Chereads / Al-Mos... Quit- to Live A Second Life / Chapter 37 - Chapter 36: Meeting of the 24 Beast King

Chapter 37 - Chapter 36: Meeting of the 24 Beast King

At the same time, outside the Ocean of Despair.

Twenty-four powerful creatures have gathered around, creating a powerful aura that one would kneel down instantly due to strong pressure.

"Snockie, what's up? Why do you call us here?" A strong and big eagle asked the big snake, Snockie.

"Wait.. how.. how in the world we're able to use our powers again?" a large lion asked, feeling the power in his paw as the ground gave in.

"Wait.. Snockie.. don't.. don't tell me.." a humongous cat looked at Snockie, as fear was apparent in its eyes.

"Snockie says that the past will once again repeat, bringing danger to our world." the green tortoise exudes calmness and aptitude.

"Torsite is right. I.. I encountered three.. three strange beings that were similar to the previous world-wrecker of our world." Snockie throws a big surprise to everyone present at the meeting.

"No way!! How.. how is it possible?! Doesn't God has already sealed the portal to our world?!" the large elephant asked with disbelief in its eyes.

"Elephent, don't be such a fool. God has only sealed it not closed it. So it doesn't mean that it can't be opened again." the large rabbit said as it looked with disdain toward Elephent.

"Snockie, tell us more about these three." Torsite asked Snockie, quite affecting the other panicking Beast Kings.

"Snockie, are those three looks like the previous three world-wrecker?" a gigantic hawk asked as anticipation appeared on its face.

"Are they stronger than the previous?" a fat dog asked as it become a bit competitive.

"I don't know. But.. but I feel that these three look more dangerous. Those.. three have already reached level 5, and it will be more higher since this domain has been opened. They'll surely become powerful since they go to that secret place where they can strengthen themselves. Those.. those three seem to hold more powerful assistants than the previous as the dark aura exuding from them was so condensed and strong. If.. if they ever did become stronger.. our.. our world will be dead!" Snockie explained to the other 23 beast kings, as all the beast kings become serious.

"It's indeed a serious problem. We cannot let the past repeat itself again." the hefty black gorilla said gaining everyone's agreement.

"We need to come up with a good plan. We must prevent those three from becoming powerful, or maybe, if we can't prevent them, let's just get them to our side." An owl that was as large as a child said a suggestion that was deduced from countless probability.

"That's a good idea, Owly, but the latter is more appropriate for us. We don't want to have someone from outside our world." A boar with long fangs said.

"I agree with Boary. We must not do the second. We need to kill the three instead!" the fierce tiger said, brimming with hostility.

"Tiggery, relax. We must decide from the reasonable decision." Torsite said to Tiggery, gaining a sneer from the latter.

"But Torsite, what should we do then? Do you have any plans?" Snockie asked, with expectant in his eyes as he look at Torsite.

Torsite is actually the most intelligent beast king and although it has low offensive strength, but its defense is impenetrable. No other beast king can destroy his protective barrier.

"Well, I suggest that we should be strengthening ourselves and also our subordinates. We will train harder and wait for those three to come out. Once any of you had caught their presence, you should immediately inform others and if possible, try to catch them or kill them. They should be alive, so we might discover the reason why there's always this strange thing happening in our world." Torsite speaks out what is on its mind as it makes the others agree. No one had dared to oppose Torsite since Torsite always makes the right decision. If there's no Torsite, all beast kings would probably try to kill each other and be the ones who will destroy their own world.

"Torsite is so deserving of his title, The Genius King. That plan is really good." a big frog said, trying to bootlick Torsite.

"I agree with Torsite. I will train my subordinates to make them more powerful." a long and large lizard said as it tried to leave the meeting place.

"Me too. I'll start to execute the plan right now." The remaining beast kings also bid farewell as all of them leave the meeting place in haste, leaving Torsite and the small white dove alone.

"Hais... It seems that those fools have misinterpreted my suggestion." Torsite sighed as he feel disappointed.

"Torsite, please.. don't.. don't go. We.. we can't lose you." The dove said as it kneels down, begging toward Torsite.

"Dovey, please stand up. You do not need to beg. My time has come to its end.. so I cannot do anything about it anymore. It's my fate to die in four days." Torsite said without a change on his face, still calm as an ocean.

"But Torsite... You can prolong your.."

"But what? By killing and eating hearts as other beast kings did? Dovey, immortality, and strength is indeed good, but a pitiful and sad one."

"Torsite.. how.. how could attaining immorality and strength become sad? Please.. we.. we need you to hear. Can't.. can't you see the other beast king earlier? It's so obvious that they just agreed to strengthen so once things go wrong, they can use their own power to dominate this world. You.. you give a good suggestion for the betterment, but they took it for doing evilness. Please... If you died, peace would forever cease to exist anymore." Dovey begged as drops of tears fall on the ground. Sudden sprouts appeared, growing in a blink of an eye.

"Dovey, you'll understand why it's sad in the future. And also, why do you think I only tell you my current state and not with others?"

"W---why is.. that indeed?" Dovey was also curious on why Torsite only told him his state and not to others.

"It's because you're like me. Even if you don't tell me, you can't kill an innocent life and eat their hearts. For you and me, it's too disgusting to do it, isn't it?"

"How... It's indeed true.. but Torsite.."

"You are the only one, other than me, that wants this world to have peace. And although you do not know it yourself, but you held the greatest power of all the beast king here. Even greater than mine." Torsite said as he use his foot to pat Dovey.

"What? What.. are you talking about, Torsite?"

"You have the power of healing. With your tears, you can heal anything. You attain such power through the power of sympathy and desiring peace unlike me who exchange my own life for strong defensive power."

"What? Is.. is it true, Torsite? If.. if it's true, then.. I'll, I'll heal you!" Dovey said as he tried to force its tears but nothing came out.

"Dovey, please do not act like how others act. I'll pass to you the position of being a leader, so try to avoid doing bad deeds. Always think of peace and avoid igniting fight among the others."

"Torsite... I'll heal you!"

"Dovey, you cannot use your power for your own desire. It should be coming from your heart."

"Torsite..." Dovey said with a shaking voice as tears flowed out. A drop of tears fell on Torsite foot but nothing happened.

"Dovey, even if you use your tears.. you cannot heal me. I have already exchanged my soul and I need to pay for it. I'll pass to you the world and make sure to bring peace."

"Torsite.. no.. we.. we cannot lose you."

"Dovey, listen. In four days, let us do our best to maintain the current state of our world and to help the other beast kings in defeating the three arising world-wrecker." Torsite said seriously as Dovey was rendered helpless and just complied with the latter.