Chereads / Celebration of life: Beyond Veiled Boundaries / Chapter 97 - 31 School doesn't change

Chapter 97 - 31 School doesn't change

Take a blink and that meeting with the student council flew by. For that matter, all did class work and attended most of their education until year 7. Given her age and her constant forgetting of how old she is, her primary school years happened but got erased. Just the skills left behind. She expectedly never made allies, enemies, or friends in the duration. Her body wasn't ready for cross over but she worked with Nathan and Samantha in drills to be ready again. Samantha eventually started doing her things and Nathan finally warmed up to Lea but stays neutral. He is aware she is not blood-related and views her as a family friend than an aunt. Lea accepts this, it's better than no relationship with her nephew at all. The weird supernatural stuff stayed a nightly event, her mask hosting evening classes in random school locations. If folks turned up, they learned something. If they miss out, it wasn't a proper class anyways.

She kept living stuff and spirit stuff separately. Development of her body and current young mind had priority. Getting her into control of her emotions and thoughts (she knows that spirit folks are sensitive to the living body's energy outputs). High or extreme emotions are what demons and angels judge bugging you with most. Undertakers will only intervene if there is an incident due to malpractices of any being.

She was the first to move off to the next dorm school out of the three. This next higher school is another spiritual type of school, but hiding your gift of sight was more important than ever. This was the school where her step-sister found love that made Nathan a relationship. That particular relationship didn't pass off school grounds. It was the sticking point among other listed reasons for why her father and mother split, and how Lea's mom joined. Either way, none of the family histories has to matter to Lea. But it was good to keep in mind. Gossip among tweens, teens, and young adults was wildfire. Lea isn't sure if her being related to her step-sister's affairs or Lea being American... just being a spirit weirdo. Yup, quite a feast for hormone drive creatures to dig Lea's grave with. The school has fame divided too, upper classes for elite and lower classes for averages. The ground teachers and staff make the list and you rise or fall between years. Your educational status in a national lens goes unchanged. She wishes to keep in mind that she paving the set-up for her niece and nephew. Being sent back down the social ladder to square one sucks. She just left that other school as an elite with average grades. The next two new years she is alone in educational progress before Nathan moves up too.

Once again in a strange-shaped room, unpacking her suitcase and hanging up on the next uniform for a while. Already spent one hour in paused time removing the spy curses and pranks. Another room with her desk that she disinfectant before placing pictures.

"Room inspection." Double knock. Lea was already changed and there isn't anything laying around she considered a problem or embarrassing. She opens the door and blankly stares at nothing. The teacher raised a brow and now Lea looked up.

"Sorry, a lot on my mind. Here." She steps aside and allows them in.

"Ugh... Miss Fallown. Are you religious?"

"I removed them. I am from America, and that's considered inappropriate to have runic curse work to spy on you. But if it is set up by the school, sorry. I just didn't want pranks or something." That there answers everything that teacher needed to write down, "Would you like me to have them replaced or money for the materials? It's like repainting the room which is against policy." The teacher is stopped stiffly at writing and peers up, "Let me guess, I was about to be expelled on the first day? Just because I can remove curses." She sighed, It's whatever. The school has rules that need to be followed." She went to open the suitcase to pack it all.

"No... I wanted to thank you for the consideration of fixing them. Most don't know how expensive it is to do every student room. Even our elite students don't normally care."

"But it makes sense for mental health and student safety to have some form of CCTV or security. You lot just use a hidden craft for spirits." closing the suitcase for now, "Just, I am sorry." The teacher nods and fixed everything up on their form. Mute stare at anything else, not digging into personal things if there is nothing to show an issue.

"Anything counted as illegal on school grounds?"

"No and yes. Not anything I would ever allow a student or for that matter, anyone under spirit court ranks to handle." She posed her right hand on her heart and left open palm, "I am withholding very spiritual active haunted items. They are cursed to me, I can't get rid of them if I tried. I am a seasoned Sigil-ranked member with many oddities. I don't keep them in reach of anyone. Including my gear."

"Nope, that's all good." The teacher dismissed, "I meant drugs, alcohol, or matches."

"Oh..." She thinks about it and took out two normal lighters she owns, "I use them for candles. Not candle policy. Got it." Those are taken from her but it is not a big deal. She doesn't smoke and truly meant what she says.

"You're such a breeze. Why can't I have more students like you?" The last bit, "Here's the inspection record. All is good. Welcome to the Raven academy. We normally prepare those going into spiritual jobs alongside backup living jobs. You going to be quite the exotic bird in this year's flock."

