Chereads / The High Priestess And The Werewolf Prince / Chapter 6 - A Second Opportunity

Chapter 6 - A Second Opportunity

*Spring, Year 225, Luminous Calendar*

After what seemed like an eternity Iris finally quieted down. She let go of the front of the man's silk white shirt so she could pull out the soft white hankerchief Sister Bertha had lent her many days ago, from her bag and wiped her nose feebly. She looked up at the man and smiled sadly. "I'm very sorry you had to witness that kind Sir." She mumbled, a shameful bright red blush creeping through her cheeks and ears. "There's nothing to be sorry about, dear Lady. I'm just happy I was of service to you." The man said with a charming side smile. He stood there staring at her for a moment before Iris cleared her throat awkwardly. "Oh! I'm sorry Lady Iris." he chuckled uncomfortably and unwrapped his arms from around her. "Please don't apologize." Iris said half-heartedly. "I'm the one to blame" she said as she picked up her cotton white bag, which she had dropped without noticing, setting it on the desk. "Was there something you needed from me?" Iris asked a bit curious and the man nodded his head in surprise. "Yes actually. The King would like to have a word with you." He exclaimed happily, suddenly remembering the reason he was looking for her in the first place. Iris nodded, the blood draining from her face. Why would the King ask to have a word with her? Was he going to punish her for what happened in The Altar, now that she was out of her room and no longer ill? "Come, I'll take you to him." The man said, unaware of the glint of fear in Iris's eyes.

Prince Regan and Lady Iris walked down the hallway leading towards the office where his father awaited them, the heavy cotton bag safely tucked under his arm. It had taken him a great deal of convincing before Lady Iris finally let him carry it for her. He looked over briefly at Lady Iris, a sliver of hope in his heart that she might be looking at him with her stunning eyes. To his disappointment he wasn't able to catch a glimpse of their breath taking beauty since she was currently drilling holes at the floor they slowly passed. "Is everything ok, Lady Iris?" He asked a bit worried but she only responded with a small nod and they continued on. Prince Regan figured that whatever had caused her to have such an emotional moment in the library must still be plaguing her mind so, maybe it was just better to leave her alone. He had years of experience on what emotional turmoil looked like from dealing with his father and his constant mood swings, or his mother and her seemingly unemotional way of handling herself, however, this woman was a complete stranger to him, even though he had saved her life only a few days ago. He wasn't sure what could trigger her in a positive way or what could do the exact opposite, so for the time being, it was better to just leave her alone and hopefully one day learn what those triggers were.
They weren't far away from the last hallway that lead to the office when an annoyingly girly voice spoke from an archway that lead to what he believed was one of the classrooms where the Ladies were normally taught. "My, what do we have here? Could it be Lady Iris and her secret lover? You know, if I wasn't seeing this shameless scene with my own eyes, I might not believe it, but then again, it's you, Lady Iris, who we're talking about. You probably couldn't tell what shame is even if it slapped you across the face." A woman with long dark red curls and hate filled green eyes said as she gave a screechy laugh, a thin pale hand flying to her mouth. He didn't know who she was but he instantly despised her.
While no one else seemed to notice, the Prince, with his years of magical practice and well trained eyes, could see the Darkness that seeped from the woman's mouth and eyes every time she spoke. In his mind he couldn't help but wonder how wicked of a person she must be to have this happen like it was something natural. "I have absolutely no idea what it is you are ranting on about, Lady Beth, but if following one of the King's men to the King's office under his request seems shameful to you, then yes, I am being shameful. Now, as I said, it was requested that I have an audience with the King by the King himself, so if you have nothing better to say we must be going now." Prince Regan looked down surprised at Lady Iris as she spoke in a clear and elegant way, completely shutting down the other Lady's crude remark.
"An audience with the King himself, you say. I'll be damned if I believe that even for a second. Why would the King have a word with a harlot like you?" The red haired woman said in between screechy laughter as a trio of Ladies behind her followed suit. "I'll have you know that my family is close friends with the King and his family, so believe me when I say that using His Majesty's name as a way to cover the fact that you are screwing around with some, low life, is something that not only the High Priestesses are going to hear about but also the King himself." The woman said as she gave Prince Regan a disgusted look before looking back at Lady Iris with a glare. "I couldn't give a care in the world if you believe me or not, Lady Beth and I have nothing to prove to you. Now, what does amaze me is the fact that you have a long tongue when it comes to talking about other's possible indecency yet you don't look back at the tail your trailing behind." Lady Iris said with a polite smile and Prince Regan couldn't help but chuckle.
"What did you just say?" The red haired woman asked furiously as she stepped closer. "I'm sorry, was what I said too complicated for your understanding?" Lady Iris asked without moving an inch and Prince Regan began to laugh. "You wretched witch! I will make your life a living hell for even daring to speak to me like that! And you! You low life scumbag, how dare you laugh at me! I will personally speak to the King and make sure he sends you to the farthest corner of the Kingdom, where you will suffer and rot like the piece of feces you are.
Prince Regan looked at Lady Beth and smiled calmly. "Is that so?" He asked before looking over at Lady Iris and then smiling as he looked back. "I don't think you will. You know what I think you will do though?" He asked and stepped closer to her. "I think you're going to get on your knees and not only apologize to me but also to Lady Iris. Actually, I want to hear you plead and cry for forgiveness, and if you don't then I, the scumbag that I am, will make sure that you and your family suffer the consequences of your hideous words." The Prince said, the smile on his face long gone and replaced by a furious glare, as he stood towering over Lady Beth. "Go to hell you piece of cow manure! Who do you think you are?" Lady Beth asked furiously and glared back at him.

In the heat of the moment neither Prince Regan or Lady Beth had noticed that the High Priestesses had silently walk in and stood next to Lady Beth's trio of friends or the King and his men standing quietly a few feet away from Lady Iris. The King, followed by his men, had stepped out to see what was taking his son so long and the High Priestesses had all been passing by, when they all heard the loud screechy laughter and decided to see who was causing this loud commotion close by. Unfortunately for Lady Beth, they arrived when she had just begun to crudely harass Iris and Prince Regan with foul words and angry threats. Iris had noticed them however, and took it as an opportunity to simply stay quiet and allow her fellow lady to show everyone who she really was, thus digging her own grave.
"Prince Regan, that's enough son." The King's booming voice said with a hint of anger, not towards his son but towards Lady Beth who still stood glaring at him with complete hatred. That hate filled glare dissipated quickly as she heard the King calling the man before her, son. She quickly stepped back and looked at her trio for support, only to have her pale face become even paler when she saw the High Priestesses standing there with furious faces and crossed arms. "Your Majesty..." High Priestess Asterwood began but the King lifted his hand to stop her. "We will speak on behalf of this matter later on. For now I need to take the young Lady with me to have her start her Trials. Now, which one of you will be her companion?" The King asked in a voice so cold that Iris shivered involuntarily.
The High Priestesses looked at each other, speaking in silent glances and signs before High Priestess Asterwood finally spoke up after the rest stared at her expectantly. "I will, Your Majesty."