Chereads / Amalga Dimension / Chapter 8 - Raising the Stakes

Chapter 8 - Raising the Stakes

Anton was walking across the terminals when he got a text that showed up on his hologram.

[Heydar: Check the news; looks like things are about to escalate.]

Over on a large nearby hologram, Anton joined the gathering crowd of civilians and the occasional off-duty security officer.

"... and now to current events. After the disastrous loss of the 13th Alzitoran Expedition Fleet in the Soliv Disputed Area, various factions have drastically upped their security measures and tensions have increased. Experts have predicted that such an unprovoked attack on a neutral state could be the final straw for third parties to break neutrality and align against the belligerent group responsible, which various interviewees have pointed out a common suspect in Giniri Shipping. Giniri Shipping's CEO and Board of Directors has denied any claims of aggression, but has also announced an increase in security due to rising tensions.

However, amongst further disclosed evidence against Giniri Shipping, the Zeshan Trade League has been conducting investigations into the loss of the Alzitoran Expedition, and have formally announced that the attack was caused by mercenaries funded by Giniri Shipping with the possibility of other nations being involved as well, but further answers are unavailable at this time until the investigation is concluded.

If the evidence against Giniri Shipping holds true, the Zeshan Trade League has promised to impose sanctions against the corporation for acts of aggression, which could spell the end of the corporation's expedition due to heavy costs."

In other subjects of interest, representatives from the Sagittarius Federation will soon reveal-"

Anton turned back to the hologram and started typing.

[Anton: So Giniri Shipping is involved.]

[Heydar: As I suspected. But now that the Intel Division has more or less confirmed it, we'll be on the warpath alongside everyone else in this nebula soon enough.]

[Cpt. Amjad: Lt. Hashemi, PFC Volante, report to the docks immediately. I'm sure the news already gave you the basics of the situation.]

Anton jogged over to the security station set up before the entryway to the military section of the station. After being identified by the security guards, Anton swiped his bracelet in front of the scanner, and the light turned green accompanied by the sound of solenoids retracting. The doors opened to reveal the stark interior of the military section, the formerly silent hallways now filled with the noise of radio chatter, the squeaking of wheels as carts of supply crates were towed by tug droids, and the many footsteps of soldiers, officers and other personnel.

He made his way through the increasing crowd, occasionally weaving between a pair of soldiers with an "Excuse me" as he passed by. As he made his way to the docks where the ships became visible through the windows. The final repairs were underway on the escort carrier Uruk, several missile cells were being loaded into the Vertical Launch System on the support cruiser Dayanikli, and the captured destroyer Arioton was receiving it's replacement crew. Captain Amjad and Heydar were waiting, with Kevin sitting on a nearby crate.

"What's the situation?" Anton asked.

"As you have seen on the news, Giniri has been caught red handed in all but name. Their Board of Directors is increasing security and third parties throughout the Soliv Nebula are siding with us in the hopes that we'll get the corporation to at least stop with the harassments. However, the corporation will likely do something desperate in response."

"Or something stupid," Heydar added.

"Likely not stupid per se, but desperation is a flaw that can ruin plans. Knowing their modus operandi, they'll attempt a preemptive assault to take down the competition, mainly us, the Soliv Branch of the League. But if they still have the tact to keep to their ambitions, they may look for an opportunity to remove third parties as well."

"So if that's the case..." Anton started, "The Arioton is named after a major city, right?"

"Yes, the Arioton Astropolis," Captain Amjad answered, "While Sanadir is large for a station, it's more of a commercial trade and refueling port. Arioton is a full fledged city with self-sustaining capabilities and holds the League's Soliv Branch Headquarters. Delegates from various factions also convene in the VIP section of the Main Business District."

"And that would make the perfect spot for the corporation to strike," Anton responded.

"Precisely. As such, I've sent word to allied stations to deploy all available ships to the Arioton Astropolis."

"Sounds a bit overkill for a corporate security fleet, don't you think?" Heydar asked.

"If the delegates of the Soliv Nebula plan to convene in the near future, we need to be ready. And... the Intel Division hasn't confirmed it yet, but Giniri may have acquired a capital ship. A Battlecruiser."

"For the love of Planck... that's gonna be a real treat," Anton said.

"No wonder," Heydar added, "Spirits above, the missile variants will make you wish you weren't a gunnery officer."

"So now you're aware of the scale this situation can escalate to. I'm having you bring Specialist Keyes along. I take it you've already been acquainted."

Anton looked over to Kevin, who gave a small, lackluster wave. He looked back to the captain and nodded.

"Alright, I'll leave the rest to your discretion. Good luck, all of you."

Captain Amjad walked away as Anton, Heydar and Kevin watched. Once he disappeared into the crowd, the trio looked at each other and made their way over to the Uruk. Anton looked over to the namesake ship of the astropolis they would be heading to.

"Heydar, we're taking the Arioton with us, right?" Anton asked.

"Fully fueled and crewed, barely used any of her ammo," Heydar responded.

'The captain wasn't kidding about bringing in every available ship,' Anton thought.

Anton followed Heydar to board the Uruk, and the two hastily made their way to the bridge. By the time they arrived, the escort carrier was already in the midst of detaching procedures. Above the station, the 25th Destroyer Squadron was in formation with an additional escort carrier joining in. Various starliners and shuttles made way for the building military fleet.

"The city has the equipment for your Metaphysical Compatibility test," Heydar spoke as he walked up to stand beside Anton. "You would have to attend sometime eventually, but I guess my trolling has caused the powers that be to bite back, so you'll be taking it early when we arrive."

"How fun," Anton sarcastically responded. "It'll probably say I'm the chosen one or something."

"Oh, that would be something I could embarrass you for months with."

Anton shook his head at Heydar's antics, before looking back to the view of the Uruk joining the rest of the fleet.

"Arioton Astropolis coordinates locked, Navigation has route charted," Azari announced was he walked into the bridge. "We're ready for warp."

"Where were you?" Heydar asked.

"First person on the ship," Azari responded.

"All ships linked," An officer called out.

The ships all gained a slight glow as their warp drives charged to 'Ready' status.

"All hands, brace for turbulence. Warp in three, two one."

Space began to pull apart and squish together. Ultraviolet became a visible color. Then everything suddenly seemed to speed by in an instant.

"We're in warp."