"As for the runes." She posed.

"Don't worry. We will replace them when you move out of the dorm." She soft nods, "As you progress to school here, you be moved to different floors after each academic year. So we will get around to it." They waved as they leave, too much to get on with. Lea gets back to unpacking basics. She wasn't even startled an inch by the creep that replace the teacher. An odd spirit type that she isn't sure belongs here or was just lost. She had the guts to look it in the eyes, study its whole appearance, and then shrug.

"OK. That isn't what I thought." The creep went to step in, pulling itself away from sheer fear.

"Luna!" Lea snapped and the reptile sinks back hidden between reality, "Sorry about my lizards. They are protective. Your luck to not be eaten. They like eating strange foods. you are not a hell creature nor a dreamer." She hangs up her school shirt, no mind of their direction, "But I have met your type before. Your spirit guardians or fey clay gods. The terms are lost in living translation." She nods in how there aren't many creases on her shirt, left hand waved at beckoning it in, "Come snoop around guy. I am not fussed. You are just doing a job. Get into my stuff and I will break limbs or have some lizards eat you."

A lot of them came in, and sweep the place for seams, veil thinning, and all the typical stuff. They were back out with no problem, and a stamp was added to the inspection record too. They left also a thread, made of hair maybe. She ties it to her bedpost, as it is a type of charm to ward off evil in some cultures. The inspection card is placed on a waller at the back of her door. She found they have a wax stamp by her name, indicating she was a sight and listener. Notable Gold, which is interesting.

"Wow, my neighbors!" Another student welcomes the creatures too, "You are all terrifying."

"See, that's the normal thing." A fey posed at her, it sat on her shoulder.

"Being scared of your clever fear-mongering is a smart move. A good test of both student and any uninvited." Lea nods watching at her door, "You hear for the pet talk to not bother you working for folks." It now flies off her to the next one. She returned to staring at another fey. She posed confused about what the heck this one wanted. It looks sad for whatever reason, lifting hands then scatted into paper. She stares blankly processing it.

"Doga!" She snaps her fingers and the papers raised, reforming it, "It is OK. I am not replacing you. You do what you need to. Just don't eat your higher-ups. Small ranks and not the students." It was so happy and it replaces the thread for its charm over her bed. It trampled up the place testing the thin veils for any clever tricks, finding something missed on inspection. Given to her as a gift. She doesn't know what it is and if it was safe. She boxed it and runic locked it. The thread from before is a good measure. It is considered this school, so it should be given to the right folks.

"Doga!" It waved about proudly and she pets its head. Praising them. A lot of flex pose and off it disappears, wherever they seem to linger.

"I have too many questions." Her neighbor with a box of cakes.

"We will be learning about all this stuff during the school year. So don't worry about it." Lea waved her left as always, "I am Lea Fallown. I have other nicknames that I go by, depending context of whose asking." Lea, has biscuits forneighbour'ss exchanges like this, "Which room are you in?"

"We share a wall." Lea nods acknowledging she listening to this person."Amy. I am Amy Seer. A Trickster or a Cloak."

"That's a new term. Is cloaked in reference to not having a political pick."

"I am for the undertakers instead of the screw-ups."

"Well then, I guess that makes us blood-related. I am Shadow Duchess, Tricky Trickster of the broken tomes. Legally I am Fallown and Seer, but I don't use the name Seer." shaking sweating cold hand, "I wish wasn't in the epicenter of it all. Yet everything was. I am sorry you caught up."

"I didn't think you would tell me." She knew already.

"It doesn't matter if you know or not. I have a reputation built by others and big mouths. I don't help myself and I choose this way of life." Letting them be. Lea exchanged cake with biscuits, "I'd you have spirit problems, just let me know. I have a pest eater... way too many hungry mouths." She sighed depressed, "Not a lot of sigil applications for anywhere interesting or abundant of sources."

"That sounds lovely. Umm. Bye." As to be expected. Lea is back to unpacking. Biscuits and cake sat on the desk on a plate. She noticed the lack of a clock around here, startled when the local bell rung for the hour. She stares in a daze listening to the bell's full rings, how imperfections give the bell a unique echoing. She loves it, smiling in listening to it.

"Students of the dorm section 2," the year after her, "Please take care in not upsetting the new student that has joined us." Lea raise her brow and just finished the last hang of a shirt. She relaxed on the desk seat watching nothing, her door is still creaking open. She listens to the flood of students collecting things and stomping up the stairs. She could already see herself doing this same time next year.

