Drinking her peardrax thinking these two think they could fool me, "Go on Miss Albert,"

Observing how lovingly she hugged Brent's hand and was laughing. "Ma'am you won't get vexed?"

Florence just couldn't help but laugh noticing how the two were so jolly, "No, Miss Albert, go on?"

Jessy leaned her head on Mr Larson's right arm, "Ma'am you promise not to be angry, but the truth is your Son and I are married."

Florence couldn't help but say to both of them, "Okay, I have heard enough, come on Brent let us go home." 

Seeing the tears in her eyes, Jessy said, "You feel I am lying to you, right? go and check the garage his car is parked in there?"

Florence was stunned by her boldness, whispering a silent prayer that this young lady was just drunk and blabbering. She walked to the garage, "This madness has got to stop,"

Never in all her life was she so happy, to see the garage empty. With mockery in her voice she said, "Yeah, right, the garage is empty."

Hearing his car wasn't there Jessy had to check herself, "You are lying, Ma'am?"

Florence was shocked when she observed how intoxicated the young lady was, not expecting her to respond to her words, "Then come see for yourself?" 

Standing up feeling her head light and everything spinning, "Oh God my head."

Turning around when she heard Jessy's words, Florence ran to her assistant, seeing the way she was drifting, "What is going on, this peardrax is normal but Miss Albert is drunk."

Holding her then guiding her inside, putting her to lie on the couch, "Sleep well my dear, you seem to have quite an imagination, I only have to focus on my plan and let you continue dreaming."

Florence locks her door and then helps Brent into the car. "Come on darling let us go home, you are happy for the both of us." 

Florence had only left the street and her husband was sound asleep, "God, this night is so strange but I have never seen Breny so happy sitting with anyone, but this young lady makes him happy in all her actions."

Driving into the garage seeing Junior's car, "Thank God they are both safe," calling out to Jeffrey for help. "Jeffery please help me with Brent and can you tell me what time Junior returns home?"

Afraid to say he had fallen asleep he said, "I haven't seen him, Ma'am." 

Florence's outburst puzzled him, she was never so persistent, "What is wrong with everyone, how is it you are home and are unaware of him returning?"

Jeffery, being the honest and faithful worker for over twenty years decided to speak the truth knowing his Boss Lady was never unreasonable to him, and it was the first time he had failed in his duties, "I am sorry Ma'am, the place was so quiet, I fell asleep."

"I am sorry Jeffery, I was being unfair to you, now you can go and sleep."

Watching Brent lying comfortably, Florence whispers, "Now you will sleep off this madness, I only hope that child is safe alone on that couch." 

 Sitting at the breakfast table hearing his Mom saying, "Lord, please let this be a normal day."

 Aware of everything that occurred last night Brent was curious to hear her reply, "Mom, are you okay?"

"Me, I am good, those two, last night lost their mind," Florence uttered ignoring his glaring at her. Brent was glad he decided to return as soon as she left. 

Brent knew Jessy was safe especially when he called Johnny to watch the apartment and to have two men at the back entrance.

Asking politely, concealing the laughter, "Two, which two you are talking about, was Rosanna here last night?"

 His mom's agitation was not hidden, "No, Junior, we visited Miss Albert, and she served us peardrax, first, it was your father then we left but your Father insisted you were there, so I had to take him back to her place, but it was unbelievable when Miss Albert opens the door, she was drinking a peardrax and would you believe it, after we talk about ten to fifteen minutes, I could not believe what I was seeing, she and your Father was stone drunk and talking all sort of madness." 

Adding some fuel to the fire Brent went on to say, "Mom, I don't believe you?"