Chereads / Undertale Multiverse SSS / Chapter 1 - Test Run Arc 00 (Story)

Undertale Multiverse SSS

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Chapter 1 - Test Run Arc 00 (Story)



Matt Gold

Fate Sans

My name is Matt Gold and I am a big FGO fan.

Ever since I got the FGO app game I became addicted to it.

All the servants,their history and powers really had me want more content.

The story was perfect to me, a normal person tasked with the mission to save the world and humanity while summoning and recruiting powerful heroic spirits.

Though sadly in the end it was an app game so it's going to take a while.

All I can really look forward to are the FGO movies that retell the stories of the Camelot singularity and the Solomon Singularity.

I wonder if they will make any show or movie of the other singularities?

When the movies got released I was about to go watch them until I died.



I got hit by a Truck out of nowhere! I wasn't even walking near the road!WTF!!!

I expected to go to either heaven or hell (though I'd prefer going to heaven).

What I didn't expect was waking up in a white


I did not know what to think of my predicament.

Am I dead or alive? Where the hell am I?

"Hey human."

I turned around to the voice behind me and saw a… skeleton???

The skeleton in front of me was wearing a jacket,shorts and slippers???

That wasn't even the weirdest part. He was completely colorless devoid of any color and was also floating in the air. He also had weird symbols that look familiar in his eye sockets.

In that moment I asked a question that anyone In my position would ask.

"Are you the grim reaper?"

The skeleton grinned I think, it was hard to tell.

"No I'm not the grim reaper, there is already a sans who is one though."

Sans? Who is that and what was that about being a grim reaper?

"Then who are you?"

The skeleton floated down on the floor and replied.

"I am Fate Sans."

What type of name was that?

"Trust me compared to other names mine seems normal in comparison" he said.

Wait did he just-

"Yes I can read your mind"


"Anyways that's besides the point. What is important right now is that I explain your situation, but first."

His pupils disappeared and a flash of light blinded me.

Then the light dimmed down and looked to see that nothing happened.

What was that light show for-

[You have gained the Servant Summoning System]


"Now I know you have a lot of questions right now and I will answer them so calm down and take your time, also you can call me sans for now."

I didn't know what to even think anymore, but for some reason his words did Calm me down.

Okay I'm in a white void with a talking skeleton and I'm probably dead. But he said that he will answer any of my questions.

I took a few deep breaths and took a few moments to think of what I am going to ask.

"Okay… So you are not the grim reaper."

"Im not the grim reaper."

"Then who or what are you."

"Well to put it simply I'm a monster."

"A monster?"

"I'm going to need to go into a lot of explaining to have you know what I mean by that."

"Please do."

"Okay first I'm sure that you already know that we are no longer on earth or at least your earth. You died and I pulled you from your world and brought you here." Fate Sans said gesturing at our surrounding.

"Wait so am I dead or am I alive?" I asked "also what do you mean we're not on 'my' earth?"

"To answer your first question don't worry I assure you, you are alive"He said "Second I'm sure you already know of the multiverse theory, that there are other earths all with their own kinks and differences."

"In my earth there is another race aside from the human kind which is called the monster kind. My kind came in all shapes and sizes, but we heavily specialized in magic."

"Magic?" I said finding it a little hard to believe, but given my situation it doesn't sound that far fetched.

"Yep" he said and extended his had and a giant skull beast thing appeared out of Nowhere and shot a blast from its mouth which I assumed was magic.

"Now as for who 'I' am, well I am Fate Sans. I'm here of my own volition to help the alternative universes or as I and many call them AUs."

That was a lot to take in, so I really am in another reality. I was getting nervous but I still continued to ask my questions.

"As much as this all seems crazy and unbelievable, why am I here?"I asked in confusion.

As much as this something that I can read from FanFiction.Net this all seems too good to be true. Having this system of summoning servants from my favorite anime. Being brought back to life and taken to a different world. This is an Isekai.

"You are here for as an experiment" he said.


"I was bored and thought to do something fun. So I brought you here and gave you that system to see what you will do."

"You brought me back to life, gave me a system because you were bored?"

"Yep" he grinned even wider if it was even possible.

I was speechless at what he just said. So I'm just here because he was bored. No grand purpose or great destiny to fulfill. This is all for shits and giggles.

"Now, now this isn't all pointless" he said.

Wait how- oh right he can read my mind.

"You see a lot of terrible things have been happening in my universe as of late."

