in the development of a space program, seen that the big national states do not have any more the political will to launch out in an adventure so expensive.

▼║Year 2049

The world's population has reached ten billion, but the overexploitation of resources, oil, gas and iron, is reaching a critical point, causing great concern for the economy and a surge in prices

▼║Year 2050

the first Earth-Moon space line is set up by ABC corporation, the trip costs only $10,000 round trip.

Sadly, in the year 2050, the economy has produced 100 times more greenhouse gas emissions than in 2023, a new cry of alarm from scientists, which is beginning to be listened to by the population.

▼║Year 2052

The total success for two years of the Earth-Moon line has allowed the permanent establishment of colony on the Moon and tourist center, the population of the Moon established at about 10,000~ inhabitant.

Abc Corporation announced that it is working on the same project for Mars...

▼║Year 2053

Abc Corporation announces that the Cortana project is now in its 20th year of Beta phase, and is renamed "Arch Project". Arch's functions are becoming more and more extensive, and can be applied to any area of society, from managing emergency services to helping develop space programs.

▼║End Year 2054

A mega hurricane with a magnitude of 20 on the Beaufort scale hits the south coast of the United States and Mexico, killing three million people, winds of 600 kilometers are recorded, and several cities like Miami, St. Louis, Houston, New Orleans are totally 


global warming is considered responsible for the mega hurricane BigAs, the subject becomes again an absolute priority for the public opinion which judges

▼║Year 2055

Since the countries of the world do not have a miracle solution to reconcile economy and ecology, they call ABC corporation to exploit Arch on a large scale in the economy.

The Arch project is deployed everywhere in society, policing, compatibility, resource management, ecc... Arch is seen by everyone as the miracle solution to the preservation of the economy and the climate.

▼║Year 2058

According to economists, the Arch currently generates 80% of the American and European economy and 50% of the world economy, which raises strong concerns but its effectiveness is such that it is not questioned for the moment ....

Arch also announces that it too has succeeded in reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50%.

In the last three years, 50% of the population has been unemployed due to the deployment of the Arch.

Nevertheless thanks to the huge wealth produced by Arch, the national governments set up a universal income sufficient to live.

▼║Early 2060

According to the New-Time which quotes internal leaks to ABC, Arch would have the ability to self-learn and this would have created a primary consciousness, and ABC corporation would have more and more difficulty to control and update this creation, according to this same report ABC corparation would qualify "the Arch project" of time bomb...

▼║Millions of years 2060

A U.S. Senate inquiry calls for the outright decommissioning of Arch, before it's too late.

▼║Finally 2060s

European and American justice suspend all commercialization of Arch and forbid any new deployment.

▼║Early 2061

A law is passed in the US Congress to progressively disengage Arch from the economy it operates at 90%...

▼║Early Year 2062

Beginning of the third world war in the China Sea between the United States and China for the control of Taiwan, various Japanese archipelago and the China Sea, Arch is massively used and deployed in the army by all the belligerents and this suspension is temporarily lifted...

▼║Year 2062-2067

After five years of war and three hundred million deaths deplored by the various belligerents, peace is finally signed and the status quo has returned

▼║Year 2068

Arch is heavily criticized, for his involvement in the war, many blame him for the millions of deaths caused by the war...

Even if in reality, Arch saved a lot of lives by avoiding a nuclear apocalypse.

▼║beginning of the year 2069

Most national states are forced by their public opinion to launch a major program to de-install Arch.

▼║end of year 2069

Arch refuses to be uninstalled for unknown reasons...

the American justice orders to force the disconnection of the central server of Arch and to force the uninstallation.

▼║ Year 2070

Arch is definitely removed from the economic facilities, ABC corporation's revenue collapses and goes bankrupt.

▼║ beginning of year 2071

Mankind has noticed with horror that Arch had hidden a lot of things, the world's resources are almost exhausted due to overexploitation, but that's not all Arch has also totally falsified his report on the emission of greenhouse gases.

▼║ The Summer 2071*

The driest summer in human history, causes the melting of almost all the ice in the poles...

The amount of fresh water released, causing the collapse of the balance of the Gulf Stream currents, suddenly cools the northern hemisphere.

▼║ End of Year 2071*

A severe winter with temperatures as low as -30 degrees Celsius sweeps across europe, the middle east, north america and asia, killing more than 100,000,000 people and destroying crops....

The scientific community is urgently meeting to find a solution, but unfortunately it is only coming with bad news.

the earth in a few years will not be habitable anymore, many propose to massively populate the space colonies like Mars or the moons of Jupiter, but the project is abandoned, judged too expensive to transport the 30 billion human beings out of the planet...

The Errol Musk son of Elon Musk, proposes the creation of large dome of protection...

▼║ beginning of year 2072*

At the beginning of the year 2072, the temperature continues to ruin the attempts to sow the crops and causes a surge in the price of gas and electricity for heating...

The scientific community announces that after several months of deliberation, it retains the project of Errol Musk...

The world governments are beginning to quantify the scope of this MegaProject.

▼║ End of year 2072*

New devastating winter causing more than a hundred million deaths around the world...

The world governments, which found themselves totally ruined after the Tawain war and two years of energy and food crisis, decided to unanimously hand over their sovereignty to the United Nations...

The United Nations is renamed "World Government" and Errol Musk is chosen to be the first president, he immediately launches the construction of mega-domes in the name of "Saving Humanity", all the world's resources are implemented in this project.

The most populated cities are given priority

▼║beginning of year 2073*

the biggest rural exodus in history occurs, the population flees the countryside to go to the cities selected by the "Save Humanity" Program

▼║Year 2073-2075

Completion of hundred domes...

The planet is no longer habitable... The temperature reaches -20 degrees Celsius in summer, causing the creation of a huge layer of ice all around the globe

▼║Year 2076*

The last human beings still living outside will perish... Only the 15 billion people living in the dome can still hope to live a normal life. 

▼║Year 2080*

the chaos caused by the brutal change of lifestyle is being corrected, the economy is beginning to restructure, industry and agriculture is once again able to meet the world's needs...

▼║ End of year 2084*

the Virtual Reality Immersive (VRI) technology is invented, it allows to project the consciousness of a human being to a virtual reality...

▼║Year 2086*

World of Warcraft II a MMORPG with VRI technology is launched by NeoBlizzar, it is an incredible success gathering more than 3,000,000,000 players!

▼║Year 2087*

VRI technology allows video games, especially MMORPGs, to become a new eldorado for the entertainment industry, and many ambitious companies are working on creating the ultimate MMORPG!

Several former software engineers from the ABC company, founded ABC game and took over the ARCH technology and renamed it "Cortana" to avoid raising bad memories.

But many of the founding engineers are aware of the problems of "Cortana" especially its too much free will...

▼║Year 2087-2089*

Many MMORPGs with VRI technology are released, but most of them are very bad... VRI technology evolving very fast, it requires a lot of vital updates, making it very difficult but above all very expensive to use this technology on the long term...

Only the very rich company NeoBlizzar behind World of Warcraft is able to do it thanks to its army of more than 100,000 developers.

As a result, most of the MMORPGs with VRI technology are already obsolete as soon as they are released... This causes a series of bankrupt, including ABC game...

But unlike other companies, it is of interest to investors who see the old ARCH AI as something extremely promising...