Chapter 7 - Gothmirage


[Presence]: 38

Gothmirage is a formless entity that purely exists in the fifth dimension of the Limbo. It cannot penetrate the lower dimensions, as such, it sent countless lower-order manifestations or avatars to collect information about said lower dimensions.

Although the true body that lives in the Limbo is an entity that draws information and conceptual energy from a lower dimension, there are a finite number of manifestation bodies. In those rare cases where a single body is destroyed, it takes about a thousand years to restore it.

Upon reaching a certain level of power, Gothmirage absorbs all the conceptual energy and information collected by all the countless manifestations in one body, turning into a monster that the lower realms simply cannot withstand. Gothmirage's true power can only be assumed, it is believed that it has a chance to defeat a high order Aracnea, that lives in a dimension that is several layers higher than the fifth dimension.

Gothmirage's main goal is to become an absolute being, devouring other life forms and adopting their best qualities. It has existed for tens of thousands of years and has gone through countless battles with other races.


<>: Gothmirage has the ability to store genetic information about the creatures it has absorbed, regardless of their individual characteristics. When it eats one or another sample, it gets the opportunity to reproduce its innate traits.

<>: In order to destroy a manifestation of Gothmirage, the enemy must immediately destroy its entire existence with the help of huge firepower. Until this happens, Gothmirage instantly regenerates upon taking any damage, as long as its true form exists.

<>: Gothmirage can grow six wings on its back. Wyvern, gryphon, and several other creatures have wings that allow them to fly with maximum speed and agility.

<>: The presence and low-pitched voice of Gothmirage exert pressure on others comparable to their deepest and darkest fear. A person who is not trained in magic or the possession of an aura will simply stop his heart from such a thing, and even a prepared opponent can be turned into a stampede or paralyzed with fear by Gothmirage.

<>: Gothmirage is able to instantly and completely change your body adapting under unfavorable conditions or the opponent's ability. Having collected the abilities of many animals, insects, fish, birds, and various monsters.

<>: Gothmirage's senses are hundreds of times greater than a human's, and therefore can sense even the slightest change. Instantly analyzes the state and capabilities of the enemy, taking into account the amount of sweat, heart rate, body temperature, as well as the expansion and contraction of the pupils.

<>: Gothmirage lets out a yell so loud it shakes the ground and bursts the eardrums of all who hear it.

<>: Gothmirage's movements cause shockwaves that are strong enough to turn stones into dust and crush ordinary people from tens of meters away. Its strikes also create deadly waves.

<>: Six pairs of eyes cover all three hundred and sixty degrees. In addition, the red light emanating from them causes real horror. An ordinary person who sees these eyes is likely to lose their mind.

<>: The eye of a being known as the "Magic Slayer", is able to see any magic that comes into its line of sight and dispel it. Without magical power, It can reproduce only the ability to penetrate the concept of the object, but this is enough to see through magical illusions.

----Modus Operandi----

Gothmirage will do anything to act according to its true form and achieve its goals. It can fight effectively in almost any environment. Its true strength lies in its ability to eliminate its own weaknesses and neutralize the strength of its opponent.