He projected screens around the area and showed images of other skeletons that look like him but with different clothing, while others looked physically different.

One of the screens appeared in front of me showing to skeletons.

The one on the left looked like an artist with some black ink on him while holding a giant paint brush.

The one on the right was a black skeleton that looked all glitched up with ERROR Silhouettes around him.

"The skeleton on your left is named Ink. He was the creator and protector of AUs" he explained.

This was the protector of the AUs from his reality…wait.

"What do you mean 'was'? I questioned him.

"He had helped a very dangerous person, which led to a lot of terrible things to happen." He said with grim and angry look.

"L-like what e-exactly?" I asked nervously as I have a feeling that I did not want to know what happened.

"The destruction of most of the AUs from my reality. Because of that he is no longer seen as the 'guardian' of AUs by everyone."



Yea that's really bad. Being responsible for the destruction of what you are supposed to protect will definitely have your title of guardian of AUs revoked by everyone.

"The skeleton on your right is named Error and is the Destroyer of the AUs." Fate Sans said with neutral face.

The name definitely fit this skeleton.

"So it's his job to destroy AUs or does he destroy them because he wants to?" I asked.

"Both, but he's not evil. You see to him all AUs are glitches in the multiverse that should be destroyed. In time he was giving the job and title of destroyer of AUs. Though he takes his job very seriously destroying AUs that went past their expiration date and AUs that were to dangerous to exist before they could become a problem."

Wow I didn't think being a destroyer could be a job. Though I am worried about the part where Error sees all AUs as glitches that should be destroyed.

"You see before everything became the way it is now, Ink and Error would preserve balance between creation and destruction across the multiverse. They would fight over which AUs should exist and which AUs should be destroyed. They were polar opposites, Error wanted all AUs destroyed while Ink didn't want any of the AUs destroyed. And so it became a game of cat and mouse between them."

Mmmhh this sounds like a real problem. It sounds like they would cause unbalance in the multiverse rather then balance with their way of thinking.

"It got to the point that where they got tired of fighting each other and decided to make a truce. Ink would stop creating AUs while Error would stop destroying AUs."

"Let me guess the truce didn't last long" I guessed.

"Indeed" he confirmed.

"Was it because of Inks dangerous friend?" I asked.

"Yes and no, though he was a big factor for how things came to be" he said "I will not tell you this persons name for personal reasons until the time is right."

"Can you at least tell me what he did?"

"…Inks friend is a perfectionist. He wanted everyone and everything to be perfect in his image. You see In his AU there was a dangerous power that let the user warp reality to their will. He took this power and used it on his AU. He warped the AU into his image, but no matter how many times he tried, nothing he did was perfect to him. He did this over 10 times until his AU was destroyed."

"Who could have seen that on coming?" I said in sarcasm.

I kinda had an idea on where this was going. You try to play god and terrible things will happen.

"Unfortunately before this happened he met Ink and became friends with him. It led him to knowing the existence of the multiverse. Him and Ink devised a plan to use his power across the entire multiverse to make it 'perfect' and create a jaded balance between creation and destruction."

"And that's where Error comes in" I said putting the pieces together to what happened.

He nodded.

"When Error found out about their plan and that Ink had broken their truce, he destroyed countless AUs in retaliation."

Wow that's one hell of a story. Though where do I come in to all of this?

"While I want to intervene, my presence would draw unwanted attention from powerful individuals. But that doesn't mean I can't do anything. Thats where you come in."

And here we go.

"Matt I know this is a lot to ask, but will you help my reality?" Fate Sans asked me.

This request was a bit underwhelming.

"Sorry but what can I even do?" I said "Even with this servant summoning system I don't know of a servant that can bring back AUs."

"I'm not asking you to fix the multiverse" said Fate Sans with a saddened look " It's to late to save them. What I'm asking is for you to save and protect the remaining AUs that still exist."

"…So you're asking me to take Inks job as protector of the AUs?" I asked in confusion.

"In a sense yes, but you won't be doing it alone. In time you will gather allies and friends that will help you."

"I think you are overestimating me way to much on accomplishing this task that you are asking me to do" I said in worry.

Now I know this would be everyone's dreams come true, but let's be real real here, I'll probably die in like 1 minutes if I'm lucky if these are the type of enemies that I have to deal with.

"Like I said this is an experiment" said Fate Sans "I will help from time to time,but it is ultimately up to you on if you succeeded or fail."

