Brent hears the woman call out to him, by the time he takes the call and responds to Johnny, "Mr. Larson the Mistress said you can come."

Raising his hand in acknowledgement that he heard her, he then told Johnny, "Mr Johnny give me an hour and come to my office, I have an important matter to deal with." 

With that, he switched off his phone for no disturbance and hurried behind the woman 

What amazed him was that the woman continued to speak, "Sorry Sir, I know it must have been a trying day for you, but I want you to know my Son supports your decision,"

Brent didn't entertain her for a second as he entered the hallway. All that was in his mind was seeing Jessy. 

Looking around Brent was shocked when he saw the many rooms, it was not large but looked comfortable. 

Counting about twelve rooms alongside each other. Brent thought about how Jessy was crying for the homeless woman and her children. Could it be it was here she came and saw how they were attending to the needy people, and she got the burden of housing the homeless?

But then it clicks to him, "How is that possible, she had only visited her cousin for the wedding so how could she know about this place?"

Brent waited for about eight minutes then a door opened and a nurse held the door open for me to enter.

Feasting my eyes upon her for a few minutes as the nurse spoke, not answering her Brent went near Jessy, "You had me so worried."

Looking at him, Jessy's heart beats so loudly. His smile was breathtaking and he looked even more handsome than before. Unable to move her eyes away, she feasted her eyes on him to fill her satisfaction when she recalled what had transpired about five weeks ago. "Good day, Boss."

Smilingly I respond,  as I continue to stroke her hand, "Good day to you Jessy, and how are you feeling now?"

Jessy thought of what the Pastor and his wife told her, 'That it was her Boss who took her to the doctor and bought all her medication. He had even brought her clothes when he dropped her at their home.

  Forgiving him, she smiled happily. Brent saw the glow of that happy and caring face that had captured his heart a few months ago. Jessy couldn't help but say in a joking sort of way, "I am much better Boss and thank you for all your help."

  Brent felt a special joy at that moment forgetting all his troubles, "I am glad to hear that, I hope you know the others at the office send their regards and they miss you, I just dock out of the office for a snack, so I came by."

"Thanks for your visit Boss, I should be back to work on Monday, I heard what has been happening, how was the case?"

Seeing the woman in the room, Brent held back and said, "As well as can be expected, when you return to work we will discuss it." Brent placed his call card in her hand "When you are ready to return to your apartment, call me."

Jessy shakes her head rejecting the calling card, "Boss, I know the office number, you don't have to worry, I will call you?"

  Holding her hand in his feeling the warm surge of fire that travels straight to his heart. "I know Miss Albert but it has my mobile number, so you can call anytime."

Afraid she would reject the card a second time, Brent said politely,  "Bye for now and take good care of yourself."

Jessy didn't expect him to leave so suddenly, calling out to him just to get a glimpse of his face once more before he left her,  "Boss!"

Turning around, Brent sees her watery eyes. Having to restrain himself from going to her, he, answers, "Yes, Jessy."

All that could spur from her mouth was, "I miss the office."

Brent's heart gives a summersault, he knew she wanted to say she missed him but she is a very clever girl,  "I know exactly how you feel, and we all miss you."

Seeing her eyes twinkle and the smile lit up her face, Brent could not help but say, "Keep that smile."

"I will Boss, and tell them at the office I say hello!"

With all eyes on him, he said, "I will."