Cyan reports the body and everyone is teleported to the cafeteria. Cyan then starts to tell the whole crew what he saw and leaves Red in awe. He tells the whole crew that, "Guys, I was following Red around because he was acting a bit,sus, to me, I followed him all the way from navigation to electrical without even doing a single task might I add, and when he saw blue in electrical he thought it was the perfect time and place to kill and stabbed blue in the back". The crew the. starts to mumble.
Red then says, "Everyone I know you all won't believe him, first of all, I did do tasks and I'm pretty sure because no one was there to witness me do it, he has taken advantage of it and used it against me, and also, when I was in electrical, I am very certain that someone knocked me out and seeing how cyan is trying to get me off I'm starting to think it was him. I am very sure that he wanted to frame me for a murder and self report to make me seem sus to everyone else".
The crew started to mumble again and Yellow asked the crew if they've made their final decision. The crew said yes and shockingly the votes were even between Red and Cyan.
Red then started to stay away from Cyan and Cyan reciprocated.