Gee thanks for the vote of confidence.

"I'm sorry Matt, but my hands are tied" he replied.

"Can you please stop reading my mind?" I said.

"No can do" he said with a grin.

I sighed and began thinking on my decision.

"So to put it simply if I help there is a small chance of me succeeding and a high chance of me failing while dying again and if I refuse to help I'll still probably die in the end" I said.


"I… I guess I'll help you" I said with some hesitation.

Accepting this task was my best bet at surviving. I just got a second chance at life and didn't want it to end that quickly.

"Thank you Matt" Fate Sans said sincerely.

"So what do I do now?" I asked.

"Well before we do that I must explain to you about the summoning system that I gave you." He said.

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"No there is nothing wrong with it, except that you won't be able to summon servants from the FGO reality."

"WHAT!!!!????" I screamed in surprise.

"I'm sorry but there are rules that I must follow and that includes greatly on not involving another realty with mine. With you as the only exception that I had made. If I were do get them involved then they would meet the same fate that befell my reality."

I… I guess that makes sense given the the situation that we are in right now. While he wants me to protect what's left of his reality, he still has rules that he needs to follow.

"But there were some loopholes that I can exploit. Such as incorporating the summoning system while creating my realities own version of The Thrown Of Heroes."

Now things were starting to look up now.

"Though I tweaked a lot of things on both the summoning systems and the thrown of heroes."

And just when things were looking up.

"Now,now I actually changed on how someone can get into the throne of heroes."

"Wait what do you mean?" I asked confused.

"You see many if not most of the strongest humans and monster in all the AUs are alive and even if they are dead they didn't die leaving a legend behind while some had their own legends lost to history."

Ohh now I get what he's saying. The requirements on joining the thrown of heroes would be nothing but a hindrance rather than an upside. And I doubt that Gaia and Alaya exist in this reality to have records of these humans and monsters.

"Now your getting it." He said.

God dammit he won't stop reading my mind.

"Thankfully I have records on all AUs for the thrown of heroes to use. The humans and monsters in the thrown will be copies of the original based on the records."

"Wait so I can summon a copy of someone as a servant even when they are still alive!?" I asked in surprise because that could be a great advantage.

"Yes and no, not everyone you come across will meet the requirements to become a servant."

"What are the requirements?"

"The requirements are actually quite simple. The requirements are that they must have great magical power,skills or abilities to meet any of the seven classes or the extra classes."

"That's it?"

"That's it" He confirmed "though expect to summon monsters more than humans."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well you see in most AUs they all follow similar backstories. One day war broke out between human kind and monster kind. In the end human kind won the war and sealed the monsters away in Mt Ebott. As time passed by humans began to forget on how to use magic soon seeing it as nothing but fantasy. While the monsters use their magic to thrive in Mt Ebott to survive."

Huh so that explains why he said that I'll most likely summon more monsters than humans, as human forgot how to use magic and in time believed it was nothing but fantasy.

"The summoning system requires specific catalysts for each servant so don't even bother trying to summon a servant with a random catalyst cause it won't work plus saint quarts don't even exist here."

Darn that can be a real pain.

"But in exchange for that restriction the servant will be able to self sustain themselves."

Wait that means-

"Yep you will only serve as an anchor to them. They won't need your magic to sustain themselves and you can have as many servants as you want."

That sounds to good to be true.

"Yes that where the bad news comes in."

Oh no.

"The catalyst will be destroyed in the process and if you don't have another one you could lose a servant permanently, so I'd advise for you to collect multiple catalyst for each servant because if you don't have any other catalysts for them then you can't re-summon them. Also when you summon a servant you can't summon another one for the next 24 hours."

Wow that is a dangerous drawback if I'm not careful. Damn unlike Chaldea I can't time travel to get catalysts from the past, I can only use catalysts that are here in the present.

"Indeed" said Fate Sans reading my mind.

"Anything else?" I asked already giving up on telling him to not read my mind anymore.

"I also incorporated the command seals function. But rather than being placed on your arm it will be placed on your soul."

"My soul?" I asked confused.

"The way magic works in my reality is that we use our souls to draw out our magic with specific traits. There are 7 soul traits Patience,Perseverance,Kindness,Bravery,Justice,Sincerity and last Determination. For monsters they have access to all 7 soul trails though some are better with specific traits then others. While for humans they are stuck with only the soul trait that the are born with, though there were rare instances where a human was born without a trait or one that was born with 2 traits." Fate Sans explained.

