- next morning, in Leone's Room-
*knock knock*
Leone- Come in
Selena- GoodMorning Sir , do you need anything for you're relatives arrival?
Leone- Just prepare the Car I'm using , and tell Troy to Use his car his gonna drive it after were done picking my relatives
Selena- On it sir!
-2 minutes later , in terrace-
-Troy Smoking-
Selena- Sir Troy Sir Leone said he wants you to drive you're car when we pick up you're relatives, I think you and him are going somewhere after the airport.
Troy- Alright , can you do me a little favor.
Selena- what is it?
Troy- Can you tell my Butler to prepare my Bugatti Chiron , I want the black one
Selena's perspective (this guys really f*cking millionaire)
Selena- Yes sir
-Selena turn around, then Selena faces Troy again-
Selena- Oh before I leave , what's you're butler's name, Sir?
Troy- Benson
Selena- Okie dokie
-In the airport Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport , 10 am-
Guard 1- Sir, here they are
Leone- We see them…
Selena- Oh wow, can I ask something? Y'all genes 🧬 as in , is literally tall no cap
Selena- and I'm jealous I'm only 5'6 ft
-Troy laugh-
Troy- Well, our genes is perfect as me (with a smirk)
Leone- Here they come , Guard take them to the mansion Selena come with them. Troy and I will leave now we have somewhere else to go
Selena- Where you going Sir?
Leone- It's none of you're business
-Leone left , and Troy-
Selena's perspective (This jerk… you really are so rude)
-Meanwhile in the car-
Troy- Care to say where we going? And you even let me drive , when we have a guards to drive us to wherever the h*LL we're going
Leone- I ask you to drive you're Car it's because where going to see Aiguo!
-Troy suddenly hit the brake-
Troy- No I don't think so , I'm turning this car back right now
Leone- He have something he owes me , and He's going to pay for it!
Troy- And what's that got to do with me , and I even have to drive my Bugatti Chiron in there
Leone- Just f*cking drive
-Meanwhile in Aiguo's House-
Men 1- Mr. Kông there's an intruder in you're house!
Aiguo Kông- What!? Who is it? Prepare our mens and protect my property
Men 2- Mr. Kông it's Leone Wang and Troy Li their here for you a-and Leone is very angry
Aiguo Kông- Sh*t what's that bastard want to me!! How dare he show up here without my permission
Men 2- Mr. Kông I- I just want to remind you t-that Leone Wang and Troy Li are very Powerful men they can destroy us with just a quick sign
-Aiguo Kông, grrrr mad expression-
-Meanwhile outside the Aiguo House-
Leone- I only wanna see you're master and have a conversation with him, I don't wanna cause a problem here.
Leone- But if you all really can't show him in here right now… then we're all gonna have a BIG PROBLEM!! (Leone with a death stare and deep voice)
Troy- Now get his butt outside right here , right now! We don't have time for this bullsh*t.
Troy- if y'all try to insist , then I should just kill all of you ONE BY ONE!!
Man 3- What do you two want?
Man 4- How dare you come in he-
Aiguo Kông- Stop!!
Man 3- Sir….
Troy- Well well well , here comes the old booger sh*t
Leone- I know that you know why I'm here for
Aiguo Kông- I don't remember hav-
Leone- Don't play with me! Kông I don't have time for you're bullsh*t thing. I came here to make you pay because you owe me something, but if you can't talk properly and bullsh*tting me then I'll call all MY PEOPLE, MY MENS, AND ALL MY POWER TO DESTROY YOU PIECE BY PIECE...
Troy- And of course all my power too…. We all knew what can we do for all those who's not worth of our time
Aiguo Kông- what do you want from me Mr. Wang?!
-Leone walks toward Aiguo Kông-
Leone- I want you to give me that man you kidnap from Beijing
Aiguo Kông- w-what are you talking about Mr. Wang?
Leone- Don't play dumb with me, when i was still in Beijing you kidnap that guy who was talking to Yune
Aiguo Kông- Wha-
-Troy punch Aiguo Kông-
Troy- Give us that man right now , or I'm going to beat you're ass up!!!
Aiguo Kông- ok ok , Shoi (personal bodyguard of Aiguo Kông) get the man
Shoi- Yes sir
*2 minutes later*
Shoi- there he is
Aiguo Kông- Now you already get what you want , now get out of my property!
Leone- With pleasure
-car leaves-
Aiguo Kông- how did he find out about this man!!
Shoi- We really underestimate Leone Wang , sir
Aiguo Kông's perspective (just wait for the right time Leone Wang, I will destroy all of you!!)
🚫{AUTHOR: I'll try to update more this week, I kinda have a lot of going on that's why I can't really update everyday hope you understand. I'll inform you with this chapters if I can!} 🚫
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