Neo looked at the enormous building in front of him and was guided by his Grandmother. He received a noble-like greeting from the staff.
"Who's this?" A man smiled
"Urvi's eldest, Neo." Undine laughed
He felt people's gaze sharpen on him, a teen threw water in his face and everyone gaped.
"A brat like you is her son?" he laughed "As if."
Other teenagers and young adults were now in the room looking at the youngest addition. Undine was about to intervene but the room was silenced as Neo ripped the teen's arm off. Neo dug his claws into his chest continuously, ripping the skin while avoiding the heart.
He swept his bloody hand into his brown hair, and let out a sigh as his phone rang. He answered it and placed it on the loudspeaker. Neo sat on the body and calmly looked at the scared eyes of the person. A dagger materialized in his free hand.
"Tor...where are you?" a deep voice asked
Neo went, "Family Gathering."
"You can't kill anyone else the heroes will be suspicious." the person sighed
The audience flinched at the new information with regret. Neo had cut off the hand that poured water on him.
"Have I ever been careless?" Neo chuckled "You behave as if their witnesses."
Neo glided his knife to the spectators except for Undine and the man.
"Although...a hint of cruelty never hurt anyone." Neo smiled "Villain, Tor engaged in recruitment in Area 9."
"Alright. I'm recruiting in Area 18-" the call was cut
The air was cold as the windows and doors shut closed. A girl became visible standing by the door with a grin.
"Forgive me, I came to work." Tor told coldly "And my mother sends her regards."
"The brat wants to swallow us up, huh?" Undine laughed
"Work...that beast truly a photocopy of Sister Urvi." the man, thought
"Sir?" the girl smiled
"Servants should be killed." Tor replied glancing at the body he was on "And useless things."
He finally graced the tortured teen with death. As he tossed the blade the crying servant fell on the ground dead.
"What can be considered useless, Sir?" the girl asked with a confused look
"Grandson...the Lush Family is willing to join Blood Lily." Undine smiled "It seems fun. I'll handle the people that will tattle."
Tor moved his upwards and held the rail on the second floor and the girl became vigilant. A man was the object of their glare and Tor grinned.
"Kill them," Undine answered in a manner as if it was obvious
"A-rank Hero, Max Lush." The girl said and a scary aura came off her
Tor pulled himself up to sit on the rail and watched what was going to happen with a grin. Stares looked at him with mixtures of emotion but he didn't care.
Navaeh opened her eyes and looked towards Michael sleeping on a chair nearby. She looked at Neva, "What happened?"
"The wound used was enchanted so well it cut your HP a lot." Neva told, "Seems this dimension's weaponry has improved."
"Did...di-" Navaeh began
Neva smiled, "Yes, Michael nursed you back to health. If I didn't place a spell on him, maybe he would have never slept."
"He's great right." Navaeh smiled
"Is that what you think?" Neva reacted as she disappeared
Michael opened his eyes and was shocked by Navaeh looking back at him. He went to get her something to eat.
"How long have I-" Navaeh began
"A day and a half." Michael answered, "We're in my hideout, so you can't tell anyone about it."
"Promise." she grinned "But I need to meet the others, once."
She grasped her hands together and Michael sighed. They both knew that her body wasn't fully healed and the attacker was out there.
"Fine..." he went
Navaeh left the hideout, met up with Hendrix and other unit members came later on.
"So, how was it with Michael?" a man grinned widely "How's it progressing?"
"What is progressing? Friendship? If so, yes" Navaeh grinned
The man, Elain also Villain, Moonblade simply smiled at her. The others also looked meaningfully at her and let out sighs. Navaeh gaped suddenly and dug her claws into Mike from the sleeve and her eyes glowed with suppressed emotions.
They followed her gaze. "shit" they heard Elain blurt out "We're fucked."
"Breaking News: A bloodied scene in the alleyway in South Wood District although without bodies was found twenty-eight hours ago. A suspected witness has refused to meet up with Police or Reporters. Blood samples were taken and we can only wait to find their identities,"
Zaiden put down the newspaper with a visible vein on his forehead as he sat in his car. Another headache was his mother...or ex-mother...blocking the entrance of his corporate building for his many businesses.
"Nothing is going my way." the teen clicked getting out of the driver's seat
Navaeh entered the building with the hostage with Hendrix and Mike at the door. Her glowed as she grabbed a sledgehammer and brought it down on her leg. Blood gushed out everywhere and Navaeh ground her teeth.
"If I don't dig out your secrets, I'm getting rusty." Navaeh declared angrily
Navaeh put on black gloves and pulled a jar to the floor. The contents-centipedes- scattered everywhere as the jar shattered. The villain grabbed a long one and forced it down the woman's throat.
Screams echoed throughout the warehouse after Navaeh grabbed a knife and our view turned. Mike's eyes shone with admiration. After all, she wasn't dubbed the 'Two-Faced Pillar' for nothing. Hendrix raised his brow and pulled his fellow away with him.
Navaeh noticed the change in the environment and turned sharply towards its source. Michael was looking at her as he leaned on a pole. Navaeh bit her lip as he walked closer to her. The villain shut her eyes although Michael only checked the agitated wound.
"Navaeh." he went pull her toward his dark blue eyes
"I'm-" Navaeh began
Michael interrupted, "You can use me."
Navaeh was shocked. The silence was filled with blood scents, and groans and the villain wondered what the pounding in her ears was. Michael took the knife from her hands and walked towards the hostage. Navaeh followed after without organizing her thoughts as Michael dug the blade into the body.
"I'm not so good. So you'll need to teach me." Michael smiled
"Crazy." the women in the room thought
Navaeh held the hilt with Michael with a perplexed face. The hostage saw Michael's face smile mouthing, "Thank you. Until the end, you're helping me, comrade."
They ripped out her voice box as the lesson started.