"Remember... I will always be by your side, my princess..."
"Ugh... I feel like a goblin hit my head with his mallet..." - Shizuku muttered as she grabbed her head to push away the enormous pain she felt.
"Are you okay?" - Cloud asked as he watched the girl writhe in his arms.
"Huh?" - Shizuku slowly opened her eyes, and saw Cloud looking at her with concern. It was there when she realized she was being hugged, so she quickly let out a small cry and made an effort to pull away, after all, the memories of what had happened in the illusion were still fresh.
"Shizuku-chan!" - Kaori exclaimed as she ran to her friend and checked her condition - "Are you okay?"
"Huh? Oh... yeah, I'm fine" - Shizuku replied with her face completely red from embarrassment.
"I guess we're all set with this" - Tio said as she nodded, though if she was honest, she was curious as to why the black-haired girl's reaction was so abrupt.
"What was it that you dreamt, Shizuku?" - Yue asked as she got straight to the point.
"!" - Shizuku blushed again as she squirmed her body in embarrassment, though the girls could see her giving the blonde boy not-so-discreet glances.
"Cloud, could you do us a favor and check the area while we talk?" - Remia asked tactfully.
"Sure," Cloud nodded, after all, he didn't want to make Shizuku, who had the strongest reaction after seeing him, uncomfortable.
The girls smiled slightly before taking Shizuku and helping her sit near the campfire so she could eat while she explained her dream.
"Was it spicy?" - Kaori asked as she looked at her best friend, after all, she didn't want to be the only one being called a pervert.
"Kaori pervert..." - Yue said neutrally.
"I don't think you have the moral right to call her that, Yue-san" - Shea replied as she gave the vampire girl a strange look.
Kaori narrowed her eyes as Yue looked at the rabbit girl with annoyance before feeling the heavy breathing of her "opponent" - "What..."
"Tell us what you dreamt, Yue-san..." - Kaori said fiercely.
The others watched this with sweat running down their necks while Shizuku let out a sigh of relief that she had managed to save herself from humiliation.
"Don't be so easily relieved, Shizuku-san, I'm still curious about your dream" - Shea said with a happy smile - "And don't worry, I'll tell you mine too ~"
Such it seemed that she had celebrated too fast.....
* * * * * * * * *
"Has anyone seen the rabbits?" - asked an elf as he saw how the camp of the Haulia clan members had disappeared.
"Now that you mention it, we haven't seen them anywhere for at least a day" - said a bear man while frowning - "Did they escape, by any chance?"
"Why would they escape if they have done nothing wrong?" - asked a woman of the fox clan while cocking her head - "Besides, they have helped us more than they should have after how we treated them."
"Should we report this to the sages?" - Another elf asked as they looked at each other.
"That might be a good idea, after all, the rumor that Lord Ulfric confronted that strange stranger, has spread all over the place" - replied a fox man as he shook his head.
"Does anyone know the reason?" - A young elf asked as he raised an eyebrow.
"We don't know, but it has to be something serious for Ulfric to do something so strange" - said a female voice.
"Miss Mao!" - Verbergen's inhabitants exclaimed at the sight of the great sage - "What are you doing here?"
"I decided to take a good breath because being inside a room for so long was getting to me" - replied Mao while shaking her head - "Back to the subject, I'm sure Cloud must know something important, otherwise Ulfric wouldn't have been willing to attack after all the help he has given us, not to mention that the disappearance of the Haulia tribesmen is also too much of a coincidence."
"I see I'm not the only one who thinks the same" - said an elderly voice.
"Wise Guze!" - exclaimed the members of the group of various Verbergen inhabitants at the sight of the dwarf clan leader.
"Although this we need to talk about behind closed doors, leader Mao, after all, we don't want to cause any more trouble for Ulfric" - said Guze as he looked at the leader of the harpy clan.
"Hmm, you're right" - nodded Mao as she turned around - "Though that doesn't mean I won't send some of my girls to see where those rabbits went."
"I also think that's a good idea" - nodded Guze as he started to think - "Though it's advisable that you don't make any other move other than watching them from a distance if you find them, after all, those rabbits are much more dangerous than demons..."
"I know, I don't plan on sacrificing my girls" - Mao muttered as she slowly walked out of the place.
"Leaving that aside, it's better not to keep talking about this, after all, it's better not to worry the inhabitants of Verbergen too much" - Guze said as he watched the soldiers of the different clans nod weakly.
* * *
"The rumors spread too fast, Ulfric, it seems that your movements were not as discreet as you thought" - said Guze as he looked at his old friend and rival - "What happened?"
"Let's wait for the others to arrive" - sighed Ulfric as he grabbed the bridge of his nose, after all, this was causing him a huge headache - "Has there been any news about the Haulia clan members?"
"Not in the least, those rabbits disappeared the moment that blond boy entered the big maze" - Guze replied while frowning - "Honestly, the disappearance of the Haulia clan, it's a hard blow to our military power now that we're in such a precarious situation"
"I know, but it's something I felt might happen after my ambush with their leader" - Ulfric sighed as he shook his head - "I didn't think it would be so quick though"
"The Haulia clan's loyalty to that stranger is impressive, though it shouldn't come as a surprise after seeing how he managed to make the weakest group of Beastmen, end up transforming into one of the strongest clans in all of Verbergen" - said Guze as he took out his pipe and started smoking.
"I'm surprised too, though part of them becoming so strong, was the strange equipment Cloud-dono gave them" - mused Ulfric as he shook his head.
"Right, those wonderful metal crossbows that shoot solid mana projectiles" - said Guze with a glint in his eyes - "I am impressed by the ingenuity of the creator of such a strange, yet beautiful artifact"
"I heard from Kam-dono, the leader of the Haulia clan, that those artifacts were created by Cloud-dono, that's why I decided not to continue with my attack" - answered Ulfric seriously.
"It's a pity, I would have liked to know how those weapons worked" - said Guze while letting out a sigh - "Anyway, now what shall we do?"
"Wait, Cloud-dono said he was going to talk to the princess if he managed to find her, maybe then we can rebuild Verbergen inside the labyrinth" - Ulfric answered while frowning.
"Ok, I have one thing to say" - Guze said as he looked at his friend - "Are you sure he will help us?"
"Yes, it's a promise, and from what I could see, he values his promises" - Ulfric answered as he started to think.
"Ok, I'll trust" - answered Guze as he went back to smoking his pipe.
"Here we are" - Mao said as she entered the makeshift room of the elven leader. Behind her came a woman from the fox clan, and a man from the bear clan.
"I see you brought the representatives of the two remaining clans" - Ulfric said as he saw the newcomers.
"It's been a while, Mr. Ulfric" - said the fox woman with a small smile.
"Indeed, Miss Mika, my condolences on the death of your father" - sighed Ulfric as he shook his head.
"My father did not die, he was murdered" - replied Mika, the daughter Loa, the former leader of the fox clan - "Although I gain nothing by getting angry, not when those who caused his death, are all dead."
"I'm sorry to have to interrupt this very interesting conversation, but I don't think we have time to waste with the current situation in Verbergen" - said the bear man as he looked at the others.
"You are right..." - Ulfric said while frowning because he did not know the name of this representative.
"My name is Ursa, the top general of our clan" - replied Ursa as he let out a sigh - "I was chosen as a representative after our sage was executed when he was caught revealing information to the lions."
so join me nd read ahead More than 50 chapters on pat platform link is given below....
Current Chapter - 815
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