Chapter 70 - Red

Laasya appeared to Caesar's rescue and clawed the face of on enemy before moving closer to him. She glanced at the wound.

" Isn't healing? Aren't you a wolf variant?" Laasya teased

Caesar frowned " Only Jaxon has such freakishly quick regeneration."

Jaxon on rollerblades was overhead, " I can hear you."

[ < Hot Wheels>, is a vehicle a vehicle because it's on wheels? Or are the wheels that make it a vehicle? As long as it has wheels it will be treated as a vehicle since we don't want to look of the answer.]

Jaxon shot downwards and skated around them making a dust cloud before stopping. Jaxon was in a racing suit and helmet. His black arm was uncovered

" Wanna team up?" Jaxon went

They were looking at Jaxon with doubt. Jaxon showed them his window and they agreed happily.

Sera was surprised when Ivan stabbed himself and looked back towards Harry. He pushed Sera further from him and sighed.

" Tch....she would have looked great dyed red." Ivan thought glancing at Sera

" YOU CAN'T KILL YOUR WIFE!!!" His game guide yelled " And why didn't you?"

" Ivan....almost killed me?" Sera thought looking at his bleeding back " Why didn't he?"

Ivan smiled as the light fell on him. His fingers were covered in red crystal that sharpened at the ends. A long black crystal tail and wore a blue suit with a loosened tie and shirt unbuttoned at the collar. A crown floated over his head embedded with beautiful gems with a black choker with a fang.

" Man, my genes are good." Ivan smirked waving to the admiring female warriors

Harry frowned, " There's something called humility..."

" Which I don't possess." Ivan teased shotting forward.

Harry held out a sword and collided with Ivan's claw. The ground underneath them sunk at the shear force, Harry took out another blade to counter Ivan's tail and made distance between them. Although Ivan moved forwards again, Harry saw a rabid dog behind Ivan and felt like he should escape. Ivan didn't let him thought as he grabbed his left hand which was ripped off and Ivan threw it aside without a care.

Harry advanced as well with a sword, Ivan raised his claws but Harry's blade cut through his claws cleanly. Blood dripped down and Ivan looked at his hand momentarily before advancing again. Harry sliced the claws of his other hand.

" Just advancing like that will get you killed, greenhorn." Harry teased

Ivan was oddly calm and let out a breathe, his blood started to rise and form into daggers. Ivan advanced as he controlled the blood daggers and Harry pushed them back. Harry didn't noticed the blood seeping under him and spikes pierced into his body again.

Harry threw a dagger towards Sera and she taken aback when Ivan caught it with his bare hand. She looked up at his semi-cold gaze.

" Why? Sera frowned " Why are you protecting me when you also want to kill me?"

" I should get serious, I guess." Ivan sighed as his claws regrew sharper " Sera. Don't worry your head, I am your safest and most dangerous place."

He cupped her face before walking towards Harry.

" WHY DO YOU WANT TO KILL ME???!!!!" She yelled

" You look good in red." he smiled

Harry made a new arm with aura and the two advanced to each other. Ivan twisted his body, removed his tie and got onto Harry's shoulders pulling the tie over his neck. Harry failed to cut the tie with his swords.

[ Sponsors comment that Player is using the tie very effectively]

Harry fell backwards on a sharp rock that pierced into Ivan wounds. The villain lost balance as Harry tossed him off and violently coughed as Ivan groaned with a smile. Harry was taken aback as his face met Ivan's knee.

[ Active skill< Pain Tolerance> is activated. Even if your arm were ripped of you won't feel anything. Is it a blessing or a curse? FYI- it's not like permanent and will disactivate on it's own.]

Ivan's blood cover hand pushed back his hair as his free hand removed his jacket. Ivan moved forward and kicked Harry into a red crystal spike.

" Crazy, fucker...." Harry coughed pushing his sword through Ivan's chest

Ivan smiled as a crystal hula-hoop descended into his hand, it shattered into tiny pieces and fired into Harry's body. Harry pulled out the blade and aimed for another swing from the side but Ivan caught it.

All the blood Ivan lost rose up and crystalized and Harry was shocked as it formed into a giant dagger. Ivan grabbed the hilt and swung it, Harry dodged sadly but a great thousands of warriors died to that attack. Harry stuck the dagger and Ivan grinded his teeth taking on Harry force. The blood oozing out of his wounds turned started to collect in orbs around him.

All the crystal spikes and hula-hoops started to break down and combine with the blood orbs. The pain was starting to be felt as Ivan's crown glowed brightly. Ivan threw the dagger aside and Harry ran towards him. Red strings stopped his movement for a moment.

Although a moment was all he needed, the battlefield was silenced as a great spear of blood and crystal appeared and fell to the ground like a natural disaster. It shot into Harry's chest and his enemy slumped downwards in death. Ivan felt the complete pain of his wounds and muscles before falling down.

" You're telling me the guys are only going to get stronger?" Ivan thought

Sera ran towards him and Ivan found her odd as placed his head on her lap. She cried tears and he was annoyed by the fact they were falling on him.

" You want to get to know me." Ivan smiled smearing blood on her blue hair " My favorite color is red."

Ivan slept and the spear burst into red mist and killed even more people. Whom did they offend the warriors wondered as a tower of flamed skulls appeared.

' Hey, Zaiden here. Please check out ' Bloodhart' by R. since Lyza's jealous and give R. tips to make it better. Also ' Royal Anti-Love Zone' but not like she asked me or anything. What else....

Ah Villain System has attribute in two categories. One: Life, Light, Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Wood and Gravity. Two: Death, Shadows, Dark Flame, Skeleton ( Necromancy), Plague, Soul and Curses. We'll be seeing more of these soon.'