"What's wrong, Eis? You look stunned. Did the firepower surprise you?"
After I heard the absurd words come out of Zyph's mouth, I couldn't help but freeze up with both bodies as my thoughts came to a halt.
When Nalc talked to me, I snapped out of the trance and looked around the shooting range.
After that, I look at the handgun on my hand.
"Was it really that surprising?"
"Can... can I have a moment? I need a bit of privacy."
While I ask her that, I hand over her handgun and look far at the target that I missed with the shot.
"Is there something wrong?"
"N-no, I just need some time to think."
I didn't try to resist or question it.
I just let the Knights with weird looking armour take me to the brig of the ship while Natarak and his soldiers watch because I told them to stand down and go back to the palace.
So now, I'm just sitting alone in the brig with my arms chained together.