In the meantime, the realm of death gods lays in disarray. Entire rooms have collapsed floor ways within the tower of the tome vaults. A tower that contains only the same amount of spaces for souls as there is for the living records. The once organized layers of names were in clock order of when those names were to die. The teams of book movers and shelf cleaners lay in ashes at the floor. Souls whom they were are hidden underneath furniture pieces tipped about amount books. From the sounds of it, the goddess of life was here screaming valgour languages at Death. The two can't hurt each other anymore then they already do. In a stalemate since both are gods that have to do with the soul recycling system. They need the other to forfill that nesh detail.
A few damage books lifted from the floor and began reversing the scars upon themselves. Once the page flickers through the order if souls, it began inking in some much needed souls to cross over. Souls from the living worlds were finally being brought across through this direct manipulation if the tomes. Pages stealing the souls needed to inact gates for them to skip past the glass barrier. There was enough stolen through pages for now to occupy folks from not breaking universe laws. Any grim reapers lounging about were about to do anything stupid and equally living people had the certainty without a doubt death meant death.
Among the recent living names to die was Lea, she had to force her living self to let go in order to enforce convincing other souls to use paper gates out of the living lands. It was actually quiet fun to see people use the books and movies they love to be the gate to be reborn through. Putting dream walkers to work then making the waking world hell. This is only temporary and it rebalanaces the books to sycoronized between life and death. It will cause a back log of names that are dead names being wiped clean and placed to clean slates of living bodies. Inevitably to have a mistake, misguided or misfortune folks among these snatched.
"Echo history." She forms to a clay spirit shape. The medium that all death realm creatures are created from, the dust of bones. Shadows cling and cloth. She posed forward her right hand and lifted up Chains of sin. These narlled loops snake upon the fallen of this place and were tested. The metal the makes these Chains of sin is no different to the metal used in the scythe of a god. Some lift to next lives and others fell. Some had even swam into the lake of tears to wipe clean thier memories and be further dropped to the living world as newborns. She the only soul here on this floor. She stands waiting all the same.
"Nightmares!" She is headless compared to the dwelling of this land but she didn't belong here. So her head and heart wouldn't form here. She really is simply a hollow echo of a spirit. She studies that these were just a bunch of gods sick of the two bickering upstairs. She posed her hand above her and in swift motion casted the top tomes to begin falling off the shelves. This weighted upon several stop floors and floods the two gods upstairs to be swamped in pages. She turns into dust her soul hide within the shadows of tomes. More floor, wood furniture, shelving and books. Thunders down the crashing holt to the ground zero.
"How dare you use the books on me!" The goddess of life was pulled and chained accordingly. Equally as is death too. The two of them beyond confused what right did these pests. Wait a moment. What is the element gods here for? For that matter there are plenty of gods, minor gods and even several high station titles glaring down upon these two.
"It would seem that the tome itself used its own weight to knock some sense into you both." The Lords and ladies of flame and lava together in echos. Embers of heated words sparked real burning flames on all these flammable materials here.
"Swap souls, try to accomplish better then what the other did before." As so the process of making gods of opposite sides was a uneasy task but this was the choosen vote by majority. The many other gods who rely on life and death doing thier duties being sick of these two stepping on each other's toes to often. This is an in universe internal affairs that she takes no part in making quicker, easier or faster. Equally she wasn't making any delays for it to happen, giving the many lords and ladies of many realms space to get the duty done.
She simply came here among the pages of tomes to be recording this moment. Her spirit shape came to take photos, draw some art and make short notes within the undertakers and Sigils information networks. Providing why there was a delay or complete stop of most services at this time for Sigil. Land mark moment of god realm history where a soul transfer was for the best and was the most successful result. The very science that the gods go about learning about souls would be no different to human study of newly discovered creatures. Realms are the pents retaining different soul types from killing each other. The gods just don't seem to realize that the universe itself was doing this exact process anyway without them.
Now that the record of both the living and the dead were being destroyed as the soul transfer goes on. Lea noticed that the index was making the most of this opportunity. It throw in other segments of tomes that needed removing or remodeling. Just about nearly most of the original tome was about to be throw away. Lea tries her attempts salvage and save most of the tome chapters that will be needed to be kept intact from realm collapse. By the cause of such heretical self-destruct tendency. Attempt she may have tried, the soul of the core just got sick of waiting for the many gods. Tearing up scars across the universe while all the gods were distracted with themselves. She had no power to prevent the book doing this. She was at the mercy of the tome and the judgement it makes for the best interest of the entire universe.
The turth of the matter is that it was removing the need to use a name system. It was changing and rewriting how it was going about organizing how souls are placed. It no longer wish to bother in the fundamentals of black and white or life and death. The previous keepers were all people whom painted lines and built this disaster core index system. This universe is about to be full of those with extra soul infusions that will be able to enact magic casting. Scraping the current humanity system was a needed step. Fooling the gods to agree was just as easy as making mistakes between the two key cogs souls. This nasty cursed book had just gained more then it bargains, accompanied over the intended purpose.
Once the process of altering key cog soul gods was over, the universe around them also used the same excuse to fool. The lords and ladies of flame seems to have 'accidentally' took control of the many death realms and wiped those worlds out of existence. 'Accidentally' none of the gods were paying any attention about the living world reverted back to an age with bleak life. 'Accidentally' Sigil sever had been hacked into and a bunch of data retaining about this new universe was wiped. All residents of the universe were reset to level 1 and any external levels were marked unaccessable. Even any gods passing in Sigil was at equal footing with humans, demons and angels. Nothing was left untouched, even the trouble makers were level 1. They failed to hack Sigil into believing they were superior gods.