Chereads / Fortune Favors The Brave / Chapter 1 - Fortune Favors The Brave Ch. 1 The First Kill

Fortune Favors The Brave

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Chapter 1 - Fortune Favors The Brave Ch. 1 The First Kill

Year 3456

Galaxy NGC 1300 aka The Dark Flask

Convoy #5647 UC Space Force

Lead Ship HGPS Fortune

Current Captain: Daniel Skipper

Daniel: For two hundred years we have been fighting an enemy that has challenged are planets greatest military forces as well as our allies. The Plaguers Have fought wisely and strategically my ship is in charge of bringing supplies and men to help in the fight in Galaxy NGR 4693. An easy mission or thats what it was suppose to be. Our course leads us through NGC 1300 we call it the dark flask only 5 ships and 2 convoys have made it through. That was out of 257 ships and 62 convoys. The reason for this is because of Cloakers enemy ships that can disguise them selves to the point when they're invisible making it Impossible to see them. And me and my men have to fight through the Cloaker fleet.

Cut to a shot of space with 20 big ships and 5 fighters circling the convoy

Morse-code from Fighter to Fortune

Fighter: Mark 7-Fortune We are approaching The Dark Flask. This as far as we can take you. We are heading back to Outpost 486. Safe Crossings

Fortune: Fortune- Mark 7. Thank you for your security. Safe flight home.

Cut to the captains cabin. Daniel was waking up and got dressed for duty. he walks to his mirror and shaves. After whipping his faces with a rag he look at himself in the mirror.

Daniel: Fortune favors the brave Daniel. Be the brave.

Cut to the mess hall. Daniel, Lt. Mckloy, And the other officers eat their breakfast and read the recent report from yesterday.

Daniel: Any fights during the day.

Muckily: None except for on your ship sir.

Daniel: Who?

Muckily: A scuffle between private Micheals and Shaun.

Daniel thinks for a minute.

Muckily: what should be there punishment sir.

Daniel: No punishment just tell them if it breaks out again they'll be court marshaled.

Muckily: Yes Sir.

Daniel: Anything else Mr. Muckily?

Muckily: your need on the bridge sir.

Daniel: Another idiot bridge manager not knowing what he's doing.

Muckily: No sir, we have... evidence of... Cloakers in the area.

Daniel: Right.

Daniel stands up and puts his hat on.

Daniel: Dismissed.

The officers stand up and walk out while some mess mates go to clean up.

Daniel walks on to the bridge.

Soldier: Captain On The Bridge!

Daniel: who spot the cloakers?

Soldier 2: I did sir I was spying up ahead, then I saw a ship a few miles out. I alerted the crew but when I looked back to it it was gone.

Daniel: You sure it wasn't a fighter?

Soldier 2: It was too big.

Soon after the Messenger runs in.

Messenger: Sir Message from The Harvey.

Daniel: Read it aloud.

Messenger: "Harvey to Fortune, Picking up a Huff Duff?"

Daniel: Huff Duff, High Frequency Direction Finding, Continue.

Messenger: Uh, "about twenty Miles ahead of the convoy. Possible Cloaker."

Daniel looks out with far reach binoculars but docent see anything.

Daniel: Alright, tell them we'll run it down.

Messenger: "We'll run it down" Aye s-

Daniel: Wait, we'll run it down, thank you.

Messenger: "We'll run it down, thank you." aye captain.

Daniel: Alright full power ahead, weapons ready, I have the Con.

Soldier: Captain Has The Con!

Daniel: Get Lt. Muckily on radar, you start an announcement.

One soldier heads to the low deck to get Muckily on finding the cloaker. The other whistles into the P.A.

Soldier: Now Hear This, Now Hear This.

Daniel Walks to the Microphone.

Daniel: We are tracking a possible cloaker, all men to battle positions.

Cut to Men running to cannons, loading guns and navigators checking maps to find the cloaker.

Back on the Bridge.

Daniel and his men look out the window, practically shitting themselves with fear.

Daniel: (under his breath) Fortune favors the brave.

Cut to outside as the ship flies through the space.

Cut to the bottom deck a dot finally shows up on the radar.

Navigator: Sir we have visual on a cloaker bearing 2.5 miles ahead of the convoy.

Muckily presses a button and talks through a speaker to the bridge.

Muckily: Sir we have a bearing on the cloaker 2.5 miles ahead of the convoy.