"What's my soul trait?" I asked in anticipation.

"I am giving you, your own special trait" he said snapping his fingers.

Suddenly a gold colored-heart appeared in front of my chest.

"Is that my soul?" I asked in awe confused on why my soul looks like a heart and why it's colored gold.

"Don't bother asking me why our souls look like hearts, because I don't know. Also on why it's colored gold its because I created a new soul trait for you to help you on your mission."

"What soul trait is gold exactly?" I asked looking at my gold soul.

"There isn't exactly a soul trait with your soul" he said.

"Mind explaining please?"

"I modified your soul to use all soul traits."

I took a moment to process what he just said.

"You know what I'm not even going to question it. I mean I'm not going to say no to becoming OP with all these magic traits" I said.

"You are right, but you won't be able to use them all to their fullest potential."

I gestured towards him to elaborate.

"You see there are only a handful of humans that pushed their soul traits power to the absolute limit. Take for example Determination magic, the most powerful form one can push it to its limit is gaining the power of 'RESET' allowing them to manipulate time to a degree by going back in time upon their death. You can't gain this power, but anything below that is Available for you to use."

Determination is sounding to be the most OP out of all the soul traits. With the ability to go back in time upon your death could make you almost impossible to beat. To bad I can't have that ability.

"Anyways moving on-"

"Actually" I interrupted him "Can you tell me about the other soul traits strongest abilities?"

Fate Sans took a moment to think about it and said "Sure, but I don't know why you would want to know since you won't get access to these powerful abilities?"

"I won't, but that doesn't mean that my allies or enemies couldn't have these abilities. So it's better for me to know beforehand rather than finding it out personally."

"Heh you do bring up a good point. Alright then let's start with Kindness. Kindness magic is used for 'Support Magic' such as 'Healing' and making 'Magic Shields'. The limit to this magic is 'Resurrection' allowing the user to bring people back from the dead."

Having a servant with that ability could be very crucial for future battles. A support healer tank in the battlefield will be very useful.

Fate Sans quickly said "Quick warning though, if you do summon a human servant with these types of abilities they can't use them normally."

"Are there restrictions to when or how they use these abilities?" I asked.

"If you want you want the human with the kindness trait to use 'Resurrection' you must use 3 command seals to unleash it."

So its a trump card that I have to use wisely. That could be a problem in the future if I'm not careful.

"Do know that it takes 24 hours for you to regain 1 command seal whenever you use one." Fate Sans said.

Fate Sans continued,"Next is Bravery magic, this magic focuses 'offensive magic' increasing one's physical power and destructive power, though if the user is not careful they could harm themselves with their own magic. The limit to this magic is the user Achieving Invincibility."

So a frontline fighter who dishes out a lot of damage,though seeing as this is more for attacking, it sounds like the servant will be a glass cannon if not being supported by kindness magic. I then focused on the last part.

"What type of invincibility are we talking here?" I asked.

"This ability has a few perks to it such as 'Physical Invincibility', 'Soul Invincibility', 'Time Invincibility', and last but not least 'Reality Invincibility'" Fate Sans explained.

"… That is so Op!" I screamed.

"Hehe I know right?"said Fate sans "though there is a time limit. 5 minutes to be exact."

"I guess that's a necessary drawback" I replied.

Fate Sans continued with the next soul trait " Justice magic focuses primarily on raged attacks with most users having some type of ranged weapon or projectile. The limit to this magic is 'Gods Ray', the user releases a large beam of magic that can tear the fabric of reality."

"It sounds like there's a story behind this 'God ray" I said starting to get used to these soul traits being OP in their own way.

Fate Sans answered " Oh yes there's a story behind this. In a AU the justice trait user accidentally used the 'God Ray' to tear through reality. This affected 3 AUs with one of them being destroyed and the other 2 being heavily damaged. This event caught both Ink and Errors attention. Error killed the individual along with destroying the AU and Ink did all he could to Repair the damaged AUs."

The 'God Ray' sounds more harmful than anything and I hope that I will never have to command a justice trait user to deploy this power.

