Celebration of life: Beyond Veiled Boundaries

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Demonology 1

Hell in this universe is based on the law of - the deed done is your damnation.

The greater the sin or what you believe yourself to committed, the further you fall in the lower layers. All whom have done bad things are as in the same punishment of those who think they did as bad. This causes a internal issue within the many layers of hell, which comes with many types of demons and non demons. Those who believe paradise in underground happen to belong among the layers - hints this issue of blurring what is a sin or not.

Actual demons are made in many ways in this book. One way is that they are turned souls who were sinners once, as punishment that are the ones to punish. Some demons are the mythology they were created from example - most Yoki from Asia or Fey / Gnomes from Icelandic belief.

Some demons are conjured by human belief - allowing the assumption that our nightmares are demon's in glamour. People over centuries have fear and worshipped demon gods. Some gods are what we call demons today. I mean, think about trying to imagine a real life versions of the Ancient Egyptian gods without the glamour of the culture they are from.

The process of a soul being turned a demon is a progression change and can be reverse in the early stages. There is no turning back when you gain wings. You start with minor imp qualities, such as scales, horns or tail. Some folks have eyes change. If an Undertaker or angel is turning, they loose the features that made those duties first. Say a fallen angel, their wing alter first - melting off or clipped off. We will get back to this part in the angelic saga. Animals also can start as imp creatures, their souls don't follow human belief but in their own cultures could find parts of hell a paradise.

As you guess, imp is the bottom of the pyramid. The climb up this is down to cultures, really. Sometimes its more like a tree or a tower. But the foundation is imps and husks.

Some reach higher demonic power for having domination of a title, a group of peoples or infamous for something. The assumption of the seven deadly sins is true, there exists seven titles. Each is a sub-societies of demons for take over each title - they govern their rules to gain whichever titles.

Demons gods are above those with the seven sin titles. They fight each other for who is more known among living. They control their own kingdoms with each internal flaws that make it to busy for demons to invade humans as often.

The ex-sinners are trying to get newbie sinners out of a cycle, some manage that but are trapped to hells laws to serve their personal debts. They will break rules to do anything to get out of hell or they will break rules to prove a point to the lesser folks to never follow. Poor role models really.

Some folks never change. They live a life of doing bad and that is all that they will continue to do. That really give demons a bad reputation, or a good rep if that's the interest. These folks are only famous among demons, not among humans (unless they were famous for the crimes committed, it give them a leg up the ladder among demons - sadly).

There is a term used among Undertakers that aren't able to interact with 'the souls of the damned'. Now, even though these guys are not demons. They are assumed to be from hell, but that isn't the case. They are noted in the demonology in spite of it. Shadows of the Damned are souls with regrets (not exactly sins). Sometimes the regret isn't because of the soul in question but those they left behind. This is how all recently dead watch their loved from beyond the grave. They are by all standard - true real ghosts. In Native American believe, they are Shadow people (echo of what used to be a person). The society of damned are mute around all that aren't one, its one most important the laws among them. The ones with titles tend to have some voice to speak, but they are unable to be heard by angels, undertakers, gods and most higher demons above title ranks. The titled shadows are the ones that didn't choose to be damned by personal choose. The others who do leave regrets behind try to ghost fix their problems, if able - they are able to pass to the next part of the afterlife.

The longer you stay damned, then you have to live as one - reborn into what is called a Husk. Husks are lower classed imps which is how damned ended into the Demonology. They then follow the ranking system of demons, but loose the knowledge of being damned and slowly the powers of being one. Meaning as a normal damned, you are a ghost to everyone that isn't damned. Even undertakers aren't aware of them as a society. The damned are the whispers in darkness, another quote that Undertakers use for metaphor. Hearing things that aren't there. Husk are visible and real to undertakers, angels and demons but no gods. Husks have to relearn everything. They will alter and adapt regardless of getting over the regrets or not.

The demonology has a compendium tome which is the soul list of named demons and demon titles. It's a red leathered book, incrusted with scales of sinners. These scales are to protect the book from the realm laws (much like the laws of gravity or temperature changes in the living world) of lower hells. It has the blessings and protections of all demon gods - because owning a demon gods name is like having power over them. These protections prevent the reader or keeper of the tomes from having power over them. The demon tome Keeper of this book is cursed to serve the souls trapped inside the book pages. Not many demons or souls can handle this. So the book is often assumed 'cursed' and to be left where it was found. If the book is mistreated or misused, it is returned to the core tome keeper. It is down to the core keeper where is it returns to. In the history of this book, it has been 'returned' to a hidden area of any random demon god's library. Leaving it to dust on a evil god's homeland for long periods of time.