Lystra wanted to prove to everyone she was capable, busying herself she made a jug of juice, putting six glasses in the tray. Hoping with all her heart they would ask her to assist in serving or to join them.
Observing all eyes on her as she walks, Lystra ignores them thinking they are just jealous of her. What she didn't notice was the smug smiles on their faces
Unaware of what lies ahead she held the tray with the jug of juice and went into the staff room.
Brent Senior glared at her in rage from the moment the door opened and saw her enter the room.
Brent Senior wanted to know what sort of unmannerly behaviour was to barge in without knocking.
"Young lady, didn't I inform you earlier that this is a private family meeting and no one was to disturb us?"
Smiling sweetly hoping to capture their attention, she didn't expect the outburst from Senior Mr Larson, "Sir, I thought you might need something to wet your throat so I brought you all some juice."
Brent was angry about her interruption but he saw her intention was good, "Miss John, kindly rest the tray down and leave, and thank you."
Florence felt bad for her but knew she had a crush on her son and could not allow her to break her plan. She decided not to interfere especially when Brent reprimanded the workers and this foolish girl would know her place and not get involved
The three Larsons heard her say, "Yes Sir." as she bent her head and left the board room.
Lyster was so angry with herself for wanting to prove a point to the others, that now it flopped and fell flat on her face.
"Oh God, this is so embarrassing, if only I knew Mr Larson would be so angry when I entered, I never would have disturbed them.
All my effort to prove my point has blown up in my face. I must thank God Boss wouldn't reveal what happened."
Saturday morning bright and early Brent reached the office, he noticed the accountant already waiting with the payroll to sit with him in his office.
As each worker enters The Accountant asks, "if they are leaving or were there to collect their salary.
Many came to confirm their return to work and collect their salary, while many others said they were not and were given their salary and asked to return two weeks later for their severance pay and their names were scratched off the payroll in red
It was a very tiring day, Roland and Jason stood at the door as each worker entered his office keeping an eye on Brent. They observed how he gave them the time to make their claim.
Half three there were still many of the workers waiting, Roland and Jason asked them to take a number that was passed by one of the secretaries and return on Monday in the same order.
Brent stood up when Roland informed him that the reception area was empty and only the security was still there waiting for his next order.
Looking around as he steps out of the office it is only the six security guards, Jodhan, Miss John, Roland, Jason and himself, everyone else has left.
When Miss John came to him with a steaming cup of coffee, Brent gladly took it and took a sip. Spitting out the contents he asked, "What is this?" he rested the cup down suddenly spilling it on the desk.
Brent walks to the floor-to-ceiling French window and looks at the busy street. Missing the coffee Jessy makes him. If she was here she would have surely made sure my breakfast and lunch would be waiting on my desk.
Hearing his stomach grumble, he instructed Jodhan the accountant to call and order a meal for everyone.
With that said Brent walked into the staff room and made himself a fresh cup of coffee and returned to his office, instructing Jason to ensure that everyone gets a meal and they can either eat it here or take it away.
Brent was in no mood to eat take-out, Brent was drained and exhausted to the bone.
When the meal arrived Miss John knocked at his door and then entered, Sir, would you like me to get you something to eat or drink?"
"No thanks Miss John, I am tired and need to lie down and get a good rest."