Lyrics of Canto de Oxalá: (with translation)
"A Ire, A Ire Babá a Ire
Supreme Father of Ire
A Ire Babá
Supreme Father of Ire
Orixá Babá (Orisha Father)
Orixá beni o (Orisha, favor us)
Orisá Babá olu a mi (Orisha our Father and Lord)
Orixá beni o (Orisha, favor us)
Orixá Babá Ajagunan
Ori o (Ele no ori)
O ni rò dí dé (He comes and brings us the peace that surrounds us)
E lè jùbeelo (Your power is above all)
Babá e lè jùbeelo (The power of the Father is above all)
Ori o (Ele no ori)
O ni rò dí dé (He comes and brings us the peace that surrounds us)
E lè jùbeelo (Your power is above all)
Babá e lè jùbeelo (The power of the Father is above all)
Awa alaye, e, e babá nla eepaa ee!
Our boss, great father,
we salute you
Èrò Babá mi se ro,
The Father's love is in me
Èrò mi Babá kojáde
We raise our thoughts to our Father"
Note: A multicultural country to abolish practices that support practices of prejudice, discrimination and inequalities is only conquered through knowledge...
Everyone once in their life has certainly heard about Roman culture or Greek gods. But what about African Mythology? Prejudice is still very high. And the culture of Africans is so wise and rich that it needs to be spread for knowledge.
We are talking about the Nigerian Yoruba Religion with about four hundred gods. There is incredible diversity and each of them has its history rich in details and learning.
There is a Supreme God that we call Olorun and the orixás that are forces of nature.
They say that the creation of man was a process of trial and error. Human beings were tried to be created from water, iron, air, wood and even fire. And in the end, it was Nanã who suggested using clay for creation. We are talking about a very rich and still hidden culture.
Coming with African slaves to a Catholic country during slavery, prejudice persists to the present day. In this collection, we are going to talk about almost all of them. At least as possible for the large amount.