feeling Like the world has once again fallen into his hands Lee was all about. he was always happy but little did he know the true terror of his new world. Lee didn't know that there were other lands out there other from the demon land there were humans giants fairys magical beasts gods and angels. and Lee's father the demon king is obviously a God Lee knew that but the idea of other God or races exist yep Lee was a big idiot. He was too naive and never once sit and think about things further than how he already had he was very narrow minded he believed what he wanted he never think to much into things. but the fact that he is stronger now makes him even more arrogant and narrow minded but when the time comes for him to get off his high horse he never fails to come up with a plan. Lee is a genius although he might not act like one he is quiet brilliant. it was easy for Lee to get out of any situation wither with woman men or even in a fight he always finds a way to win. the demonking was quite impressed with his son being such a taction and knew that his son would do even better than him when his time comes to leave the thrown and join the other demonkings. the demonking him self admits that Lee would be a better demonking that himself when the time comes and he was happy to have a son as brilliant as Lee. because it was a rare thing for any God to get a brilliant off spring or in there words super brilliant. the gods always get brilliant off spring off spring but the super brilliant off spring is born every 1000 years and that off spring would lead which ever realm he is born in to greatness and for that all the realms wanted one.