Greg was so scared hearing his instruction especially when his hand was grabbed so tightly.

Feeling the pain behind his right knee, he didn't have the chance to explain himself. When Roland saw him kneeling he demanded him to apologize.

Afraid of being exposed he humbly apologised, not even looking at Frank.

When the grip on his hand was loosened, he stood up. He wanted to explain himself but Mr. Larson had already left.

Angry with himself for fowling up his own plan, 'If only I was keeping a safe distance and minding my business, I wouldn't be missing out on another great opportunity.

Roland noticed the gloominess and wondered what was the matter, "Are you disappointed we didn't give you a trashing?" 

"No, no Sir, I am just thankful that your Boss is lenient, it's just that I wanted to say I bumped into him by mistake and am very sorry."

"You better be thankful that he is not like other CEOs to bash you to death. And another thing why were you so close to him, were you following him?"

Seeing the way he was shaking his head, "No Sir I was not, and Sir, you are right someone else would have bashed my head, once again, I am very sorry."

Greg hurried away thankful he wasn't caught and the pain behind his knee was just a slight matter nothing to worry about. Someone else might have really trashed him to death. It was only then he realized that Mr Larson was not a vicious and heartless man. 'So why is Boss angry with him, could it be a misunderstanding?' 

Roland on the other hand just thanked God that Boss is safe. Recalling Senior Larson's instruction to keep searching for him, Roland made a call.

When Roland connected to Senior Larson and was going to give Boss the phone he wasn't there. he turned to Jason, "Jason, where is Boss?" 

Roland notices how Jason was looking at this particular gentleman with a frown when he didn't respond to his question. Touching his shoulder, "What is the matter?"

Forgetting for a moment the phone was on then said, "Sorry to disturb you Sir but we glimpsed Boss and he was okay." Having no choice Roland cut the call short seeing how concerned Jason was. 

When Jason shook his head and said, "That gentleman looked so familiar, if I recall carefully when we were watching the surveillance footage of the vehicle that was following Miss John I believe he was one of the people." 

"Are you sure?" Roland observed how confused he look 

"Can't say for certain but I will view the surveillance footage tomorrow."

Roland ponders for a while before he asks, "If that is the case we shouldn't allow him to leave, we may never get another chance to interrogate him."

 "You are right," hurrying after him Roland asks, "Jason, do you think they were following Boss?" 

"I still can't say."

 "Jason, were they together?"

"They didn't leave together but who knows?" 

"Jason from what I recall when I was entering the Mall, as soon as I glimpsed Boss and hurrying to meet him, the gentleman bumped into him. I was happy to see he was okay, knowing Senior Larson said Boss, was missing. I was also happy I reached in time to save Boss from the fall."

"You are right but where did he disappear to?" 

Roland laughed before saying, "I observed Boss has been moving a bit fishy for a few weeks now. Do you think he found the young lady he asked us to keep our eyes out for at Mrs Johanna's place?" 

"Well, he hasn't asked me anything after a few times, I thought he must have forgotten, besides we have no idea who we are looking for."

Roland laughs, "I agree, I am sure we haven't seen anyone except Johanna in her property." Scoping around, the person seems to have disappeared.

In the panel van, Frank hid when he noticed the two men checking each vehicle. 'Oh Almighty, Greg already got a trashing and now it seems they suspected me. Please, please don't expose me, and where did Greg go?."

Brent on the other hand was so relieved to get away without being followed, He drove out of the parking lot and hurried to his favourite grill shop. 

Selecting two lavish dinners with an extra portion of vegetables recalling how she loves vegetables, and a portion of lamb chops and hurried home to the apartment.