"It's a long way to fall," Axel warned her as he pulled her up by the waist. Her heartbeat rose as she gripped onto his shirt tightly. "Don't ever let go."
They were gone from sight as they reach the ground, Axel landed safely on the ground, with Everette landing right on top of him.
"Is that what you call teamwork?" Axel said as he pushed Everette from his chest. "You're pathetic."
"I'm sorry..." she apologized to Axel's face, feeling embarrassed and ashamed for not being able to work together. She took her backpack and went off on the other side.
"Where do you think you're going?" he called out to her, wanting for her to come back to him. Everette stopped in her tracks, unable to turn around without Axel's consent. "What are you doing?"
Everette didn't reply; she just stood there.
After a while, Axel called out to her again, "we should head over there," he said pointing at the direction. Everette nodded and went back for him. They walked together ever since then.
"Well, that was a good team-up," Everette said out of the blue.
Axel stopped for a second and smiled at her comment. "I know right?" he agreed with her statement, and they continued walking together. They need some loot.
"When will we find what we're looking for?" she asked as she stops in her tracks. She turned around to Axel who had the same question in mind.
"I don't know, but it won't be long."
"What makes you think-?" she was cut off by Axel.
"Can you hear it?" he asked, lowering his voice down. Everette shook her head slightly; she can't hear anything.
"It's the sound of a gun... and it's close."
Everette followed Axel to where he heard the sound, and there stood a man with a rifle in his right hand. He turned around to face them, and they all aimed their guns at each other. Everette had her eyes widened as she stared at the man with combed hair and a clean-shaven face.
"Who are you?" Everette asked, trying to figure out who's this player?
The man didn't say anything; he only aimed his gun at them. Axel quickly took cover behind a bunker, leaving Everette alone. She took a step back, out of fear.
"Axel!" she called out for his help.
Axel got up from the ground and quickly aimed his gun at the player. Everette blinked her eyes in shock as she witnessed how Axel was going to kill the player without hesitation. Before he could pull the trigger, a bullet aimlessly flew from nowhere and hit the player's shoulder. Everette snapped back to reality as she searched for where it came from.
A blonde haired player appeared out of nowhere behind a boulder, peeking at them with a rifle on her hand. The woman didn't seem too happy to see them there, but relieved that she was able to save the man's life.
The woman moved her hand out, gesturing them to stay put. The man went over to where she was, and she checked his injured shoulder. He took off his backpack and opened it up to take out a first-aid kit. He sat down on the grass while she helped patch him up. Everette stared at them in disbelief, wondering what are these people doing here?
Axel pulled Everette's arm and brought her down to hide with him. He leaned his back against the bunker behind him, whispering to her ears "we shouldn't bother them."
Everette nodded in agreement. They sat there quietly, waiting for the next move.
"I hope that's the last of them, Jen." he said as he finishes his first-aid job. "Yeah me too..." she replied. They both stood up and looked for Everette and Axel.
"Who are you guys?" Everette asked out loud, trying to figure out who these people are. The man looked at her and smirked before he took out his pistol. Everette's eyes widened as she realized what was happening. Quickly, Axel pulled out his pistol and aimed it at the man. He fired a shot but missed. Everette turned around to see where Axel went, but not before being tackled down by Jen's fast speed. Everette fell to the ground, leaving her rifle on the grass.
"Axel!" she screamed as he shot another bullet at the man who was backing away with Jen, preparing to shoot him. Everette quickly got up and rushed towards her rifle, but Jen stopped her by kicking it away from her reach.
"You're not going anywhere!" she shouted as she kicked Everette to where the man was. Everette retaliated by kicking Jen back, making Jen stumble over to where Axel was. He aimed his gun at her but before he could shoot, Jen killed him first, causing Axel to fall on the ground with a bullet wound in the head. Everette felt the pain in her heart when she saw Axel has just died in front of her.
It's starts to rain, but neither Jen nor Everette cared. They glared at each other intensely, ready for another round. Jen moved back slowly while Everette followed her movement; they both were trying to find out what to do.
"It's just you and me, Jen." Everette said as she placed her back on the boulder behind her. "I don't think so little girl!" she shouted, backing away even further while firing her rifle towards Everette at random. Everette covered herself with whatever is protecting her from getting shot; it was Axel's dead body.
She peeked from where she was to see Jen moving around the hill, approaching towards her position slowly while shooting on random. Everette tried to dodge the bullets by moving left and right without exposing herself too much.
Everette stepped back, but eventually tripped on something hard- it was Axel's gun. She quickly grabbed it and pointed it at Jen. Everette's heartbeat became faster as she pulls the trigger while taking a small breath, letting out a loud shot.
Jen stopped in her tracks and looked down on the ground to see blood spreading around, and she fell down with a bullet wound on her stomach. Everette got up slowly, walking towards Jen.
Jen looked at Everette when she was right in front of her. She said "you did this for revenge? huh?" Everette smiled and replied "yes I want to get back at you for killing Axel."
"Few minutes ago, Axel told me that revenge isn't an honorable thing to do." Jen said to Everette. Everette felt the pain she was feeling, but it wasn't enough for her to feel "satisfied" with revenge.
Jen stood up slowly while looking at Everette, who was still holding onto Axel's gun tightly. "No matter what you do, your life won't get back to normal," she said to Everette.
Everette burst into tears, letting go of the gun and let her hands down. Jen saw this as an opportunity to pull out her pistol and shoot it towards Everette's head at full power; she quickly fell on the ground with a bullet wound in the forehead.
Jen looked at Everette's dead body and said "I'm sorry damn player... I need to survive," while crying on the ground. After a few minutes, she calmed down and dragged both of their corpses away from each other before going far from the area.
Jen stood up slowly and walked towards where Everette stood, seeing her rifle lying there next to Axel's gun. She picked up both of the weapons and went on looking for more Sole Survivors to kill.
In every battle royale game, there are always those killer hunters, or perhaps some hackers that break the system.