Joey felt relieved, he gave Sam and Frank an ice cream, and then Joey said, "I should be going too, I have an assignment to complete for chemistry next week."

Frank look at the two as they hurried along and he grumbled, "Those fools always studying about school work what a waste of good time."

As Sam walks alongside Joey he sighed and looks at Joey, unaware of what Joey was thinking, Sam said only for Joey's ears, "Joey, with Mom not being well I will be going to stay with my grandmom. And Joey I know Frank is our friend but if you continue to lime with him, you might get in trouble. I don't know about you but I was scared when Frank wanted to hurt that pretty young girl."

Joey smile, still afraid to speak out loud knowing that it was not him alone that was scared. "Sam, I will be having my exam soon and won't have any spare time in the upcoming weeks, so don't worry."

Seeing he had reached the entrance to his home, "Now you take care and I hope your mom feels better soon."

With that Joey walk in through the gate and wave to Sam feeling it's time to get serious and stop behaving rebelliously because Mom might just send him to his good-for-nothing father and he might just end up like Frank on the streets.'

Sam continue walking, whispering to himself, "Lord, thank You for saving me this evening, I was afraid to say no to Frank but this evening I had seen a dark path that Frank was heading. Lord, I don't want to follow that path, I need to walk in the path of righteousness. And thanks for the phone call, it was a get-out-of-jail-free card, just the thought of being in jail scare me to death."

Thinking of Jenny his younger sister who was just sixteen, Sam feared for her safety wanting to protect her from perverts like Frank.


Before entering through the door, Jessy looked around ensuring no one had followed her. Seeing it was safe she enters and closed the door behind her. Locking it, and then went to the kitchen with the bags.

Immediately Jessy observes the money on the kitchen counter when she rests the few bags down. 'Sir was here but I am glad he has left, I have a tendency to lose control and I only want to be friends with him. I really don't want a repeat episode. of what happened between Mark and me.'