Chapter 2 - 2

"I see killers, who have dragged children into their insanity."

A squeal of feedback then, which obscures the first part of Meeks's response. But then his voice sounds through once more: "…primary objective is surveillance only. Confirm the presence of evidence that might link the No State Separatists to the True Freedom Party, and to Brendan Callaghan in particular. If you can assess the risk of entry by our people thereafter, so much the better."

Surveillance. Of course. For what else can you accomplish in this world of the living, other than to watch and listen?

The buildings around the compound's periphery are mostly houses, dormitories—areas given over to habitation. You ignore them and head for a larger building at the heart of the compound. Its stout wooden doors are closed; you step through them regardless.

You have entered a meeting hall. The shape of the room gives it a vaguely church-like air. A stage rises up a few steps at the head of the room. A half-moon-shaped window behind it allows the daylight outside to flood into this dark space. And yet there is no religious iconography here. There are no pews either, only rows of red plastic seats.

Long, wide tables have been set up along one side of the room, on which has been placed an impressive array of weaponry: pistols, hunting rifles, a handful of M16 assault rifles, a half dozen Uzi machine pistols, even a rocket-propelled grenade launcher.

The No State Separatists are armed for a fight. But this does not come as a surprise, and you are not here to establish evidence of firearms.

Two doors stand on the far side of the room, leading to, you guess, some sort of office and a bathroom. You head for the office, but then halt as you hear a loud bang from the bathroom.

Curious, you approach that door. Another bang—as of something large being dropped, or a door being slammed in its frame. You listen a moment.

Sounds of giggling from within, and whispered conversation.

"Where are you?" comes the buzzing voice of Agent Meeks. "What's happening around you?"