Cut to the bridge

Daniel: Thank you Lt. let us know if theres any change.

Muckily: Will do.

The ship flies further ahead of the convoy with the crew getting more nervous as they inch ever closer.

Soldier 4: (Whistling).

Daniel: Shut up.

Soldier 4: Sorry.

They move closer. but then the dot on the radar starts shifting right.

Muckily: Sir Its shifting right bearing 256.

Daniel: Right hard engine.

Soldier 3: Right hard engine.

they turn right recenter on the target.

Daniel: ease the engine.

Soldier 3: easing the engine.

The target moves again.

Muckily: Sir new target bearing 278.

Daniel: Right hard engine!

Soldier 3: Right hard engine.

They turn once again.

Daniel: Ease the engine.

Soldier 3: Easing the engine.

The target moves again.

Muckily: Sir new target bearing 290.

Daniel: Ri-

Daniel thinks for a second then changes his mind.

Daniel: Left hard engine.

The crew looks at each other confused.

Daniel: is it necessary for me to repeat the order.

Soldier 3: N-No Sir. Left hard engine.

They turn left and the target disapeers from the radar.

Muckily: sir we've lost the target, the hells going on.

Daniel continues to look out on the horizon.

Muckily: Sir.

A soldier answers.

Soldier: Captain's busy, wait for new orders.

Muckily looks confused as he keeps an eye on the.

A few minutes pass and the crew gets more and more worried. Then out of nowhere the cloaker showed up again.

Muckily: Sir we got a baring dead ahead.

Daniel: Ease the engine. Full power ahead.

Soldier: Easing the rudder, speed increasing.

The ship gets faster and the dot gets loser and closer.

Daniel: Stop the ship.

The ship stops in the middle of the galaxy.

Soldier: Sir?

Daniel: he will come to us.

The dot get closer and closer then it stops moving when getting to the max spot.

Muckily: Out of minimum Radar range, Switching to Sonar.

Muckily puts on a headset and listens.

Muckily: He's on us baring 2 miles.

Soldier: Baring 2 miles.

Muckily hears it get closer.

Muckily: still on us baring 1 mile.

Soldier: new baring 1 mile.

Muckily hears it still slowing down.

Muckily: On us, .75 miles, slowing down.

Soldier: New- (sneeze). Soldier I'm sorry Muckily repeat.

Muckily: On us, .65 miles slowing down.

Soldier: New baring On us, .65 miles slowing down.

Daniel: you going to do that again?

Soldier: No sir.

Daniel: If you do you'll be in the janitorial department for the rest of this voyage.

Soldier: Aye sir.

Daniel's ship gets closer to the target, and everyone gets more tense.

Soldier 5: Sir permission to go to the bathroom.

Daniel: is it an emergency.

Soldier 5: Aye sir- (chokes).

Daniel: Go but be back in five minutes.

Soldier 5: aye sir-

The soldier runs out holding back his vomit. The ship gets closer.

Muckily: We're close, very close.

Soldier: We're close sir, Very close sir!

The ship is as close as it could be.

Muckily: Overrunning screws.

Soldier: Overrunning Screw-


Daniel: Fire all cannons.

The cannons fire and the Cloaker is destroyed.

Soldier: Its down sir.

Daniel: ...start an announcement.

Soldier: (whistle) Now hear this, Now hear this.

Daniel: Ladies and gentlemen, we have evidence of a kill-

The soldiers cheer.

Daniel: This was a full hands on job, thank you for your comitment, we will be heading back to the convoy.

Daniel heads to the radio to tell the other captains.

Daniel: Fortune to Harvey and Falcon, The Cloaker is down you have safe passage heading back to the convoy now.

Sam of the Falcon: Thank you captain we are on our way, congrats on your first kill.

Isabella of the Harvey: Having the convoy up and running now, good job captain.

Daniel hangs up and looks out through the window.

Daniel: Who spotted the cloaker again?

Soldier 2: I did sir.

Daniel: You have the con, Ill be in my quarters.

Soldier 2: Thank you sir, Aye sir.

Daniel starts to leave but is called back.

Soldier 2: Sir how did you stay so calm out there today.

Daniel looks to see everyone staring for his secret.

Daniel: I follow the four little words that have been uttered since the Ancient Romans, Fortune Favors, The Brave.

Daniel walks out and everyone goes back to their duties.

Soldier 2: Fortune favors the brave.
