" Thus is unbelievable." Kali reacted
"DO YOU THINK THIS WILL GIVE YOU AN ADVANTAGE!!!" Edward yelled with a grin
They were surprised as Edward stabbed his spear into his back and Zander coughed up blood. The teen clenched his teeth and blow out red flames towards Edward. His skin melted off, Zander's claws came out through the flames but Edward slammed his head.
Zander's wings stretched out, he wiped the blood of his mouth and Edward remodeled his skin as he made arrows rain down. The villain made a shield encircle him as he glared up to the man.
"That's right look up at me!!" Edward smiled with laughter
The soil below rocked upwards in a violent manner and Zander made red, hot earth fling toward Edward. He flicked his wrist to crush them and discover Zander behind it sending him a punch.
Zander clung onto Edward digging his claws into his shoulders, Edward couldn't shake him off and made the earth below shake with earthquakes. Zander's poison filled tail stabbed into his lumbar region.
Meanwhile the villains were all seated in levitating chairs with snacks and drinks appreciating the fights around them. Yasmin and Vance were doing their claws while Reese read a book about the Chaos Realm and Sera sat in Ivan's legs as he treated her wounds.
Freya was taken aback, "Are you enjoying you holiday?" she smiled looking at Caesar, Jaxon and Laasya engaged in a heated 3-way tug of war.
"Yeah, we're quite well." Xayn smiled playing towering timbers game with Xenia who rolled the dice
"Temperature's a bit high tho." Waniya sighed licking her ice cram as she fanned herself
"WE'RE BEING SARCASTIC!!!" The crowd yelled
"Why?" Dylan asked pausing from his flower arranging on a tatami floor with Kali who agreed, "How uncultured."
The people around felt a spike in their blood pressures at tremendous speeds. Urvi was asleep as the rest played with a volleyball. Some enemies fell dead with heart attacks. An angered Player sent a blast towards them but was deflected mid-air.
The villains pointed to a sign :'Safe Zone'
"The hell?!" they reacted at the status of the Safe Zone being full
Freya frowned deeply to Zyder and Kingly inside playing a game of Go with a popping vein. Enemies' stress levels were sky-rocketing as if they cared since they were having a fun time.
"Why did we never think of this?" Waniya sighed happily slurping her smoothie
Enemies and allies alike were firing attack towards them and they all looking up with opera glasses with exaggerated ohhhs and ahhhs.
"What the hell are you doing?" Neko asked "Go and fight."
"We're on strike." Kali went following Dylan's motion to make an arrangement
The Game guide appeared with shocked expressions.
"They picked up something odd from Zaiden didn't they?" Waniya's Game Guide, an octopus, Ben
"Right now of all times?!" Neko went forcing a smile
"If not now...when?" they asked
Neko scowled, " FINE!!! "
Ben went out of the safe zone and dozens of enemies started to fall as the octopus turned into a boy with a monocle. He held a book and a devious smile, "May I learn from you?"
People started to run away in a hectic manner and it drew in the villains in the safe zone. Ben stretched out his hand and people' heads burst open.
"What-" Waniya wondered looking at Ben's ecstatic expression with unfamiliarity
[ Congratulations for unlocking a story of long ago.
A scholar obsessed with learning that head search for answers by force from his 'teachers' brains. He brought the Empire of Scholars to ruin to in persuade of knowledge and was later sealed by a great wizard at the cost of his life.
Whatever has woken up the Crazed Scholar of Dismantled Brains? ]
Ben ripped heads of their shoulders and cerebrums from their skulls with a big smile. The other Game Guides were surprised as well at what would have happened. A sudden level 9.5 earthquake split the earth, death and carnage was all around them like a plague.
They were silenced seeing Zander's left arm being ripped off, his ligaments snapped loudly like sound effects. The fire in the villain's eyes didn't die out as he raised the other arm and jabbed his claws in Edward's inner ear.
Edward hit his tongue holding his scream but Zander's tail slit his Achilles' tendon violently. The clouds gathered and Zander made them solidify into spikes that flew into Edward's back. The two were exchanging life-threatening blows but Zander was being pushed back.
Edward was thrown into the safe zone and flicked back upwards into Zander's fist before meeting the ground. The dominator flew towards the villain with lightning following after him but Zander deflected it.
Suddenly the sounds vanished as a low voice went, "That looks fun."
A rhythmic laughter followed after as the masses wondered where their sound had gone. The entire battlefield looked towards an odd darkness with instinctive fear seeing Zaiden with closed eyes. He slowing open his emotion eyes as a smile spread on his face.
"I must say....I feel like you losing Zan?" Zaiden smiled opening one eye
"You're awake?!" Zander reacted
Zaiden smiled, "Half...I felt something fun happening."
Three pairs of slender bat-like wing and smooth tail with a trident at the end. His tongue stuck out show a drop looking mark engraved on it, Edward fired a blast at Zander but shockingly he swallowed it whole.
"Now I'm getting free meals." Zaiden burped "Being half-present was a good choice."
The darkness surrounded him and turned into a suit with a red tie, his red claws fastened purple cufflinks. The smug look of his face irritated Edward as he remembered a young Zaiden stabbing him. The wound throbbed which made Zaiden happier.
"Edward....let's go down memory lane." Zaiden smiled "Enjoy yourself."
Zyder looked up with a mixture of emotions that he didn't want to name. His heart was beating in his ears as thoughts from the twins flooded his brain.
"I guess I'll need to help them a little again." Zyder thought with a bittersweet taste in his mouth