Chapter 197 - HE IS MY ONLY SON

Florence glanced in her direction as she hurriedly rushed to the room. Brent who was listening to the conversation was already holding the antiseptic, powder, plaster and cotton swabs in his hand. As soon as Jessy entered the room he said, "Honey, I am sorry,"

Gently stroking his face she smiled, whispering to him, "I know, but they are just worried."

"Just be careful, you know how mom can be."

"Never mind that just stay put and stop worrying, now let me get back to them."

Giving her the few things in her hand, he hugged her whispering, "I love you," then watched as she obediently walked outside and sat before his mom. 

When Florence finishes attending to the wound, she says, "Come on Brent, let us return home, Junior must be home by now."

Jessy realizing her suspicion was right, 'Is that why they visited?' she asks, "Is your Son missing again Ma'am?"

Florence responded, but she was a bit agitated now, "Let me put it this way, he hasn't returned home since yesterday."

 Jessy wondered why she was restraining herself so long. She is always so hot-tempered especially when she is around me. Jessy felt pleased she was calm and wasn't as agitated as the other day,

With that in mind, Jessy calmly said, "Ma'am, your Son must be relaxing somewhere comfortable and you are worrying unnecessarily."

Realizing her words had triggered her off a bit, once again, I caused her to become angry, "Young lady, he is my only Son, when I don't see him I am worried." 

Jessy knew there was no need to worry so she said, as she reached out to comfort her by taking her hand, "I understand Ma'am, and you have every right to become concerned about his well-being, but you have to trust him, I am sure by tomorrow his head will clear up and he will be home well relaxed." 

Exhasparated by her overconfident tone, Florence tried desperately to control her voice, "You seem to understand my Son better than I ?" 

Jessy thought if she explained a little about herself, his mom might understand and might give him some space to breathe, and also trust her son's decision,

"Ma'am, sometimes I do the same, and after a few days of relaxation, I feel refreshed and rejuvenated and ready to face any challenges."

"Are you a libra by chance?" Florence was growing angrier because she was the first brave person beside her son to respond to her without fear. 

Looking at her as she smiles before asking, "Why do you ask Ma'am?"

"My Son is a Libre and he answers me without fear." 

With her head lifted as though proud to announce, "Sorry to disappoint you Ma'am but my birthday was last month."

Florence's eyes widen in disbelief, "You are a September born?"

Not hesitating for even a second Jessy responded, "Yes ma'am, why do you sound so surprised?"

Senior Larson who had his eyes closed all this while, had been listening to their conversation silently. He pondered in his heart, 'Oh dear God, why is my head spinning and why do I feel a bit groggy?'

 Feeling an unexplainable joy, he laughed before he responded, "Well my dear, I am too." 

Florence's anger flared up and refuted him, "Will you stop that?"

Florence and Jessy both look at him hearing how he chuckles, as though he is drunk, "What am I doing Florence, you asked the questions and you know I love September people."

Ignoring the thought becoming edgy, "So why the hell do we fight?"

Jessy eyes widen when Mr Larson stutters, his tongue rolled as he sits upright and says trying to get his words clearly, "Sweetheart, I love you, fighting is a part of loving, come on if you are not in my life, I will be bored to death, Miss Albert thank you."

Confused by his appearance Jessy replies, "Sir, I have not done anything so why are you thanking me?" 

Florence was confused by his words as she looked at him closely, He was a completely different person she had come in just a while ago with.

With his constant muttering, "Just know my Son is the most precious thing beside this lady, all the roads may not be smooth in this journey of life but the few that find it, feel complete. Miss Albert my Son and My wife complete my life and I know soon you will find out what I am saying is the truth."