Brent turns his back towards his mom, ready to leave the living room, "Sorry Mom I cannot, I had a very trying day and tomorrow is my court matter, and I need to have a clear head."

"Junior, why are you going to court?" His Mom asks.

Brent Junior stood right where he was, but he didn't turn around, "Let me put it this way Mom, the workers started to sound like you, nothing I do seems to please them, so I shut down the factory, and now they put me in court."

  Florence felt guilty just for a moment because of the way she behaved. but she could not give in that easily. "Are you saying I should put you in court Junior?"

Brent Junior was still not looking at her when he spoke, he was even more aggrieved but he didn't vent his anger.

As he said, "You could go right ahead Mom, but just as the workers feel they will get a pay raise or some compensation, or whatever they are fighting for, you could try also, but they will end up with nothing and so will you."

Florence watched how angry he was as he walked up to his room 

She immediately turned to her husband who was sitting comfortably and said, "Brent, I thought you said he is your son?"

Hearing Brent laugh out loud, "Yes, he is, so what is wrong with him? Did he say or do something I wouldn't do in the same situation?" 

Looking at her husband in shock, "Are you aware of this court matter?" 

Brent Senior stood up,  "Yes I am and if you weren't griping so much and just picked up the newspapers you would have known and stopped your childish behavior already. You say you love your son but what do you do?" 

With that said, they bid good night to her parents and followed suit going to their room, Florence felt her heart hurt, 'Are the both of them right, but that young lady is so insolent. Rosanna was supposed to be the one to suggest all that about the homeless home. I had coached her but the young lady spoke up first and that foolish Rosanna just stood there like a statue.'

Half an hour later Florence apologized to Brent and said, "Sorry love, for being so headstrong and for. my shortcoming, but your son is moving around in his room like a caged animal."

At that moment Brent Senior heard something crash in Junior's room, Florence was right, but he must be venting out his rage knowing he doesn't backchat his mom. Wanting to console her heart he said, "Maybe it is because of the case tomorrow that's on his mind." 

"Brent it must be something more, I have never seen or heard him this angry before?"

"But my dear, if it is not the court matter then it is the homeless home but you have been complaining unnecessarily which is beginning to frustrate us, this is his dream, not ours, so don't get carried away, he asked for our help not for us to control."

"Then why is it sounding more like the young lady's dream than his?"

"Now honey you are beginning to change the course of discussion, and I am not going to argue with you, but what I want to know is what has she done for you to dislike her so much? Is what she said wrong? Isn't what she said quite suitable for the project in mind? Or are you so obsessed with controlling him that you are ready to snatch his joy?"

"Brent, what are you saying, he is my only son, you know I will give my life for him, and, for your information, I don't dislike the young lady, I am just curious to know exactly who gave her the right to intervene in front of the committee. She was just here to serve, so why did she." 

Florence was going to say, 'Mess up her plan." Instead, she said, "Why did it seem she knows more about this project than Junior, so excuse me if I am trying to fix the puzzle."

"Well, be careful my love while you are trying to fix the puzzle, you lost the most important piece?"

Anger still boils from deep within being dissatisfied with the young lady's intervention and Brent's remark, "Don't be ridiculed, Brent?" 

Brent recognized his wife's discomfort and knew she was still seething with rage.

Wanting to soften her heart towards the child, "I am not, I am just stating a fact, he is my Son and whatever his choice is, I will support him."