Fate Sans continued " Perseverance magic is one of the most balanced trait second only to Determination, it can be used for offense,defensive,support and ranged magic. This magic also makes wounds harder to heal even by Kindness magic. It's useful for breaking through defensive magic. It's also really useful for drawn out battles. The limit to this magic is 'Reality Manipulation' allowing the user to shape reality to what they want even to the point to changing or creating their own AU. Though due to this great power I had to put in restrictions. The user will only use this power for 5 minutes and can only use it on the AU that they originated from."

While the restrictions sucked, it is understandable. Not all servants that I summon will be loyal or follow my commands and might even try to betray me. The cons outweigh the pros in this situation.

"Next is Patience Magic, it's primarily support magic and not damage oriented, usually resorting to restraining opponents, inflicting minor damage or making it easier for allies to fight. Though in some rare cases this magic can manipulate time, but only in slowing down time, reversing or stoping is not something they can do, at least not Normally. Users with this soul trait have rope-based weapons along with strings. The limit to this magic can actually vary into 2 different abilities, 'Time Stop' or 'Time Reverse' which I'm sure are self explanatory."

'Wow so I can have time manipulators help me in battle' I thought thinking of the many ways I can use this magic.

Fate Sans cut off my train by saying "Hey just to warn you about something about this magic."

"What is it?" I asked.

"When you come across someone that uses this magic will seem like they can teleport, but in actuality they are just slowing down time to make it seem like they are teleporting, though there are those that have actually achieved teleportation with this magic."

"Oh thanks for the heads up"

Fate Sans nodded "Last but not least is Integrity magic which can be used in a variety of situations. Though this is a very complicated magic to use, it can be the most useful or weakest depending on the user."

I was confused about what he said.

He continued "You see In rare cases people can lose their soul trait which means that they cant use magic. Integrity users have the highest chance of losing their trait because it's common for people to lie,break morale, even if someone lied for a good reason they will still lose their soul trait. So an Integrity user must always be emotionally and morally strong."

I finally see what he meant "I can see why you said that this magic is very complicated to use."

"This magic can also be used to manipulate gravity by manipulating objects around them like telekinesis. This can also effect someone's soul and throw them around like a rag doll."

I grimaced at that "That does not sound like a nice experience."

Fate Sans nodded "Integrity magic doesn't have a primary based weapon so every user has their own unique weapon, though it is very hard to manifest weapons with this magic."

"That seems nice I guess?" I said thinking on what weapon I would make with that magic.

"The limit to this magic is 'Absolute Gravity'. They have the ability to fully control gravity and effect anyone and anything in massive areas by making it all heavy or weightless."

An AOE ability that can immediately change the flow of a battle.

"And that is all the soul traits" Fate Sans concluded.

"What about Determination, you didn't go into to much depth with that soul trait" I asked.

Fate Sans seemed annoyed at this question but answered.

"I'm not fond of those with Determination, especially those that have the ability of 'Reset'."

I think I touched a nerve as he did not look very happy at explaining Determination.

"They abuse their power and cause many genocide routes and-"


After his little tirade over why he didn't like those with Determination, he finally calmed down.

"Sorry about that, it's just that I've had a lot of bad experiences with those that use Determination" Fate Sans explained.

"It's okay you seemed like you needed to get that of your chest" I assured him.

He nodded thankfully "Thank you, anyway Determination magic is undoubtedly the strongest out of all the soul traits. It is driven by willpower allowing the wielder infinite power as long as they are determined. It is primarily offensive magic and can manifest sword or knife related weapons. I already told you about 'Reset' so no need to explain it again. Those that don't have reset will use Determination to prolong their life by surviving fatal wounds or not dying for a while.

"So pretty much steer clear around those with Determination, especially those with 'Reset'" I concluded.



Fate Sans then pulled out a phone and hands it to me.

"A phone?" I asked confused.

"This phone is a way to contact me. It can make calls across the multiverse. Though please only call me for emergencies".

I nodded putting the phone in my pocket. This was definitely a very valuable item to keep.

Fate Sans then took on a thinking pose "Mmh I think that's all you need to know for the moment. So now it's time to send you in. But before that I'd like to give you a catalyst that will help you in the long run."

He snapped his fingers and a box manifested in front of me.

But before I could see what's inside he said "Don't open yet it's a surprise."

I complied and didn't open the box.

"Thank you for taking on this dangerous mission Matt, I hope you succeed."

Fate Sans snapped his fingers one last time and opened right under me.

Before I succumbed to unconsciousness he said one last thing to me.

"Welcome to Undertale Matt."

'What's Undertale' was my last thought as I fell unconscious.