"Miss Fallown!" Lea softly stands and to her door, peers down the corridor to some angry people. She picks up the biscuits and makes her way, the door closes behind her and her spirit seal prevents unnecessary things. The packet of biscuits was presented in the offering with the left hand. She holds her front with her right hand. Nothing was said and nothing offensive has been misunderstood.

"This student was the person before in your room. Something was missed." A fey shrug being a mediator.

"Oh yes, you missed it during a room inspection. Doga found it." She snaps and doga presents the box, "We didn't know and don't ask questions. So here. Have the thing back. That is of that what you were looking for." Box has been taken and the contents checked. A sigh of relief. Fey shrugs and leaves. Doga is patted on the head and he faded away. Lea still presents biscuits in peace, the student has a friend that took some.


"That's all it can say. I won't name them. I give cute nicknames and live with them bothering me. Not that I mind. They all have a part to play, a role, and meaning. I don't need to justify why or what. I stopped when the gate hand eyes looked at me like I was the problem." She takes her biscuit and munched herself to silence.

"You!" One of the friends points rudely, "You're the broken face." everyone looks at the guy like he lost the plot.

"Breaking a clay mask is represented as a bad omen." Amy hissed, "Don't make predictions to ruin my life more."

"I have a broken mask." Lea shrugs like it wasn't a problem, "My scars are the flaws that make me special. I wear such pride as the armory, so I can terrify my lizards into good behavior."

"Nope." Amy slams the door.

"Anyway, you should treat each other with more care. You both have to work together. Maybe try settling with each other differences before considering being a party problem." Lea taps the girl's shoulder and was talking meaning this doll and this student. But it was sound advice for the student and Amy too. Lea left them be, back to her room.

"Dame Mystic." A lower-ranked undertaker that does message running. Kneeling with a paper before her. She can't even enter her room with this guy in the way She had nearly walked through him.

"I was Duchess and now I am Dame? OK. Whatever." She takes with her left hand and felt the message, "Sure. I gladly meet up." She pockets the letter, "Just ugh..." She sighed looking at how he doesn't move an inch, "Sorry." Walked through him and into her room. She picks up some stuff, light hunter gear. The full set in her shadow. She walked through him getting out of her room, and instead of leaving the poor guy behind to be eaten or tricked by fey. Her right hand pulled the man to be dragged behind her. She carried him the whole way to the meeting up. A room number of the main sports hall. She puts the message runner on the floor by the wall to let the man sort of work himself out. It's abnormal for spirit people to be manhandled by living people.

"Oh boy, not hiding your face or not in full gear. You look like a disappointment to the class." She sighed at seeing her niece and nephew among the crowd and that students were being pitted against each other.

"I could have had Ragnor or Bones come instead. But they might eat the competition." She sighed, "Anyways. What sort of favor are you calling this?" Time froze but she still walking and all the aware students are unsure if she knows, "And what's this about being a Dame? You giving me knighthood or are we downplaying things?"

"Well, you did say that someone that wants to defeat me, has to defeat you instead."

"You keep the stakes? Are you playing a joke here?" She walks around circling all sorts of spots and eyeing up all the other people around here. She knows their death intent on some eyes over her, "I guess I did. Sure. I do understand." She sighed, "But I just can't help but laugh internally." She stops and leans on his shoulder, "You having me fight the wingless guy?"

"Oh, no. He sending a champion too."

"What a pity! I just wanted to see his soul color." She tuts, "It is whatever."

"Who are you and what are you doing leaning on the monarch of undertakers!" Not even asked, more like it was screamed by a demon in total meltdown.

"Whiny." She tuts, "Poor harvests too. This guy isn't worth a coin."

"I am so sorry, I didn't realize you judge spirit by the materials they leave for you to scavenge." Monarch Shock plays sarcastically in a human tone.

"You see the low-scale clean jobs on the boards? I get paid better in blood smearing than I do craving flesh off bones here. A wandering freak like me gained a bit of a sour distrust of worthwhile things." The monarch attempt to get her off him. He steps away to make her fall... she wasn't even leaning on him, to begin with. It appears that she did, but there was something else. Not visible at all.

"Lea!" Samantha raised her hand.

"Yes, Sammy?" Lea softly rings.

"Ragnors eating something he shouldn't."

