I know there are some people blessed with special abilities beyond their capabilities as ordinary humans. People who sometimes can cross their lines into the supernatural world even without knowing it. Faith healers, clairvoyants, inyanga, enchantresses, those kinds of people existed even though as time passed by, their existences are no longer as dominant as before. But they are still there. For us, spiritual creatures, those people are quite different. Their auras and especially their eyes, it's not like other human's eyes. People who are blessed with supernatural abilities have a pair of gold eyes. However, Iliya Nara… She is different. Her eyes are much like the purest gold. So bright and brilliant. Showing me how much supernatural power she holds inside her tiny skinny body.

"You are not an ordinary human, little girl…"

I glared at her which made her extremely nervous in front of me right now. I even can hear her heart pounding erratically inside her chest. Her face was so red like a ripened tomato. Our body was so close. I can even feel her warm breath on my face. It's tingling and somehow, triggered me to do some other things with her.

"Who are you, Iliya Nara?"

"I... I… I think I'm just me. You have called my name before. So that's it. Nothing more, nothing less…"

I'm just about to reply to her once again when suddenly I felt someone else around us.


"Aza?" He looked at both of us with a deep frown on his eyebrows.

"What are you doing?

"And who is she?"

I haven't done anything when she suddenly pushed me so hard, enabling herself to move freely. Unbend herself from my custody when I was off guard.

Reuben's eyes widened when he saw her who touched me before.

"So? Is she the one whom you told me had bumped on you before?"

I nodded my head undoubtedly.



I gulped. So is she the one?

"How come??"

"Who are you exactly?"

As far as I could remember, Azalel is one of the most skeptical angels. Especially if it's related to the human realm. He dislikes them. He despises them. He tries to avoid them at any cost.

Barely gets in contact or touch with them. So, seeing him today, getting so close with one of them and a girl to add it up, had given me a huge question inside my head.

Who is she?

But moreover, why was she able to touch Azalel?

"And who are you?" She asked me back confusedly.

"An angel. Same as him..." I pointed back at my partner who now, just stood calmly with his folded arms.

"No way!!!" She shrieked in disbelief.

"Well, young lady. Unfortunately, it was true. And you are not supposed to see or touch us because we are creatures from another dimension. A spiritual dimension…"

"Therefore, let me ask you once more. Who are you?"



If there was a weirdest and the most awkward day in my life, that day must be today. I met two men who claimed themselves as angels which are hardly believable. They are wingless, carefree and so relaxed like other people. They indeed have beautiful looks. But, the first seems more ignorant while another one has a cute face and looks much younger like a high school student. They insist on asking me some stupid questions about my real identity and how come I can see, touch and communicate with them easily. But one thing that mesmerized me was…

I can't touch Reuben. I could see him as clear as sunshine in the daytime but I'm UNABLE to touch him as I did to Azalel.


That question keeps roaming inside my head. What's wrong with me?

Eventually, after a while, they stopped questioning me. I think they have given up since I always give them the same answer over and over again. In the end, we made an appointment to stay in touch regularly.

… … . . … .. . . … . . ..

"So, what do you think about her, Aza?"

Reuben keeps asking me after we finished our schedules for today. We were sitting comfortably on the highest skyscraper building's rooftop, watching the breathtaking sunset that slowly turning golden layered sky into purplish. A sign that night would be fallen shortly.

"I don't know. This is the first time for me either. Having a mortal touched me effortlessly, gave me some kind of sensations that I never felt before…."

"I need to investigate her more, I guess. But one thing for sure, she will not bring any harm nor us…."

"At least for now…"



I can't stop thinking about today. It felt strange and weird. How long has it been? How long has it been since I avoid people around me? How long has it been when someone starts to talk with me like they did to me? I barely remember. It felt like ages ago. Well, our conversation didn't start well on a good topic. Especially for Azalel who seems deeply irritated with my existence. Including the fact that I could not only see him but also can touch him freely. I could still picture what happened today. The spot where he touched me before. His fingers radiate warmth when our body gets in contact, I still can feel it.


The heat slowly crept into my face once again.