"Damn cat." She turned around and approached the black scaly shadow. It's way taller than her. She made that one cold look. Ragnar spats put the message runner. She squints and Ragnar high-speed scraps it out there. She clicked her tongue and repairs the holes he left... in the veil that shouldn't be seen, touched, or conceptual registered. Here she is, sewing it... grumbling the whole hot minute.

"Doga." The broken fey lifts itself through and helps her hold the stitching up. Among other hands that seem to reach around places or some sewing with her chains.

"This is why I hire her. She just does things. I appreciate it." A fey creature that dabs in sigil contracts, "Say, King Shock, you should undercut a lady with children. The extra hands around there aren't disembodied."

"Get you but out of here, damn idiots." She kicked the veil in wobbling, "Psychopathic souls." She snarls, "Get moving on!" The gloom of the curtains thicks now and seams are no longer weak.

"May the color god bless divine mercy upon us." The fey left quickly. She throws dust for good measure and walks back to the students all sitting perplexed.

"Oh..." She turns to some air, "Not today. I am not dying. Get out of here, god follower." She stares prolonged in listening, "Well, sure. Whatever. Procrastination will make things worse for the next soul down the collection but hey. You a living human under the robs, so whatever man. Whatever." She was interrupted by the guy, "I don't want to know. I don't. No. No. No." Her right posed a threat. The linger and soft move away, "Grim reapers paychecks are scrapping a barrel. I have way more better pay while reaping souls than death bankrolling me." She is clearly at burning the invisible guy.

"If the god of death is stopping her, you need to maybe consider that this human will only die by her own will." The devil sighed at King Shock.

"Yes, see. The devil gets me. I don't know if that's a good thing." She back at the spot leaned before, "Thanks Sammy for the shout-out. Undertakers are not good at eating for god slayers. Unless of course it's the god slayer that protects the tomes of life and death. He loves eating undertakers like candy. Not a speck left behind." She points with her left hand, "I have to kill the thing every turnover and remove the metal bits. And the complaint I hear from the blade society. Don't worry about it."

"What's a god slayer?" A living student needs to ask.

"It is all about context." She starts, "God slayers are all shapes and forms. They are in all worlds, realms, and universes. The term is so broad that it is like saying vermin that can remove your soul. Hypothetically, death gods are god slayers. But they are small-time soul collectors and guides. Ragnar is meant to only eat imps, lower demons that haven't any soul or names." She answered completely in human terms that all the children got what she meant.

"So is there a god slayer that eats gods?"

"Yeah." She nods, "But that's if you think there is any god to eat. Is there a god? Are we just Gods according to some other unseen beings? Or even more questionable is what makes a god be god. What are we measuring to label someone as God?" That insight made nodding heads of even the devil.

"Mystic, you already met the gods. So why would you question your faith?" Shock back to his natural voice.

"Freedom to believe and disbelieve is a gift living people have. Both sides of this are powerful survival tactics. Breaking emersion is something you undertakers dislike often. It doesn't matter if they believe my words, but reassuring uncertainty can be a problem later for you. So don't." She speaks to him in a that voice, which mirrors his tone.

"Oh, that voice. That's tome voice." The devil rubs hands, "You're the index keeper."

"No... I am no." She shook, "I have stepped down that role for a more sensitive and fragile keep. The index is the duty of the Seer bloodline, but I am excluded unless exemptions are triggered." She stared dully into the air an off direction over the shoulder, "I am tortured enough. Pulling back what I have was hard work. Returning to that role will only mean someone had attempted to destroy the souls. Not even gods coming together as one will be able to bind me."

"I was not expecting such a painful answer like that." The devil frowned and so many are looking to each to themselves of whatever she meant by it all.

"What is that made of?" A student asked pointing at what she had been leaning on. All living people can see it. Not anyone spiritual.

"God slayer leg, a tooth of a monster, and it's still sticky with the slobber from Ersa." Nathan is the only one that laughs as he knew about Ersa and that reptile's love sticks.

"what're the charms?" Pointed by another.

"Soul stones. They are pretty stone made by the lizards. Little gifts for me to look after." She lifted the whole thing and holds it correctly, she puts her feet at placement and she then lowered to make a swing, "When I do this..." She made a swift motion and opened a slice of distortion. She stands and pulls things. It closed when she had a piece of paper, her hands brushed all the surfaces. She lets it free and the paper curled and turned to ashes in unseen flame.

The reputation has been set now. She is the creepy girl with many problems. She has spiritually questionable choices and a scary spirit family (not even the humans are in that consideration). Just another American. A high-in-the-cloud type, or that's what they assume.